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Everything posted by choiboy77

  1. LOL I actually just bought the same display cases only with a lighter maple color for the base here in Montreal....Just started slowly unpacking my stuff, hopefully I'll have some pictures to show you guys
  2. How did Allpower displays ship and deliver to you? I just contacted them and they said they may not be able to deliver it to my home address because the delivery truck can't go into living quarters...I'm assuming he meant residential area...
  3. Yep! So a month or so before going to Japan I contacted Scott Hards (owner) of HLJ about visiting and they said they would be delighted to have me visit the warehouse. After arriving in Japan I contacted them again to let them know which specific day I would make the trip to see them and Scott was really helpful about showing me which bus to take to get to Sano, the town that the HLJ warehouse is located. Here's a link to my HLJ pics during my visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/mchoi/sets/72157629876335796/ When I arrived to Sano, Scott was nice enough to pick me up from the Bus terminal and when we arrived to the HLJ warehouse he gave me a nice tour of the facilities. We first visited the main office/cubical area where everyone worked, you may recognize a few heads in my pics. Afterwards Scott showed me his office where we talked about the earthquake from the year before and about the growth of HLJ and toys. He also showed me what was at the time the new HLJ website that they were designing. I like to tell people that I was one of the first people not working for HLJ to see the new website a few months before they released it After the scoop on the new website he gave me a tour of the main warehouse area where they stock all of there inventory and gave me a nice detailed explanation of how things run at HLJ from where items are placed and the process that they go through when someone places an order to packing and shipping it (that was very cool and interesting to learn). We spent quite a bit of time in the main storage area. After that he showed me more of the warehouse, I got to meet Brian from Boss Builds, Syd (fellow Canadian) and Ryan from Gunpla TV and I even met Jim who is in charge of maintaining the HLJ website and servers. I even got to see his office and where the servers were and how he was trying to protect them from falling during the earthquake! Got a chance to see where they film their videos for HobbyLink tv and even got a picture taken with Syd and Scott. Afterwards Scott was super nice and took me out to lunch at a nearby ramen restaurant which was really good. After lunch we went back to HLJ where I made a few purchases before Scott drove me back to the bus terminal to take the bus back to Tokyo.
  4. Thanks! The command car in the pics is the 1/24 scale plastic model kit. I had to paint and put the car together. I really took my time to make it look nice so it displays well with the 2 Patlabors. I eventually bought the completed car too just so that I can get the Captain Goto figure that comes with it and to maybe display on its own since it comes with a display stand too...and having a pair of spare antennas is nice in case the ones on my original kit ever break...they're very fragile
  5. Thanks! Ya the differences are subtle but makes a nice difference visually. And yep you can visit HLJ, you just need to tell them in advance so they can free up their schedule to meet and greet you!
  6. Been a super fan of Patlabor since I was kid in the late 80's, early 90's. I'm looking forward to the live action movie next year after seeing the recent pictures, so excited!!
  7. It's been awhile since I posted on the Patlabor toy thread. Here's a link to my Patlbor toy pics on my Flickr page for you guys to enjoy. Feel free to check out my other photo sets, especially the one where I visited Hobby Link Japan when I went to Japan for vacation last year. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mchoi/sets/72057594067229792/ I never got around to taking pics of all my Patlabor toys/figures....or all my transformers and macross stuff for that matter, hopefully when I get my big display case I can show them all off
  8. I was looking at the Allpower Displays website. Do you remember the product model or name of the display cases you got? Can't seem to find the one that you have pictured. Thanks!
  9. Yamato 1/24 Patlabor Ingram 1 and 2 - $290 each...
  10. I'd like to see a VF-1D brownie, as seen in episode 25 when they all line up in battroid for Max and Miria's wedding
  11. choiboy77

    DX VF-25G

    I visited the HLJ warehouse in person about a month ago when I was in Japan and I was lucky enough to get a sneek peak of the new website! http://www.flickr.com/photos/mchoi/7261502890/in/set-72157629876335796
  12. No, for shirts you don't need to order up a size or 2. I made that mistake once and I got a shirt that was a little too big. Most people (men) in Japan are pretty tall, and its a common misconception that they are all small. I just visited Japan and most of the men that I saw were between 5'9 - 6'2.
  13. Thanks! The ingrams came with a hefty price but they really do look nice together, especially with the command car. I was hoping Yamato would of made a Reactive Armor version....
  14. Here are a few pics of my 1/24 command car after I completed it in May and posted on my flickr page. I also took a few quick pics with both my Ingrams. http://www.flickr.com/photos/mchoi/5731751466/in/set-72057594067229792/
  15. Cool! Thanks for the imput guys! Greatly appreciate it!
  16. Since HLJ has a sale, I'm thinking of completing one of my squadrons from either the TV series or DYRL, but I'm not sure which one. I only need TV Max and Kakizaki for the TV series and for DYRL I need all 3 VF-1A's with fast packs. Which one do you guys think is more impressive to have completed and /or suggest??? I've been thumped on this one for awhile...can't decide...argggg...
  17. Hobby Link Japan sells them (FlexiDisplay) http://www.hlj.com/hljlist2/?Word=flexidis...chpage=top_page
  18. Everyone keeps on bashing the length of the nose/canopy on the V.2 VF-1D, how its not line accurate or that its not long enough like the anime and because of it they are not going to get it..... Honestly, that excuse is utterly ridiculous, I mean its still a pretty damn good rendition of the plane. I mean think a little here folks...have you ever wonder why or thought why they decided to keep it shorter? I'll tell you why, its cause the damn plane can transform into battroid!!....which means it needs to have a blast shield to cover over the canopy! It's impossible to make a longer blast shield that can cover a longer canopy in battroid and then have it slide/hide away in plane mode. Thats the reason why the cockpit/canopy/nose of the plane is/seems smaller than the actual anime design....the design of the toy just won't allow it. If they tried to make it longer than the toy would no longer be perfect trasformation, they would have to make a extra seperate piece for the blast shield to snap on when in battroid. So before you go bashing a practically good design, think a little about how the toy is made/designed first and whether or not its even possible. Just so you can compare yourself, here are two links below, link one is a hasegawa model of the VF-1D (anime accurate) and the second is yamato's v.2 version, as you can see, if yamato made the canopy/nose super accurate like hasegawa's model, it would be impossible to hide a long enough blast shield and the toy would not be perfect transformation. hasegawa: http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/tm_vf1D.htm yamato: http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1242
  19. HLJ put up a Early Bird Pre-Order for Hikaru's Strike VF-1S last week. And it says the release date is December 2008, this month. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00085
  20. Actually, the "Yamaguchi Revoltech Series" has been discontinued/ended, with the last 2 figures from this series coming out this month. The Revoltech line will restart again in May 2009 called "Revoltech 3.0 REBOOT", with Yamaguchi's continued involvement.
  21. They are both the same price. Regular and 25th anniversary YF-19 are both 18,800 yen at Hobby Link Japan. So technically "blacky" won't rape your wallet if you get it.....
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