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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Yeah, pretty much every square inch of it is different. There's only a similarity in general shape.
  2. I was refreshing on AE and by the time it reloaded, it closed in that 10 second time span.
  3. That looks awesome. I love the paint scheme. It must be something to behold in person with its size.
  4. I caved and bought a VF-17 FAST pack set (just to have it, I'm not sure I actually like the look of it or not) and also a VF-1J kit with option parts. Now I need to decide on a paint scheme for the 1J.
  5. Decided to take some pics for the heck of it. Haven't done anything with it yet (weathering, clearcoats, etc.) since I'm waiting to see what NY can do to help me get a replacement part, but Bandai is out for Golden week and they won't hear from them til next Friday at the earliest. Didn't even take the gunpod out yet. I'm getting a 2nd one from HLJ next week so I can at least start on that one, assuming that one isn't defective too. *fingers crossed*
  6. Not out of the box. You have to get the super parts to get the replacement wings with hardpoints. Lame, I know.
  7. I thought it was that, but when I saw that neither were missing, I figured it fell off from somewhere else. So I have an extra piece that I don't need and a missing piece I do need.
  8. Okay, so I got mine and it's missing a part out of the box. Also, this piece was in the plastic bag the 171 was contained in. I have no idea what it is or where it's from. The missing piece is the part the slides down to prop the cockpit up. On mine, that piece is missing and you can see the pilot from underneath. To further illustrate, I've outlined the part on my 171EX. Grrrr... I hope NY can do something about this.
  9. Mine left this morning also and somehow arrived today already. I'm not home yet so they left a notice. I guess I'll pick mine up tomorrow.
  10. I know right? It's something more to look forward to doing beyond just getting it in the mail, taking it out and transforming it a few times and putting it in display. Even during the times I don't feel like doing it, I still look forward to the end result. It certainly increases the enjoyment of my collection. I'd like to see you do more.
  11. I get that feeling when comparing the Frontier valks in fighter mode to the pre-Frontier designs. They're more or less the correct stated size and proportions seem accurate, but the cockpits and canopies of the Frontier valks just seem a lot slimmer, lower profile, and more compact, giving the impression that the scale is smaller.
  12. Keep in mind that there is over a meter of height difference between the 25 and 27 so it would be pretty noticeable. That said if comparing the renewal 25's to the 27, the difference would be even worse due to the very slight height increase. This renewal 27 should close that gap a tiny bit but there will still be a noticeable height gap between the two just due to the valk's design alone. <wishful thinking>Battle Frontier and Battle Galaxy!</wishful thinking>
  13. I've always been fond of the old Enigma and Minmay Guard schemes for the VF-1.
  14. So what would it need to be considered a true renewal version? From my viewpoint, it has all the major renewal improvements (new crotch lock that allows legs to be lower, crotch angle lock, new wrist mount, articulated hands, new shoulder block joint, new head, corrected feet color, built in neck extension, shield was already fine, already had swiveling knee joints) that the VF-25's had. Much of the mold didn't need to be redone because it was already a big step up over the initial VF-25 releases. So due to that fact, the improvements may seem more incremental rather than the huge jump going from 25 v1 to v2.
  15. Mine was shipped on Monday and only just hit New York customs now. Should be another few days before it reaches my house. I suspect mine will arrive next Monday.
  16. The VF-27 battroid is shorter than the VF-25 so it shouldn't be as tall. It should be slightly taller than the original though. Bandai always charges a lot for the super packs and accessories. The pricing seems to be in line with their add-on gouging practices. Assuming 14,000 yen for the base item and then another 7,000 yen for the accessories/super packs. Too bad they're not selling a stand alone version of the VF-27 renewal. It will be even uglier after all the stores sell out in .000005 seconds and NY marks up the prices for being the only ones around still having stock. I'm glad they fixed the color on the feet and engine nozzles to be like the line art. The previous version was too light in color. Also, with the renewal type wrist connection, maybe it can finally support the gunpod. So it seems like this is the VF-27 renewal we've been wanting with the renewal style hip lock and crotch angling mechanic and renewal style shoulder block joint. Looks like the head is slimmed down just a tiny bit in addition to having the longer neck. It's not as wide as before. One thing that irks me is despite all the additional tampo markings, they still forgot to finish the hull red stripe that is supposed to be on the hip gun parts. >.<
  17. The thing is that a bunch of the existing valk releases have already hit a threshold, at least in my opinion, where further improvements would likely be of minimal consequence and would be on diminishing returns overall. Some valks are just begging for a renewal like the 1/60 YF-19 and probably the 21 as well. Others like the VF-1, VF-4, VF-11, VF-19, and arguably the VF-17 are pretty much as good as you're going to get with them. Any further changes are mostly going to be making one compromise for a different one due to the anime magic involved in the designs or some "quality of life" improvements that just make things easier or work a little better but not really have a big enough impact to make people want to buy all over again. On Bandai's end, they just pretty much just need to do a VF-27 renewal and that's that. The VF-25 v2, VF-171, and YF-29 are already pretty much dead ringers for the line art and any further improvements would likely be minor stuff like how things lock together or something. I can pretty confidently say that a VF-25 v3 re-renewal wouldn't be met with as much enthusiasm as we saw going from the huge jump in quality and design from v1 to v2. So people wouldn't necessarily be buying certain valks all over again. I personally think there is enough room in the market for 1/60 and 1/72 to co-exist as long as the 1/72 tends to be in the sub $100 range. The 1/72 would see the bulk of the new releases while the 1/60 would be mostly re-issues unless they decide to make a valk not yet released in 1/60 scale. In which case, both scales could be made and they would be each hitting different target audiences with a minimal amount of overlap. I could see the 1/60 releases being web only like the VF-4G though. Licensing two scales simultaneously is a whole different issue though.
  18. Bandai also followed suit and put theirs out at 1/60 scale as well. Having collected as much as I have, I'd have zero interest in collecting all over again at 1/72 scale. If they were to move to 1/72, I think their main market would be those just getting into collecting Macross stuff that missed out on most of the 1/60 items or people who wanted the 1/60 stuff but couldn't afford it, which I'm sure is more than just a few. I think a great many people who have already gotten quite a bit in their collection at 1/60 will end up passing. They would be essentially trading one target audience for another.
  19. Moved out my older 19P pics from my album and replaced them with better shots. I replaced Beaker with an actual pilot figure for the shots as well. I blame the bad pics on not shooting for while and forgetting how. It just goes to show that you can still take crappy pics even with a good camera.
  20. When you click on checkout, there's a box below the summary that says "Redeem Vouchers" and a text box where you put the code in. There must be a minimum amount because $127 wasn't enough for the code to work.
  21. That looks fantastic. I dare say you may be better than I am at using the Tamiya kits.
  22. Thanks! Those are terrible pics though. I have better ones posted a couple pages back Poor Kakizaki. Always the sacrifice. At least with the Tamiya weathering kits, there's little to no chance of permanent screw up. On another note, I think I'm going to redo my VF-19P pics. They just look too washed out and just terrible in general. Too much lighting and exposure time. Here's the first of them. I also added a hint of additional weathering to it using other colors. Random pics of the 171 EX just because it looks badass with the armor pack.
  23. Paper towel and some water. It wipes right off the plastic. You can keep trying until you feel it looks right.
  24. Personally, I use pure Future for gloss or mixed with varying amounts of Tamiya flat base depending on how flat I want the coat to be. I've gotten them from sellers on Amazon as well, but it might actually be cheaper getting it from HLJ.
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