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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Wow... you weren't kidding about the pricey part... Wish the technology was more mature so that the price of 3D printing would go down. Hmmm, yeah. I'm not really sure what you could shave off there. Would it even make much difference in price if you did manage to shave off a little bit here or there? I see you made the covers hollow and everything already. Perhaps the base could be made thinner? Probably not if there is a minimum thickness for printing and structural tolerances.
  2. I'm surprised that it is still up. I just got one too. Thanks for the heads up.
  3. And besides, who wants to live forever anyway?
  4. Not sure if I'm thinking it the same way you're trying to explain it, but I think if it was a single piece, the triangle would get in the way when you swing out the shoulder pauldron. When I swing it out on mine, I have to fold the black triangle in on itself to get it out of the way. It's even harder doing the reverse.
  5. That looks awesome! Great job on that. What material would you recommend getting it in so that the details are preserved? I once tried getting something in strong white & flexible polished, but it was so jagged and coarse that the details came out poorly and I couldn't really paint or panel line it. The material just caused the lines to look all jagged and not right. Do any of the other material options have a finer print that avoids this?
  6. I couldn't figure out how to take the panels off so I pretty much masked off the majority of it using the tamiya masking tape and things like the nozzles and smaller details and nooks were masked off using micro liquitape. It's hard to tell what the exact color should be based on the animation since it tends to vary by angle and lighting. I'd say a can of light gray would do the trick. Tamiya and Testor's among others make pre-mixed cans of paint.
  7. Lately, they haven't responded to any of my emails too. They just do it but don't send a confirmation or reply when it's done. I've asked them in the recent past to change shipping methods or other things and later, when I log into my account, I find they did it even though they didn't respond. I haven't tried to cancel anything with them yet, but they've done just about everything else I've asked. Have you already checked your orders to see if it was cancelled?
  8. Yeah, I don't even like the FAST packs for the 171 in fighter mode to begin with. I only really got the set because I wanted wings with hard points and the missiles. The re-coloring of the armor parts more like the anime was essentially just a diversion to see how well I could do it. I like fighter mode for most of the valks without extra doodads and stuff bolted onto them. It ruins the sleekness. I already have my EX with the armor parts on so both of my CFs are displayed naked with the one in fighter mode getting the wings with the hard points and missiles. After taking the pics, the armor parts are back in the box and in storage since I have no use for them. I suppose if they ever release a CF 171EX, then I'll have the MDE particle cannon and rocket pod ready for it. I think only Alto's had the armor loadout while his wingmen just had the standard EX loadout?
  9. Here are the finished super parts. More pics in http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35121&p=1076784.
  10. Pics of the 171 with the new missiles and repainted super pack.
  11. I picked up my super pack from the post office Saturday morning. I love the giant reaction and MDE missiles. I already started work on recoloring the super pack, but when I was looking at the images Kelsain put up a couple pages ago, I noticed that the whole thing was just a monotone gray. I decided it would look better if it had some variation to the color and only painted the blue parts while masking off the other areas. I also chose to use medium gray which I thought looked better with the VF-171's blue-green than the light gray. It's not done yet, but here's what I have so far.
  12. +1 These look so nice. Maybe one day, Arcadia will re-release this kit...
  13. I'm actually the reverse. I preferred the Yamato ones. I hated the Bandai ones because they come with the styrofoam trays. Both boxes can be folded flat, but with the Bandai ones, it's pointless to since the styrofoam trays can't really be stacked in a way to save some space. With the Yamato plastic trays, you can still kind of stack them on top of each other and compress them so they take up less vertical space.
  14. Doesn't that just make it harder to throw out the box if you need to make room?
  15. That price is pretty much what I was expecting, especially considering the increase in price on the VF-1's.
  16. Mine shipped via EMS so I'm hoping it arrives in time for me to do something with it over the weekend.
  17. I hope the 25A will be as available as the 27 after release. I still haven't been able to catch a pre-order for it yet at MSRP or less.
  18. There's really nowhere for it to push up into, unfortunately. That's just how it's going to be with the compromise they made to allow for removable intake covers.
  19. Haha! Well, at least this time you already had one so I can't tempt you further
  20. Thanks. That should do. I guess I can infer that anywhere there is blue on the leg armor should be made light gray instead. There weren't any text markings on the one for the EX so I don't expect any on this one either. It should be a relatively simple job with no markings to have to worry about.
  21. Will this do? Edit: merged the two images and cleaned it up.
  22. I just paid for my super pack set. I'm looking forward to getting missile accessories. I think I'm going to try repainting the armor pieces. Did the CF version of the super pack show up in any of the Macross Chronicle issues? I think I'll need to reference something for an idea on how the whole thing (such as the leg parts which I don't recall seeing) is colored and hopefully get a better on the shade of gray to use.
  23. He's looking at Klan. He's just trying to be not so obvious about it by tilting the head unit higher, but just high enough so that her considerable assets are still in view.
  24. I weathered my 2nd 171 with the cracked NUNS triangle in anticipation of the upcoming super pack/missiles. This one will stay primarily in fighter mode since it is also missing the under cockpit filler piece for battroid mode. (Stupid Bandai) I think I did a better job weathering my second one with more subtle gradients and effects. Sorry that the file sizes are now larger than normal. Google in their infinite stupidity decided to remove the in-album photo editor which I used to shrink the file sizes and replace it with utter garbage.
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