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Everything posted by Einherjar

  1. Again, a poor career choice if somewhere down the road he wanted to do something positive with that love for either series before. Not everyone can play devil's advocate with a concept, no matter what position you've been given. At best, he's now a scapegoat for what's wrong with the franchise and replaceable.
  2. Ginrai does make a point; it's mostly the mecha/anime franchises that were introduced in the 80's and such that stick in the minds of the generation that watched it and are grown up now. Those are the ones that have a good chance of getting exposure in a revival or big budget movie, in/from the U.S. at least. Newcomers for the most part create a niche, like I guess when Gundam arrived.
  3. I heard there's more content on Home depending on which region you're playing in. The Asian version sounds like it has the most. Plus, you have to pay for the good stuff, like that Sodium game they released. They should have done more for the Christmas season. All we got was 12 days of ornaments for your personal space if you wore specific types of clothing at a Christmas Tree each day. Some of the clothing wasn't available anymore and others required you to buy them through microtransactions before you got the prize.
  4. A couple of comic books and Shadow Chronicles under his belt, doing contractually obligated speeches about the show every year and retcons that caused huge collateral damage to his own franchise has that much influence? At most I think he made HG money, but change people's opinion of Macross, definitely no. 2008/09 were very bad years for him. If he is a Macross fan and ever wanted to meet someone like Shōji Kawamori face to face in the past, he probably never will without leaving HG and paying him a lot of money to do so.
  5. Tommy's in a bad position to try to make compromises in both camps like that. He's a Macross fan who still takes the job to helm a franchise that always succeeds at the expense of another franchise he really likes? Sounds like he's just pandering to fans to improve his company's business, or he really had no idea what he was getting himself into when he was first offered the job. For example, did he know that, due to the nature of the business, what he was going to be working on would openly compete against the talent of those he admired? He puts himself in the position to be justly scrutinized, especially when nothing seems to be happening with the bold new direction of Robotech he's started. But you're right, he has bills to pay and at least he's getting paid for it. And he can't be credited for the LAM.
  6. Someone should just e-mail Tommy Yune about it. He's the one responsible for all of it now, maybe he'll put a write up about it just like the SDF-2 situation. He should be able to get pulled away from his hard work on Shadow Rising to address something like that. Whoops, I forgot about seeing it with a comic book mentality; you can't reveal all the enduring questions about a story all at once. You got to drag it along as far as possible to get people wanting more. Also, things can get retconned by whoever is running the show every few years. This explains the SDF-2 response, there is never going to be an official response that will stick. Forget canon explanations when they can be changed at will.
  7. Best to think of him as Carl Macek ramming his version of the show down your throat because he thought the audience were idiots back then. And he plays favorites in the love triangle really early on too, so forget subtlety in any of it.
  8. * Most disappointing comeback - Sonic the Hedgehog, multiple offender with recent offerings
  9. Also, Alex Romero was not a space racist.
  10. Is that a challenge to find anyone in the franchise who isn't a legacy character, aka cast inbred for greatness?
  11. The Stalker, Jenner, and Dervish look decent, the rest I wouldn't be caught dead piloting. I'm still conflicted about the cockpits usually being in the head rather the chest area.
  12. Those people and Carl Macek wouldn't be around today if not for those crazy Japanese creators. They must really like the stuff he made on his own once it went further with the material than was out there. Space Amazons with chariots, scary robot torsos. And I have no idea who Seto is talking about in those Wildstorm comics. T R Edwards? You mean the cameo made by Guile from Street Fighter, right?
  13. Then I guess it's all about deception from a cynical point of view. Shame on Tommy for playing along, even though it's part of his responsibilities now. He could have said nothing since there are explanations already out there.
  14. Tommy tried to explain it in the link I posted, but does an explanation, or in this case a food for thought comment from an official to a never ending debate, really help at all? I'm hoping that in all the other examples you mentioned, no one official ever came out and try to justify what they did, and Tommy had a poor sense of judgment by actually acknowledging it in the show he now runs.
  15. I learned the hard way about the mechs in Battletech. I get a free pdf intro to the universe and get underwhelmed with some of the standard non-Clan designs. It bummed me out that not all of them are like the Mad Cat.
  16. Zor is the catalyst and center of the Robotech universe, but Rick Hunter is the guy people want Robotech to really be about. Hell, most of the time they want to be Rick Hunter. Yeah, the official answer HG gives people who still don't really get it shouldn't convince anyone that they had plans these days. http://www.robotech.com/infopedia/faq/viewquestion.php?id=56 Thank Tommy Yune for not solving anything. Even the Cylons had a Plan.
  17. It turned out to be a very bad idea to make the male lead of the first show the most important aspect of the show beyond what the character was really supposed to be. He's bigger than (maybe) the transforming fighter planes all three shows have in common, the girl who ended a war with her songs, the strange plant the whole universe relies on to do anything, the ship with the name that started an entire franchise, Zor, etc. Yeah, that's the problem you'll run into when people can't create their own crap. Eventually, they're stuck over extending the life of the character through novels and comic books that can be retconned at will.
  18. It's been pretty obvious to me; they're waiting for a satisfying conclusion to Rick Hunter's story. The novels weren't good enough and they want to see an ending in animated form. They had no closure in 25 years thanks to misfortune and meddling by the those in charge.
  19. Robotech is better only because it was the first version people we're introduced to, and at a very young age to make that version stick, and it's in English. Double standards or ethnocentrism maybe; HG's version doesn't feel as foreign or wierd just because it's in English and stripped of it's soul. Those Japanese are so crazy with their cartoons that having it manhandled by Americans is totally acceptable, at least for Robotech and a select few IN THE YEAR 2009/2010! Language barriers and culture shock are still significant these days.
  20. Hmm: Makes sense.
  21. Eh, here you go. It's probably on macrossshare.com is anyone's interested. http://www.colonydrop.com/index.php/2009/1...ch-art-1?blog=1 Steve Harrison commented on it too.
  22. Who's Steve Harrison?
  23. WB would probably think M7 is retarded just like what HG and Robotech fans have thought without giving it a second chance. And you think they would go through the fees for just the music to bring it here? For the LAM, they could do whatever they can to improve its quality through SDFM and DYRL material. After that, they'll abandon the rest to keep the Robotech saga going.
  24. The irony of it all is that they're probably the trendsetters for the modern anime distribution industry, who all started butchering anime. But HG never stopped with Robotech, and for the most part has paid the price for it.
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