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Everything posted by vastus

  1. Look, the Red Cross hasn't done $hit for me and my family. Similarly, the National Guard et al. didn't do anything to prevent my Aunt's business from being torn apart by looters. If any of you who responded with criticism donated a dime to the Red Cross or other like services I might be forgiving but as it stands, you cretins probably didn't donate a single red cent so you can go F$#$ yourselves. I went through the Red Cross and got nowhere so I am doing this myself. No one's going to help us so we have to do it ourselves. As far as the government's concerned, everyone down there can rot. I hope you donate to the cause, my cause or the relief effort in general. I, however, am going to do something about it instead of flapping my gums and gawking. First for my family and then for others. Selfish? No. I am not gaining anything by dropping everything and running halfway across the country. In fact, it is at great cost to do such since I'll likely be away for at least a week. This site is the "Macross World" and as such, I thought to ask my fellow otaku's for a hand. If you don't want to help me, that's fine, but do not disrespect me and $hit in my face for reaching out. F@#$$ A$$#0Les!
  2. Hello Macross World community, LIke many of you, I am absolutely stunned by what I've seen go on in New Orleans. My family is an old Southern family that has strong ties to New Orleans. In fact, truth be told, 2 aunts and 2 cousins lost their homes (4 separate houses) during the flood and my uncle hasn't been located yet - although my sister thinks she spotted him during the FoxNews broadcast last night so we are keeping our fingers crossed. I am going down this weekend to try and locate my uncle (he has Alzheimer's so it's is not going to be an easy task). I feel stupid asking for donations to help me pay for the cost of this trip since it's only going to benefit me and my family but I need to do something so I am turning to you guys. If you have a few dollars to spare, would you consider making a donation to me? Donations can be made via Paypal at: david.royal@vanderbilt.edu Alternatively, you can mail them to me at: 2822 Hillside Drive, A Nashville, TN 37212 If not me, then perhaps you would consider donating to the relief effort in general. Words cannot describe the suffering there. Either way, thanks for reading this message. I do not mean to offend anyone so please forgive the request if you find it offending. Thanks. Cheers, DR
  3. Oxidation: high humidity (read: keep away from water) Yellowing: light Good luck.
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