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  1. I didn't mean to kill the thread, lol ...
  2. Hey guys, new Yukikaze fan here. So, I'm trying to decide what merch I want/need. As far as artbooks, I've found: FAF Technical Orders (comes with the japanese blu-rays, proabably too expensive) This "Manual":http://www.yesasia.com/us/1003729291-0-0-0-en/info.html (looks like it's for the novel and not the OVA maybe?) Blue and Purple (somewhat unofficial, not sold in stores) FAF at War book (comes with a DVD) and I think I heard something about an emotion or emotion20 book? (probably nothing, just related to the emotion anime line ...) Did I miss any? Finally, anybody know where I can score a Yellow Submarine 1/144 Flying Ramjet Mave? Far as I can tell, they're impossible to find.
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