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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. So why doesn't the YF-29 have any variant designations? There are clearly different variants already as shown by Ozma's having a different head unit than Alto's. Is it because they are still prototypes?
  2. I personally wouldn't bother to buy one or at least it wouldn't be very high up on the "to buy" list. I still need to buy the Hikaru 1J before I would even consider the low vis version. And even then, the up coming current releases supercedes that and they are pretty expensive so that leaves little money left for yet another VF-1 with another paint scheme.
  3. That is true. The turret is a different shade of red than the other red plastic parts, or at least the back half of it is. I can forgive the painted areas being a different shade. I just think it's dumb when they can't be consistent with the color of the plastic.
  4. I passed on the initial Alto and Ozma releases but ended up buying the Michael and Luca versions and later the slightly improved VF-25S with armor bundle because I also figured these were the only versions we'd get in a long long while if not the only versions ever. Didn't buy any of the Alto releases because I was so dissatisfied with the releases that I figured it just wasn't worth buying yet another ugly release. I decided that the armor pack at least hid enough of the deficiencies of the sculpt to get that and that was the last of the version 1's that I purchased and would one day buy Alto's if it was ever released in an acceptable form. I'm glad I did and have pre-ordered Ozma's as well. I'll wait and see on the 25G and RVF. I particularly want to see if they can finally make the RVF with matching shades of green. I totally regret my purchase of the original because the differing shades of green bother me a lot as they are so completely obvious to my eyes without even having to look for differences, despite some other people saying they can't really see it.
  5. I wouldn't mind an AIF-9V that was used by the Galaxy fleet as long as it wasn't nearly $100 like the accessory pack for the RVF-25.
  6. Possibly, but he knew enough to know that the YF-19 came out in 2006, so I'd have to assume that he knows what the YF-19 toy looks like as well. A cursory glance at pictures of the two show a world of difference. Perhaps I've been on too many Internet sites and forums that I start suspecting people of trying to troll for reactions and responses. If that was a sincere question, I apologize.
  7. I could try but the split in the stickers would be noticable in some areas. I think I may try to contact HLJ to see if they can get a replacement sticker sheet.
  8. Just like picking a favorite, this is hard too. For me, it's a toss up between the following: 1) Yamato 1/72 YF-21 + FP (too purplish, terrible and inaccurate looking in all modes, legs flop around; not a lick of friction to keep them in place in battroid mode, required separate hands to hold gunpods, etc) 2) Bandai v1 DX VF-25's (inaccurate in all modes, molded like it was made for children, floppy floppy floppy loose joints, etc) 3) Yamato VB-6 (terrible looking shuttle mode, floppy joints all around and very little poseability) I guess the VB-6 was the least 'meh' of the three but still 'meh'.
  9. Yes, especially the VE-1. I love the paint scheme on it probably even more than the accessories. Yeah, we don't want to encourage Yamato with higher prices. It's bad enough as it is.
  10. Did anyone else who ordered the GBP-1S armor get a sticker sheet where the cut on the entire sheet was shifted about 3 mm to the right so that it cuts through all the numbers and everything else? I looked at the sticker sheet and went WTF. As someone who applies the stickers, I'm not sure what to do now.
  11. Now that you mention it, it does look a lot like the Arbalest's head too.
  12. The head for Ozma's variant reminds me a little of the Metal Siren's from Macross II. Mostly just the large forehead area and having two "eyes".
  13. Anime-Export still has it for pre-order. http://www.anime-export.com/product/7428 I'm not sure it's worth it for the price, but these are web exclusives and web exclusives have always cost a ton when retail stores sell them because I think they include an extra service fee in addition to whatever was the regular price for the extra work of making a web exclusive available to you.
  14. Dang, I was actually sort of looking forward to the delay. I think Yamato and Bandai need to get together to work out spacing their releases a bit more It's not so bad with the Bandai DX's since they have a lower price tag, but the Yamato ones are killer.
  15. An Fz-109 would be nice, but I can't imagine it selling well due to the price likely being very high, possibly more than the VF-17, in addition to being an enemy mecha. Not a design I particularly favor, but I'd still get one if it was well engineered and because of the fact that there are too few enemy mecha.
  16. Especially true in this case. It makes me wonder if Bandai is using one of the cheap Chinese factories like one Yamato used before moving to the more expensive one for better quality. Oh well, at least it seems that most of the problems are fixable for both Yamato and Bandai stuff. A little repainting here, a little modification there and they're good to go. Fixed the paint chips on mine and even painted over the edges so that the white plastic doesn't show from the spaces in between the pieces for the black and red stripes in fighter mode. The red and black Gundam paint markers seem to match the colors perfectly. Took a few pics in battroid, but trying to avoid transforming it until I can start getting some clear coat on it to avoid rubbing off the weathering.
  17. If I had those chips in the plastic itself on mine, I'd probably try to fill them in with putty, sand it a bit and then give it a coat of flat black... or at least just paint the chipped areas with black so that the chips are not so apparent. They must train monkeys to assemble these things with so many apparently coming out of the box all dinged up.
  18. I would say it's either my weathered Max VF-22S or my still-incomplete-because-my-airbrush-broke-again 1/3000 SDF-1. Right now I'd say my Max VF-22S edges it out.
  19. That sucks. I wonder if you could locally heat that area and bend the antenna back. The paint chips and sloppy paint apps seem par for the course. The right shoulder block on mine looks like someone had scratched off the paint by accident and then got a paint brush and brushed some red paint back on. It's clumpy and uneven and went over onto the black stripe area. I put mine all the way back too since it keeps the neck base locked in place and helps to cover more of the cockpit, otherwise, if the shoulder blades are more level like it is shown in the CG models, the back plate doesn't cover the entire canopy and the neck base flops around.
  20. Oh, I wasn't even thinking about the ebay prices. Just the prices for the past sets that were available in stores that were selling the web exclusive stuff like the galia IV and ghost sets. Those were something like 9000+ yen in places like anime-export and overdrive. I'm definitely in for a group buy of the armor when it becomes available.
  21. In the case of the renewal version, they say it is a separate web-exclusive release and not a bundle which is why there is a scramble to pre-order the 25S now. What will suck is if they later go "we changed our mind, we will release it as a bundle too!" after people have bought the stand-alone 25S and then paid the overly inflated price for the separate web-exclusive armor with shipping for that as well. At this point, though, I wouldn't be overly surprised if they went and did that. Pissed off? Yes, but not surprised. I hate that there is no rhyme or reason to their releases.
  22. Thanks for the heads up. Put in my pre-order. Was contemplating putting in a pre-order at Anime-Export over the past few days, but they require the payment immediately and I didn't want to pay that just yet.
  23. Nice, I didn't know they were using diecast for the elbow joints now. What's the purpose of the extending arm in the second image? Is it just for the transformation to fighter mode?
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