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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. I use a bit of quake putty to help keep them in place. Works well as it is a non-permanent solution compared to gluing.
  2. I used those. I went off of the line art and other images which I think came from one of the master file books and some models as reference for sticker placement.
  3. You might want to wait for longer periods of time instead of checking daily. Perhaps a couple weeks to see if the tips end up bonding to the painted surfaces. I may try coating the stand's tips themselves with a thick coat of future and putting stuff on it to see if it would actually completely eat its way through.,
  4. Oh yeah. I forgot about this. In my experiment, the erasers did nothing to the 1/72 YF-21 plastic or paint, but it ate away at the white paint on the v.1 VF-25G, but did nothing to the plastic.
  5. Yeah, that's very strange. I've never experienced staining with pencils before. I have experienced quite a few times where gundam markers would stain or otherwise seep into plastics (particularly noticable on lighter colored plastics) or painted areas even if only on the surface for seconds and couldn't be fully wiped off even with rubbing alcohol. For most painted areas, I really couldn't mess up with the gundam markers, it would just stain immediately and the best I could do is lighten the stain. For plastics, it varies. Sometimes I could mess up a few times if I'm lucky before it becomes really noticeable. Other times I could really mess up a lot before it really gets ingrained into the plastic. Was the graphite getting into scratches in the plastic surface? What type of pencil was used? I typically use a .5 mm mechanical pencil with a medium grade softness (HB, give or take a grade or two) if I decide to use pencils for panel lining.
  6. Weathered up the super packs for my 171EX so that I could have it displayed in my case with them on. Still haven't done the wings with hardpoints yet, so I don't have fighter or GERWALK ready. Maybe this weekend.
  7. That extra length does make quite a difference. Pretty impressive.
  8. It looks great so far! What's your plan for the visor portion? Are you thinking of having the lower jaw section cover parts of the visor so that the stock visor can be used?
  9. The gunpods on my VF-0S and A have about 2.5mm of ground clearance. You just need to make sure the handle is retracted all the way.
  10. I guess it would depend on how you plan on making the laser adjustable. Although... it's supposed to be static like the YF-21's head laser, right? Maybe it would be better to keep things simple and just leave it static.
  11. That's a pretty classy display you have there, vf_1s. I love the wing mods you did to it as well. Where did the little carts come from?
  12. Wow, I can't wait to see one finally built. I like the color choices. Keep it up!
  13. Thanks everyone for the comments and kind words! Special thanks to wm cheng for his tips in his own 1/3000 sdf-1 paint up and modification thread. Particularly on pointing out the existence of the hull decals and also about making your own pattern stencils which really made a difference, among other things. Also to kyekye for the hiqparts 1/144 decals idea and for getting me thinking on where else LEDs might be a good idea to put with his innovative use of LEDs and fiber optics in his city section. And to them both and vf_1s for inspiring me to work hard on mine with their own amazing SDF-1 customs. That's one reason I love the forums here. So many talented and helpful people that share their ideas and their work that really help others improve the quality of their own work and inspire people to do better.
  14. That doesn't look bad at all using the YF-21 fold booster mounts.If you've got more than 1 set of those, you could just paint those black, file down the pegs and then stick a little quake putty under the feet of the mounting pylons to hold it to the VF-17
  15. While cleaning up, I forgot I had the alternate feet parts for the SDF-1 as well. Since they are not compatible with my modifications, I won't ever be using them so I'm thinking maybe I should just give these away? I'm not sure if anyone would even be interested in them since they were basically an animation mistake and shown for a few frames in DYRL. Edit: Hmmm ... maybe I can do something with it on my toy version. Edit 2: Nope... I don't really feel like modding the toy with it. I guess if there is someone in the continental US (or possibly even Canada or Mexico, depending on how much shipping will cost me. I don't feel like spending more than $10 on shipping) that really intends to use it on their toy, let me know.
  16. Darn meltrandi sneak attack! Blew up perfectly good cannons.
  17. The destroyed ones aren't even functional in any way. They can't turn and fortunately they just plop over the knobs rather loosely so there wouldn't be any chance of getting stuck unless glued in place. I'm not sure how people like KyeKye were able to pull apart the toy version which used a lot of glue. I can't even manage to do it for the kit version... Edit: Nevermind. I finally managed to remove them with minimal damage to the plastic and finish. Edit 2: Pics coming up for your viewing pleasure in the same thread I put the other pics in.
  18. I painted up the destroyed main cannons, but there's one problem. I can't seem to get the undamaged ones off. The covers that go over the screws have 3 long pegs and they seem to be stuck in there real good and I can't seem to get them off without damaging the finish or breaking the pegs. I'm not really sure how to get them off safely. I wish they made it easier to remove.
  19. Sorry to hear that =( Is there anything that can be done to give it enough clearance? Perhaps a small extension piece long enough to allow deck clearance for just attaching it to the SDF-1 or would that look too long then? If that would work, then you wouldn't need to redesign and reorder the lower deck piece again.
  20. Awwww, but that one is awesome. Even better would be a guy doing the dance in the elevator scene
  21. Wow, that person did a stunning job on that VF-0A build. I think I may gave picked up a few ideas/tricks just looking at those photos.
  22. I wonder if they would have the same problem as BBTS and sell more pre-orders than actual stock that they'll get. That would especially suck since they require a 50% deposit. Also, what's up with them being based in California but costs $7 to ship within the US but only 5.50 to ship to other countries? That seems backwards and really cheap to ship internationally.
  23. Thanks. It's in 1/3000 scale. New pics of cruiser mode added to my original post.
  24. Is there anyone whose v1 VF-25S didn't crack or crumble by now? I left mine alone and found that the chest hinge crumbled on its own in addition to the crack on the wing glove that formed not long after I had gotten it. The plastic they used for it is complete crap. Mine was the one that came with the armor, btw. Not the stand alone.
  25. That is awesome. What does a smudge stick look like? I didn't think it was possible to get weathering to look that good using graphite from a pencil. I don't know if I want to do my VF-4G next or the armor parts for the VF-171EX. I just have my VF-4G panel lined and stickered for now. I feel a little burned out right now so I may just wait a week or so and then decide what I have the energy to work on next. Great job again!
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