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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. The MDE bombs have fallen off mine on occasion. It's definitely not as tight a fit as the other missiles.
  2. Not just some wood, find a forest and knock on every tree!
  3. Thanks for the feedback! I guess I'll need to work on getting some highlight lighting in there somehow.
  4. Actually, I believe the Q-Rau came out a couple years after the 1/48 VF-1's had come out rather than the v1 1/60's. But, yeah the engineering still wasn't very good. I found the leg articulation to be pretty poor in particular. In the looks department, I think it still holds up though. It just felt cheap and loose when actually handling it.
  5. Aaaand the thread has been derailed! Back on topic, I feel like the canopy is too bright blue. I think it could use a lighter, less saturated tint like Alto's 25F, or a darker tint like the CG render seems to be.
  6. Well, I guess that answers my question. I was really hoping the helmet was just somehow removable. That would have been a neat feature.
  7. Just some new pics of old stuff. I was bored and played around with lighting, exposure, saturation, and other camera settings to see if I could get a feeling of the cold darkness of space with the only the reflected pale light from a nearby moon or distant star as the light source. It shouldn't, but it still amazes me how much a camera can pick up over what my eye can see given enough exposure time. 2 shots. One under dim light and one under near darkness, same camera position: VB-6 and VF-25S in the dark:
  8. If they're smart and decided to make a new fold booster, they'd make the mounts the same so it would be compatible with the older adapters so you could use it on the VF-22/YF-21 as well.
  9. That thread actually doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about them. The last few pages has a lot of posts about how they get slow or no responses from them.
  10. Hmm, the production version Isamu's YF-29 certainly looks different from the prototypes. It actually looks like a CF VF-25 to me I think that is better posted here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36536
  11. That's good to know. I'm glad I won't have to buy a brand new fold booster that only works with the new 19... unless those are adapters meant for a new fold booster...
  12. I don't know if I missed a discussion on it earlier in the thread or not, but does anyone know if it's supposed to: 1) come with two Isamu's. One with helmet and one without, 2) come with one Isamu with a removeable helmet, or 3) only come with one Isamu with a permanent helmet? The store display only showed the helmeted Isamu, while the prototype picture showed one with the helmet on and one without and I have no idea what the words under the pic say about it.
  13. I know I would be much poorer and would need a lot more detolfs because the toys would be a lot more expensive and I wouldn't be able to fit as many on each shelf. Heck, a 1/48 SV-51 wouldn't even fit as the 1/60 version in fighter mode already has to be displayed at an angle just to get it to fit.
  14. Eeew... have you dusted it recently?
  15. Awesome. Thanks for the huge pics! I like that it has more panel line detail than the v1. It looks like the lines for the grey stripe above the intakes are inscribed so we can paint it if we choose to. Isamu's helmet looks like it is shaped a little weird. It's shaped more like a predator helmet. Is the helmet actually removable? They only show two figures above, but in the pic below, they show a 2nd Isamu figure without a helmet. If so, that is pretty cool.
  16. I got one at HLJ and one at Big in Japan. I don't know what the exchange rates will be like by April so at least I have one locked in at the current exchange rate. If it gets much worse near time of release, I'll just cancel my second order and just deal with having one.
  17. Yeah, I remember those posted back in the day. Kurt, Jung, and others made some great customs with the 1/48's. I wish I knew Kurt's method of getting the graphics for the decals. I don't think they were scanned from the Model Graphix magazine.
  18. Those are such awesome customs. I want to make a 1/60 version of the Enigma some day, but I'm not sure where I could get the decals for it.
  19. I suppose you could: 1. keep pestering them to cancel your order. 2. pay it and try reselling it to someone else. 3. ignore it and don't pay it and just let them close your account. Not really sure what else you could do about it.
  20. Oh wow, that is some major fail there. Up until now, I've only really heard of the upper part cracking or breaking in two. Sounds like yours wasn't even a stress break, but just flat out disintegrated.
  21. Actually, the right NUNS triangle is completely broken on mine, but it stays on without a problem because the pauldron keeps it in place. All the breaks I've seen so far have been generally in the same spot so unless the piece was lost somehow, the shoulder pauldron should still be able to stay on without much issue, imo. It just just looks terrible.
  22. The thin black flaps are just an aesthetic thing and not essential to the transformation. The shoulder triangles with the "NUNS" printed on it can have a larger effect, but still not anything that can't be worked around. It's just ugly having it completely split apart or cracked.
  23. I'm just happy to get one at below MSRP. I'm glad I waited and didn't pre-order with the overinflated NY price. The difference alone covers shipping.
  24. I was underwhelmed as well given the price. I liked the changes and improvements like hiding the screw holes, but they didn't go far enough like giving it the details it should have or having the much superior renewal style shoulder block joint.
  25. I think it would look good with the outer casing semi-gloss or matte and the gun barrels inside glossy.
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