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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. I believe the "harpoons" are Fold Wave projectors. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/YF-29_Durandal See under Avionics and Optional Armament.
  2. I have not, but I'll look into it if the transparent glass paint doesn't work out. Thanks!
  3. 100% agree. I'm hoping the colour-balance on the photo is just off or that the monitor I'm using at work just has crappy colour accuracy. That just looks way too whitish and the feet are practically purple. Not sure what they're thinking about the canopy either...
  4. Well, that doesn't sound very encouraging, but I'm hoping I'll have some luck with this "transparent glass paint." I got it through Amazon Prime so it should arrive in a couple of days. And yeah, seems counter-intuitive that red and blue makes a not quite purple. I'm betting the yellow clear I have mixed with blue would also yield a more brownish pigment rather than green (not that I need to). I used rubbing alcohol and a paper towel. The paint came right off in a matter of seconds with very little actual rubbing. You'll end up with a completely clear piece of plastic that you're free to paint however you like.
  5. Thanks for the idea anyway. I ended up finding Martha Stewart transparent glass paint in orchid purple, so I ordered a bottle and am going to try that out. It's water based so hopefully it will mix with Future. Pretty expensive for a single bottle though. You'd think she was bottling unicorn piss or something.
  6. Best looking three? That's hard to say, especially without any qualifiers. I love so many of the designs, it's really hard for me to pick. I would have to break mine down into categories at the very least and even then it's not easy. Best looking fighter: 1. YF-21/VF-22 2. VF-11 3. VF-171 (or maybe VF-25?) Best looking fighter with FAST/Super/Armour packs: 1. VF-1 2. VF-11 3. VF-25 w/ full armour Best looking battroid: (really hard to choose. I keep changing what I put here) 1. YF-19/VF-19 2. YF-29 3. VF-171 Best looking battroid with FAST/Super/Armour packs: 1. VF-25 w/ full armour 2. VF-1 (Strike configuration) 3. VF-171
  7. I don't suppose anyone knows of a good clear purple paint? Acrylic preferred. I'm not happy with the results I'm getting from mixing Tamiya's clear red and clear blue and they don't have a clear purple. I've spent several hours mixing and trying to get the right purple, but it just doesn't mix well and the shade never comes anywhere near what I want it to be. I want a bright amethyst colour and no ratio of blue and red clear gets me anywhere near that. If I could find a decent purple, it would be simple enough to change what I have right now. I considered purple food colouring, but I have doubts on the longevity of food dye. I figure it would break down and fade relatively quickly. I'm pretty happy with the canopy though. It's pretty much the same blue they used, only much lighter in saturation and looks a lot less cartoony now. Masked off the glass portions and spray painted the canopy frame black. I just need to do the weathering next and find a decent replacement purple.
  8. I thinned the clear blue with some future and then sprayed light coats on the inside of the canopy with an airbrush.
  9. I've disassembled mine to clean out the grease from the hinges and while I was at it, stripped the paint off the fold crystals and the canopy as well because it just looked too saturated for my tastes. I repainted the silver backing on the back side of the fold crystal piece and put a coat of clear purple on the front. I then did what I thought they should have done with the canopy and painted the blue on the inside instead of the outside. I gave it a much lighter blue tinting. I just have to re-paint the black canopy frame now.
  10. Thanks! I kinda expected to be packaged with the hands. Apparently it had managed to get dislodged from its place and was located on the neck portion of the stand.
  11. I agree with you there. The combination of the colors and the plasticky (portmanteau!) gloss makes it look way more toy-like than any of the renewals or the previous YF-29 releases. I was also very disappointed that they didn't include a plastic version of the head gun when they have been doing that for the VF-171s and VF-25s to replace the bendy PVC versions with. I had to try to straighten mine out because it was bent a little. The PVC ones are also terrible for those of us who like to clear coat our stuff. Mine came out of the box greasier than a piece of original recipe KFC... to the point that it affected the joints and made them all loose. I'm going to have to disassemble mine to try to clean it out of the joints where I can. I guess while I try disassemble it, I'm going to test if the blue fold crystals are molded in color or painted that way. On another note, I'm glad you can still attach the gun without the adapter piece. It just angles down a bit more due to the bayonet. being in the way slightly. Edit: Just did a quick test using a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol. Yup, the blue is painted on.
  12. Mine was preparing for shipping and shipped on the same night. That has never happened for me before from NY. Really must be luck of the draw.
  13. I guess I'll find out when I get mine. All of Yamato's coloured clear parts were non-tinted clear plastic painted with clear colours. But I never tested Bandai's to see if that is true with them or not.
  14. I wonder how hard it would be to take out the fold crystals and strip off the blue colour so that I could repaint it in clear purple. I don't like that heart shaped pattern on the shield either.
  15. The two colors are just differences due to shading. It just comes down to it being an odd color choice.
  16. I just got my RVF-25 super pack w/ ghosts today. That was very fast shipping via FedEx. Just took the ghosts out for now and I really like the stands that they came with. It's really poseable for different angles and heights. Strangely enough, the ghosts have a matte finish instead of the usual glossy finish that the renewals have. Sorry, it might be a while. I've been really busy lately and haven't even gotten around to do the super packs for the G yet. Might be a couple weeks or so before I find some time.
  17. Perhaps stick a little putty in the hinge?
  18. eBay it
  19. I had no idea they changed the way the intake armor attaches. Maybe they will re-release the prior super sets again at some point with the updates
  20. Ah, I thought it was referring to the photographs themselves.
  21. Preferably clean the whole thing. If there's grease on other parts, your hands could touch those areas and transfer them back to areas you're applying stickers to. The clear coats play a part in the way it helps make the sticker surface and the toy surface match so that they don't have different reflectivity. The trimming is the most important part. The clear coat doesn't really matter as much. The stickers aren't that shiny. I only clear coat because of the weathering I add. I don't do anything special to clean them off. I just use water and a paper towel. What do you mean by doctoring the hell out of them?
  22. I know that Tamiya's basic red acrylic paint matches that red very well; as does the red Gundam paint marker.
  23. Definitely trim the stickers down right to the edge if you plan on applying them. They should stay in place fine as long as you have cleaned the surface of any oils/lubricants properly. Since it can be pretty subjective, I'll leave some examples of how the stickers look on the VF-1s when trimmed with a hobby knife and you can judge for yourself if it makes the stickers look less sticker-ish. Also keep in mind the full sized pics are very magnified compared to how you would see them with your eyes at a normal distance. Edit: Here's one with no weathering or clear coats. I didn't use this one before because this was uploaded during a time when I was uploading pics at only 25% of the original size and has some noticeable jpeg artifacting because I didn't save them at 100% quality so I wasn't sure how useful it would be.
  24. Thanks lancalot! That is useful to know.
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