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VF Strike Valk

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Everything posted by VF Strike Valk

  1. Collapsible necks? Dam...that'd be pretty cool. It would be nice to see some re engineering of the old school valks.
  2. Are these the same one that were released a few years back?
  3. I'm down for one...even with moderate articulation. I'd be happy with something a bit more modern.
  4. Its not that complicated. Its on the passenger side block. I can be done in under two hours guaranteed. edit: can't spell
  5. Theres an OBD 2 port on the underside of the dash. You can take it to your local Autozone and have it scanned for P codes, or have it scanned by someone with a Vag Com...or have it scanned by the dealer with a 1552...but I'm sure your joking.
  6. Take the car in and have it scanned. If the coolant light is on, the ECU should have some error codes stored in it. A 2.0 Beetle waterpump is around 60 dollars. It does not take 700 dollars worth of labor to replace. If the car is leaking coolant, check the reservoir...the coolant could be low and would trigger the light. Check www.vwvortex.com
  7. Thanks for the kind words! The car was run on Neuspeed's Clayton dyno. It made 272 to the engine (Neuspeed calculates engine power). I recently installed a pair of Schrick 264/260 cams. The car has been problematic (mostly small ectectrical stuff)...but I've working through them one by one. I knew what I was getting into when I got the car. Since the car has been out of production for 12 years now...parts are being discontinued and are getting super expensive. I bought a pair of French spec headlights about 1.5 years ago for 500 shipped from Germany...now its 700. The spoiler has yet to fail on me.
  8. Lol...why not...my Corrado. Engine
  9. I got my Swerve at Target for 20 bucks. Lol...should have got one more.
  10. When are the reissue reissues coming out...or are they already out?
  11. Ultimate MISB G1's! http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Ultimate-Boxed-G1-...1QQcmdZViewItem Will it blend? http://www.willitblend.com/videos.aspx?typ...eo=transformers
  12. I only remember the rhino.
  13. The VF-1X shirts were awesome.
  14. Hmm...I have Guyvers II and III and I've never had an issue with the shoulders. I've handled them quite a bit too. Its not Guyver I...but I'm sure its put together the same way.
  15. Whats the value of a 1/60 these days? I have a couple that I want to get rid of. Actually want to trade for MPC Alphas.
  16. Someone posted a Youtube link on it a few months back. It was a 30 minute show where a pro modeler would take a kit and assemble it. Thx
  17. Quick queston... Why is Swerve selling for 150+ on Ebay? I got mine at a local Target for 20 bucks a while back.
  18. Oh man Mazinkaizer and Getter 3 look awesome! I'll finally have all three Getters. I hope they do more of the Super Robot stuff.
  19. Wow...looks nice! The hinges on the wing makes it look like a toy. The canopy looks bubbly though.
  20. Get the 1/48. If I had to choose between the MPC and the 1/60...I'd probably take the MPC. *runs and hides under table* I hate the legs on the 1/60. I can't count how many times they've tipped over or busted the gangster lean on me. The only solid mode is the fighter. Viva la Chunky Monkey!!!
  21. The arm out of the cab part was awesome!!
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