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Everything posted by OptionZero

  1. Ugh. Bit the bullet on this. And pre-ordered armor parts with nanoplasm. Kill me now.
  2. Placed an order at 1shop2go this weekend and just now a yesasia. Not optimistic either will actually come through.
  3. I guess I'll wait for a re-issue instead of paying inflated prices. Sadly, I have already paid for a Superpack. . . might be selling my spot in the groupbuy
  4. Update from HLJ re: broken hip swing bar: They cannot get replacements from Bandai (no longer supplying them, apparently?), but will accept my entire figure in a return and refund + shipping costs. Very frustrating, as i'd rather have a working figure, and it'll be hard for me to now find a replacement. HLJ is out of stock as well for the VF-25F
  5. Fired off an email to trouble@hlj.com, thanks
  6. Sorry for the delay. Here are pix of the damage I am not sure if this is what caused it, but I did not detach that armor skirt that's attached to the leg by a balljointed arm from the fuselage prior to attempting to flip out the legs (Battroid to Gerwalk). That might have blocked the normal movement and put stress on the broken hinge. I emailed parts@hlj.com on Thurs night and have not received a respond. Is there a different email address?
  7. Hey guys, I recently purchased a VF-25F Renewal. While going from Fighter to Gerwalk, one of the two hip swing bars (metal, connects to the balljoint that goes into the leg) completely snapped in half. The leg is now detached from the figure. It appears as though I can unscrew the hip assembly and replace it. I purchased through HLJ and emailed them a moment ago, but realistically does Bandai supply replacement parts, and can HLJ help me get them? I believe the problem is that I did not unlock the legs by flipping open the small armor skirt that locks them into the main fuselage.
  8. I would pay decent money just for that display setup
  9. Pics of my BT/Alt collection: one each of SS and SS loose, one each MISB, and one opened but boxed Alt Smokey...cna't find alt 'swipe yet.
  10. Because nobody seems to either 1) read the first few pages of the thread or 2) bother searching on google or ANY major transformers site... i'll review: Hasbro/Takara is producing a new line of Transformers dedicated for the older, hardcore fan. Smokescreen, as you see here, is the first in this line. He is a Subaru Impreza WRX Rally car. In America, this line will be called Transformers Alternators. Each toy will be about $20, and be made of plastic. Alternators Smokescreen is due in stores around December in the United States/North America In Japan, this line will be called Transformers BinalTech. The mold is the same, but the toys will be made of DIE CAST METAL. They retail for about $40 in Japan, and after shiping to america, about $60-70 depending how hard you look. He has already been released in Asia, and has just hit U.S. Importers. The first shipment is pretty much all sold out, but if you hit ebay, you can still get one, but be prepared to pay upwards of $80 shipped. The second character in the line will be Sideswipe, a red Dodge Viper. Pictures of him can be found on ebay (search for "Sideswipe prototype"), OR by going to www.hlj.com and checking their Transformers section. BinalTech sideswipe will be out in December. Alternators Sideswipe will come out late first quarter of '04 probably. We have yet to know who the 3rd toy in the line will be yet, but i'm sure when Sideswipe is abou t to hit Japan we'll catch wind of something. Hasbro has yet to release a story for Alternators in america, and may not even create one. There likely won't be a TV show, but there may be a comic. Who knows. Takara, however, has included a brief background for BinalTech. I paraphrase: Years after G1 story ended, the decepticons discover the power of Cosmic Rust (disease shown in transformers comic/cartoon). They harness its power as a weapon and severely weaken most of the Autobots. By now, the Autobots have formed a working relationship with humans on earth, and with the advent of this Decepticon attack, require their help. With the help of Teletran-1, the autobot's mainframe computer, the humans are able to design new bodies for the Autobots to transfrer their consciousness' into. Smokescreen, here is the first, in a collaboration with Fuji heavy industries (Subaru parent com pany). Someone correct me if i'm wrong, i'm going on memory. For further updates, please stay tuned to www.transfandom.com
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