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Getsuga Tenshou

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Everything posted by Getsuga Tenshou

  1. One hell of an ugly prototype. Even the fighter mode is not appealing. At least for me its not.
  2. From their previous price of around Y12,000, it now costs Y15,480. With those reports of looseness and paint chipping, Ill pass on this one entirely. I hope the v2 VF-25s will address this issue especially the loosening problem.
  3. Amiami is still taking pre-orders. Usually, pre orders would have been full by now. This would mean there's still lots of skeptical potential buyers out there(including me).
  4. The VF-11B is only at 20% off. Still too expensive. I don't want to get the 11C cos I already have too many white valks.
  5. I've ordered some stuff from HLJ last week. Sent payment to them on Thurday, April 21 but still no shipping notice. I've sent them email this morning asking for my order status but no reply. Is this normal for HLJ? I know they sometimes take long to ship out items, but they replied pretty fast to my inquiries on previous occassions.
  6. Depends on price. If they price it like the latest Fire Valkyrie, ill pass.
  7. If the sales for this are poor, HLJ will include it in their next Yamato or Macross Sale. Opportunist bastard here.
  8. I have ordered Master Grade Gundam kits from them before. Their service and processes for payments and shipping notifications are more or less the same as amiami. In short, recommended.
  9. What a pity. I really would have loved to get the VF-25 and VF-27 but with all these bad reports ....
  10. Currently watching Mac 7 episode 31 while simultaneously clicking CTRL+R in my browser for the Mac F 2nd movie spoilers. Its not as bad as most of you guys are saying it to be. I was actually entertained after the first 3 or 4 episodes. Totally digging the songs especially the acoustic version of Totsugeki RABU HA-TO LET'S GO tsukinukeyou ze yume de mita yoake e mada mada tooi kedo MAYBE dou ni ka naru no sa ai ga areba itsu datte Anyone knows where I can download the Acoustic version of the OST? THanks
  11. Can you summarize the Japanese spoiler and insert it in spoiler tags please :-) Edit: I mean translate
  12. I guess you joined Macrossworld just to get the spoilers for the 2nd movie right?
  13. kresphy actually posted a spoiler in Japanese. Had to do excite translate on it :-) But it was a poor translation and some parts were not all too clear. Can someone post it in better English?
  14. I third the motion :-). Please Tochiro. We wanna know the love triangle ending and who made a 3 sec cameo. Was it Shin from M zero?
  15. Kabayan!!! Haha. It's really sad that government corruption and incompetence is getting in the way of our hobby. If you order online often, you might as well befriend the people from your post office or customs. That's what we did. We give them snacks everytime we claim our stuff. It made our life easier.
  16. How about making a movie of the VF-X games starring Aegis Focker?
  17. By any chance, are you from the Philippines? If you are, I suggest you check out at you local post office and inquire if there's a shipment addressed to you. Im from Cebu, Philippines and from my experience, the local post office do not deliver the shipments to us. They instead deliver us "Claim Slips", a piece of paper that tells us that we should go the the local post office and claim the shipments ourselves. And the big problem here is that the delivery guys who are supposed to give us the claim slips are real sloppy. Sometimes it can take over a month for them to deliver the claim slips when in fact, the shipment itself has already arrived a month or so earlier. So taking this crappy government service into consideration, I always use EMS shipping for my big orders as I can keep track of their shipping status online. Once it says "Retention" Status in the EMS site, I know the shipment is already in my post office. I just get my online tracking number and claim my package at the post office without waiting for the darned "Claim Slip" from them. Regarding HLJ however, I rate them 2nd to amiami in terms of customer service, ease of online purchasing and shipping issues. So far, I have had no issues with HLJ.
  18. HLJ already has stocks of the Yamato Display Stands(Launch Arm) now. Bought 2 of them and now waiting for shipping cost. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00033 Was seriously thinking of getting the flighpose but got chickened out of it because of the reports of paint chipping. Off Topic: ae_productions, nice collection you got there. I wish I had more moolah so I can buy more valks. As of now, I can only buy them when HLJ or Amiami has them on 50% discounts ahaha.
  19. Has anyone been having major problems with their VF-27s? So far, the only major complaints Ive read are for the 25. Bandai is re releasing the VF-27 late February and Id like to get one if there are no major issues for this mold. Thanks. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=TOY-RBT-1004&template=default/product/e_display.html
  20. I have the M7 series and OVAs/Movies since around 3 years ago. But because of the bad feedbacks by the Macross community, I haven't started watching any of it yet. Guess the time is now hehe. Sheryl is ahead of Ranka by a wide margin in the poll. But many people voted for the I don't care opion. Sigh ... I guess most of those who voted for the I don't care option are those who are too tired of discussing the topic already. Again, sorry for that.
  21. Count me in among those not liking the current color scheme. I like the black theme or the YF-19 theme better.
  22. If they're going to create a new story/continuity for the movie, which will we take as canon? Personally, I think the death of Michel added some emotional depth to the series and is part of what made the series unforgettable. I would prefer if the same thing will happen in the movie, no offense bro
  23. Well her last name is "Lee" so I guess that makes her Chinese Yeah really sorry bout that. I guess I wasn't active during the time this debate was still in the hot seat. I would have loved to take part in that. Off topic for a moment here, but I like the way they kept referencing the older macross series. One episode was even dedicated to the legend of macross zero. It gives the newer fans who doesn't know anything about the previous macross generation some history which in turn will make the newer fans interested in watching the older macross series.
  24. Hey guys. I've just finished watching the Frontier series for the first time. And I apologize if this topic has already been discussed before. I just want to get your opinions because the people in this forum seem to be smarter than the average fans(fanatic?) in other anime sites. I would really appreciate it if you would state your reasons for choosing one over the other or if you dont care haha. Ill start with mine, and I think Alto ends up with Sheryl for the following reasons: 1. Ranka has so many similarities with MynMei from the original Macross. She's Chinese, works in a Chinese Restaurant, and she becomes a singing sensation starting from scratch. Sheryl also has similarities to Misa in a sense that she is stubborn, and her relationship with the main character starts out rough, but during the course of the series, she mellows down and falls in love with Alto. Well, we all know who Hikaru ended up in SDF macross right? :-) 2. In Episode 24 before the final battle with the Vajra, Alto goes to Sheryl's room and he says that he's coming back after the battle because he finally realized that living alone is not how humans should live or something of that sort(need to rewatch again this part). I think he was also going to say that he loves Sheryl but was stopped by Sheryl herself before he could. 3. Alto's time with Sheryl is more intimate compared to Ranka's. The Star Date episode, their Dinner Date. Basically, they seem to connect more with each other. 4. I like Sheryl better than Ranka. I guess reason #4 kinda invalidates the rest because it shows my bias hahaha. What about you guys?
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