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Everything posted by Caufield

  1. nice fluffy pillows...
  2. Caufield

    Age Check! :)

    wow, some of you guys are REALLY old i'm 31, and yes i've decided to stay at that age. No more birthdays for me. so far, my humble collection consists of the following 1/48's = 2 ( both Low_vis) 1/48 FP = 1 1/60's = 3 ( 1D, 1E, 1T) Now, this month i'm getting 2 1/48's, 1J super and the 1S re-issue Roy. my poor wallet... edit: spelling
  3. Even though i've bought all of the 3 complete box sets of the Robotech series, I'm picking up the new remastered/cleaned up ones. I'm looking forward to these. I think i spend more money in a week on booze then these will cost me
  4. I second that! love those movies..
  5. how about the ability to eject?
  6. sweet! very cool. thanks for sharing
  7. Caufield

    Hikaru 1S Review

    launch hook? or do you mean the arrestor hook? I think he's talking about the hook on the nose gear for catapult launch (I don't have mine yet, so I don't know the answer to the question). If it's that then it is there yep, that's what i meant. In the review pics posted in this thread, i did not see any. thanks for the answer guys.
  8. Caufield

    Hikaru 1S Review

    so guys, does this valk have the launch hook?
  9. Caufield

    Hikaru 1S Review

    looks very sweet. one question though, what happened to the "launch hook" on the front gear? both my low-vis have one. ?
  10. Amen to that. Preach on Brother Blaine23!
  11. I am destined to live in all ages of this world, exempt from oblivion! muahahahaah... I laugh at all of you! weak mortals. ahem.. i'm 31. Give me more Valks!
  12. that's what she said... ouch!
  13. Well said! Yamato is not forcing me to buy any of their products. What I pay for them (even here in Canada) is what I consider a fair price. I seriously doubt Yamato prices their product according to MW members. Does every member of this board post how much they are willing to pay? Not only that, we represent but a small segment of their market. No matter, give me more Valks!
  14. Caufield

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I just hope they produce enough of them! their always seems to be a shortage upon release. Man alive, i want one ..
  15. Caufield

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    indeed, it must
  16. sweet! I love area88.
  17. man it does look very sweet... but...but.... it's missing something. I just can't put my finger on it. oh i know, what!?! no LED light in the visor.
  18. I will! I missed out on the first run. It's already pre-ordered along with the VF-1J w/ fastpacks! oh and to tie me over, got me a VT-1 this week! you know guys, i've got no complaints with both the VE-1 and the VT-1, they're awesome. I'm glad such quality toys are avaible to us.
  19. I'm in. I hope it does get produced in enough quantity so that everyone who wants one can buy one. Can't wait..
  20. Caufield

    Your Valks

    thanks guys. to both Sithlord and VF-1Guy, what size stands are those? My Elint is still sitting it's in box, I think to do this Valk justice a stand is a must. Now i just have to decide what size stand i need...
  21. Caufield

    Your Valks

    does anyone have a pic of a 1/60 Elint on one of the stands? please post it
  22. For the longest time I lurked. Now i've decided to be part of it.. Hence, here i am.
  23. It's funny, I used to be a PC only gamer. I mean my PC is still upkept with the latest and greates gear, but since I've bought both an X-Box and PS2, I very rarely play games on my pc anymore... as for anime based, mech related games, i would say PS2 has more offerings then either the xbox or cube. Though now that the cube has come down in price, i think i will pick it up. as for modding my PS2, does anyone know where in Toronto i can get it done? I just want to pay someone to do it, i'm too much of a dumb-ass to attempt it myself..
  24. I started out also with 1 of each only, not that I have that many Valks... But when I saw the Low-Vis, i HAD to get more then 1. it's just so beautiful..
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