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Everything posted by Caufield

  1. As do I! I really enjoyed Area 88. Watched it years ago, a friend passed me some bootleg tapes full of anime. This one stuck. Now i'd love to have it on DVD. I really enjoy anime based on air combat/ground combat using aircraft. ( area 88, Macross ) Do you guys watch any others which use this theme?
  2. thanks JsARCLIGHT, man alive, that was quick! do you happen to own a copy of it? Bootleg one. Just curious as to the quality. I'll end up ordering it anyways since I HAVE to have it.. I did buy the R1 release of it, but it's only the 1st part.
  3. hey guys, would anyone know where I can buy said anime? i want to buy the whole thing on DVD, now correct me if i'm wrong: it consists of 4 episodes plus movie? is this right ? i've seen some sold on ebay, i would prefer not to buy through ebay. Perhaps one of you might know of an online store which might sell it. thanks!
  4. Caufield

    Hello all....

    thanks a lot guys for the warm welcome. I guess addicts do understand each other well. as for money.. hey, who really needs two kidneys? off to ebay I go...
  5. Caufield

    Hello all....

    one too many beers already I can not resist it's charm.... I've been getting my Valks from Toy2 ( toy square ) shop in Markham. It's in a mall called 1st Markham place, Highway 404 and 7, just east of Woodbine. I've checked Pacific Mall, also in Marham, they wanted 300 dollars for a 1/48 Max. that's insane! My girlfriend calls my Valks, DOLLS! I know she's trying to get my goat. Though I don't show it.... Revenge shall be mine
  6. Caufield

    Hello all....

    It's great to be finally aboard. Thanks for the welcome Apart from my finances which I will need to watch, i'm starting to hear grumblings from the girlfriend. HEY! she collects shoes, i collect Valks. reasonnable, no? Kanata67: I've yet to order any Valks online, though I wonder if any other Canadians here have? I'm afraid the shipping costs and duties ( do these apply? or are they labeled as gifts?) I did order the DYRL dvd from Valk-Exchange, it cost me about 20 bones. (CND) Can't wait for the work day to end, i've got some insanely cold Steam Whistle beer waiting for me at home. ah, beer, the nectar of the Gods.
  7. Caufield

    Hello all....

    Though I just registered, I've lurked for quite some time. What made me decide to post? I'm addicted to buying Valkyries. Prior to buying Yamato's, I only had 2 MPC's valks. There is simply no comparison between these two. Here in Toronto, I've had a hard time finding Yamato's at a fair price. Though now that I have found them... I just picked up my 2nd Low-Vis. Within the last month, i've bought 2 1/60's ( Vf-1D and the VE-1) plus my 2 1/48's Low-Vis. Argh.. since i've quenched my addiction for the moment i shall sit patiently and await the next 1/48 release. Though I might have to order the VT-1 soon.. I'm so happy with Yamato's Valks, I did not know what to expect prior to getting them. They're just awesome. sorry for the rant.. I had to express my joy somehow!
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