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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Luca's hasn't even been announced yet, so it's unlikely that anyone but a Bandai employee involved with the Frontier DX toys would know.
  2. I can feel my hand cramping up just looking at all those rivets.
  3. That's how I feel each time I work on one of my valks. Good job on repainting and panel lining your VF-1. Keep at it!
  4. I didn't even feel that it was worth the ~$120-150 it would have cost to get one when it first came out. Yamato's early attempts at weathering on that thing looked terrible. It just ended up looking like someone with dirty hands had handled the thing and left dirty fingerprints all over it.
  5. MacrossJunkie

    DX VF-25G

    It's more or less inevitable for it to follow the 25G's release.
  6. That's cool. I like that you have one for each mode and with a different loadout/pack on each. I'm sort of aiming for that with the renewals except I have to do it with just one of each of the variants and I might need to just stick to either battroid or fighter mode. GERWALK just takes up so much vertical and horizontal space within the detolf cabinets. EDIT: My millenium post! =D
  7. I too started to really like the 17 after getting the toy. I think in many ways, it looks better to me than the line art version. I liked the 171 way more as far as the line art goes, but that's reversed when comparing the toys. The 17 just seems to have a lot more presence to it. It feels very substantial and heavy and just looks huge compared to the 171. It grabs my attention a lot more than the 171 does. Yamato did a really good job translating it from line art to a real world three dimensional object.
  8. Me too! Well, I didn't collect G.I. Joe stuff, but I did get Star Wars and Transformers. Star Wars wasn't too bad, imo, but those gen1 Transformer toys were generally the worst in poseability and accuracy. Most of them hardly looked anything like the cartoon versions and you couldn't even move the legs at all on practically 90% of them.
  9. I actually hated the 19S/F wings initially, based on the line art version. It wasn't until its slight redesign in the master file that I thought the 19S/F looked pretty good.
  10. MacrossJunkie

    DX VF-25G

    I wonder which way Luca's pre-order will go. Bandai might anticipate his being the least popular and cut down the unit production even more drastically making it near impossible to get or it could go the other way and they produce at least the same number of units as Michael's and fewer people might decide to buy it, thus making it a bit easier to buy then the 25G. Thus far, it seems the 25G was the hardest (for me) to get at MSRP or below. I guess the YF-29 Skull leader repaint was probably harder, but I had no interest in getting it, so I don't really know how difficult it was since I didn't even try. The trend seems to point to Luca's RVF-25 being near impossible to get other than from scalpers if things continue the way they're going.
  11. I started taking some pics for comparison sake the two versions of Ozma's VF-25 as I plan to permanently keep the version 1 in armored fighter mode once I get the renewal version of the armor and will just look back at my own pics instead of having to transform that frustrating monstrosity. I knew in my head that the version 1 was crappy, but until I put the two side by side, it didn't strike me just how bad the version 1 looked or I had just forgotten. There were so many things that are just outright wrong or proportioned badly on the version 1, not to mention the lack of surface details that further helps make the renewal look awesome. Also, if you zoom in on the 2nd pic, you can see the dang crack on the v.1 that formed on the backplate coming from the right wing hinge due to the stress from the armor packs. I really hope that doesn't happen with the renewal version.
  12. Where did you get it from?
  13. I've got no idea what it is but it reminds me of one of those action figure carrying cases from the 80's that doubled as a playset.
  14. MacrossJunkie

    DX VF-25G

    Lucky you! Someone might have dropped their pre-order just as you reloaded or maybe they were able to confirm a few more units. I wonder what packs they'll make available for the 25G. I'm guessing they'll do a super pack at the very least, but I hope they do a Tornado pack as I don't have one of those yet.
  15. The yellow on the shoulders are supposed to be brighter than the ankle area. I think they went too bright on the yellow though.
  16. MacrossJunkie

    DX VF-25G

    Still way better than paying over MSRP for one. Put in my pre-order for one. Thanks very much for the notice!
  17. That is absolutely fantastic! The decals really help a lot. I would love to use those decals too. They look perfect, but it seems the starshipmodeler site no longer has any more of those =( The other hull plating decals they have in the store don't work because they're all curved for Star Trek saucers. Anyone know if there's any place that sells a good alternative or if the starship modeler site restocks those hull plating decals from time to time? They just have amber and red. Even the purple one is gone which I was going to see if it looked any good on the darker areas. I broke down and bought the kit in one of the previous HLJ sales this year because I just couldn't find anyone who would sell me the photo etch parts or any of the other kit-only items for the toy version. These pics have really inspired me and make me want to get started on mine as soon as possible. Also, could anyone tell me what is the best/most appropriate tool for cutting out the photo-etch parts?
  18. Wow. I was actually thinking of painting the head lasers grey (among other things) when I got mine. Glad there is a cel that sorta backs me up on that decision. I just hope the center laser can be taken out of the head without breaking it.
  19. The colors on the MMM site are incorrect. I would go by the colors shown in the Chronical. Thanks! I put my pre-order in.
  20. I'm not sure if the latex from a glove is durable enough to be a permanent solution either since the friction could just cause it to tear and/or roll up in tiny bits. Perhaps supergluing it to the ball? I think it might still be too thick. Would sand papering the ball for added roughness and applying a layer of acrylic work?
  21. It's the shade of those colors that some of us have issue with. Such as the salmon color rather than an actual red and the ankles should be less yellow and more brass. In the end, I'll attempt to repaint it if the final production colors aren't as accurate as they should be, or I might take some liberties with the colors myself.
  22. First thing you could try is tightening the screw in the back of the intake area of the leg.
  23. Hmm, if it is a NMC in the background at all, the red, white, yellow and blue colors on it lead me to believe it's 7 instead of Frontier.
  24. The armor caused a split in the plastic in the corner of the right wing hinge on mine due to stress caused by being pulled tightly by the peg under the wing inserted into the leg armor. Other people had other issues with theirs including the plastic just disintegrating outright in many places.
  25. Someone let me know when it comes up on HLJ. I'm afraid the legs could disintegrate on this one like my VF-19S, and HLJ being the only place that will help me with those sort of problems, makes it the only place I can buy it from.
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