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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. At 1/250 scale, it would be 4.84 m or so in cruiser mode.
  2. Wow. I'm not sure which is better news. That this is coming out or that it is going to be an easy to get web exclusive. I hope they make the shield attachment in fighter mode up to the VF-25's standard this time.
  3. Dang, alert box must be broken. I had it scanning hlj's VF-25A page on two separate computers and neither of them ever found an update.
  4. My last pics of the VB-6 König Monster. I wasn't very happy with my last batch of GERWALK pics because the lighting was too much and washed out the weathering detail. So here's another along with a few destroid pics.
  5. That's true. Although to be fair, the Quarter has a stupid looking carrier mode and storm attacker mode is the only decent form it has. Not to mention it was floppy. The color didn't please many people either. I would love a Uraga and even a Guantanamo or two in 1/3000 scale to put next to my SDF-1.
  6. That area would have to be replaced altogether. Painting the fan and surrounding area black would just have a visible black fan =(
  7. I think I may be the only one wishing someone would make a New Macross class carrier. Preferably Bandai because I like Battle 21 and 25. But I'll settle for a Battle 7 from Arcadia as well.
  8. That's way too shallow, imo. It's right at the edge. I think they'd be better off just making it flat with no fan and painting it black like what Bandai did with the VF-27.
  9. I think they may have glued it in place. I wasn't able to get it to budge at all without risking stress or breakage on the plastic. You could try going from the underside of the backplate and using something to push on the pegs from that side.
  10. Arcadia should sell kit versions as well, like Yamato did with the VF-1's. Then people could do custom schemes easier without having to figure out how to pry the pieces apart and risk damage or breaking things. Ugh, yeah. If it's going to have a crappy looking fan that also doesn't sit deep enough (hopefully not), I would rather they just make the intake covers permanent. The intake fans on the VF-25 renewals are atrocious and if it weren't for the fact that the armor pieces need you to take the covers off, they could have just made the covers permanent because I'd never display them with those crappy half-assed, unpainted fans showing.
  11. Here's the VB-6 in its GERWALK configuration. Well, here's to hoping the movie does well and they decide to make another and bring you back on board (and hopefully you get the chance to sneak some more Macross influences/easter eggs in while you're at it).
  12. I do it straight out of the bottle. I'm still on an older bottle of Future that I got many years ago. I haven't tried the newer re-branded kind from Pledge so it's possible they might have thickened it up a bit. If so, I would just put in some acrylic thinner then. P.S. If it helps to ensure your daughter gets shoes, I promise to take a bunch of friends to go see Pacific Rim when it comes out ;-)
  13. Nooooo... I didn't mean to make kids shoeless... =( I'm just spraying Future on my stuff with some Tamiya flat base mixed in. Putting in less so that it's more of a semi-gloss does seem to be a bit more durable against scraping parts. Either way, I just try to be careful while transforming them and the clear coats hold up fine for me. It just takes me longer to transform due to the extra care I take. Most of the valks have been pretty good about this with the exception of the VF-19. I tested it and I just can't clear coat it without the coating scraping off the nose cone with every transformation to battroid. I get a little scratching on the shoulders of the 17/171 if I'm not too careful. The shoulders on the VF-1's can be a bit tricky for me as well. Otherwise, it's really not too bad and most are fixable.
  14. I decided my VB-6 needed some attention because it was looking out of place amongst all my other weathered stuff. So I decided to give it the same treatment. I think I'm going to start using smaller thumbnails. The 800px width ones I've been using just requires too much scrolling which is compounded when people reply with all pics intact. This ought to make it less of an annoyance for people, hopefully. Clicking still gives the full sized version. Here's shuttle mode for now.
  15. That sounds like some pretty impressive stuff. I may need to get some. Please let us know how it works out!
  16. It's with how that part attaches over the metal shoulder assembly. I think somehow either the metal bumps are too large or the indentation on the plastic may be too shallow and the plastic too thin. Too much pressure and stress seems to cause the part to split and come apart. I haven't heard of this happening on the EX variant and of the two CF 171's I have, it doesn't appear to be an issue my good one. I also tried to super glue the broken piece together, but the stresses are too great and the glue just won't hold when I try to put it back on. If it's going to happen, it would have happened already or at least show stress marks. It doesn't matter if you never take it out of the box or if you transform it.
  17. Perhaps priming it would help also. The plastic is very slick. Top coating would help for a little bit, but I think if you take the gunpod in and out of the hands or the peg slot in the arms enough times, it would still eventually start scraping off the paint. However, like I said, the handle is obscured anyway, so it wouldn't matter so much.
  18. I may be interested in the part that folds out from under the cockpit in battroid mode since that part on mine is missing. Edit: The part illustrated here
  19. It shouldn't be too hard to spray paint it. The only thing would be the handle. I think the paint would be constantly scraping off of it from attaching it in fighter mode or putting it into the hands, but at least it wouldn't be very visible. There's no real markings on it either and it would be easy to paint the metallic red and green back on.
  20. Wow, this is a first for me. I took my faulty VF-171 out to start weathering it a bit and started taking out the landing gears so that I could set it down without a stand. I opened up the front landing gear bay doors and the catapult hook fell out. I wondered how that happened, but thought nothing of it until I tried to put it back on and found it wouldn't go back on. I looked closer and the plastic on the hook where it clips on had split. This thing is just so full of fail. That's three things wrong with this piece of $#1+. Missing the part under the cockpit, the black plastic had finally split under pressure like in Anubis' pic above, and now I find this. I mean come on! Of all the things that could split or break, this is one of the last things I would have on the list.
  21. The ink ones will rub off easily, but the black paint marker might do the trick for touch ups. The one I'm talking about is the GM10 Gundam Marker which contains black acrylic paint rather than the GM01 which is just black ink.
  22. I actually kind of like the mint green color, though it's not really realistic. Weathering it and matte coating the toy does take the edge off the color a bit.
  23. I'm going to try to get from HLJ as well. If I don't score one when they put it up, I'll just wait until they put more up around release time. I'm tired of these games, paying higher than MSRP and then seeing these things go for MSRP or lower after release. No more.
  24. I started out doing weathering with the Tamiya weathering kits. Three of my four VF-25's were done using those. I only started using the airbrush much more in recent times after a lot of practice and use lead me to become more comfortable with it. I would suggest giving the Tamiya kits a try if you're interested in doing some weathering to your valks. Even doing some panel lining helps the detail pop more. Thanks. I ordered the super pack for Luca, more so for the ghosts than the super packs as I don't really like the look of the super packs much, but I'll use them anyway. Hoping for tornado packs to come out eventually for the F and G. Yeah I know, right? I've always thought it looked horrible from the moment I took it out of the box. It looks especially bad without the super packs to break things up more and make the uneven colors less obvious. Back to the pics. My VF-25 Skull Squadron in battroid mode:
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