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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. I'm hoping that's just because it's still a prototype.
  2. It probably would, yeah. The holes are also pretty big so it might even look a little strange seeing right through to the detail underneath, which on the existing VF-0 toys, is not very impressive.
  3. That looks great and makes me even more impatient for my super parts to arrive!
  4. Are we talking about this? To be honest, I wouldn't trust putting the VB-6 on this thing on any roll axis beyond maybe 20 degrees. Pitch axis is okay for a greater degree. It's a very loose fit on the VB-6 and it rocks around while attached to it. I only got the normal one so I don't know if the SP version came with a better adapter. I know it came with a better base, but I don't recall if it used the same adapter piece. I could lend you mine if you want to use it to make an adapter for the stand. Just send me a PM.
  5. Cool, thank you. It looks pretty similar. I ordered some more paints and I'm going to try to match the light gray as best as I can to paint the wings with. Perhaps I should paint the gun too. I just don't know with what. I put Ozma's 25S gun on the 29 and it just looked like it was too much dark gray and that there needed to be some contrast. Maybe I should just try spraying a black filter on the gun to give it an overall darker tone.
  6. Beautiful shots as usual, Saburo. I have to agree that gun needs a darker color. Perhaps same color as the one that came with the 25S?
  7. Yeah, it looks like they have the same amount of detail but with the model's panel lines and such being much finer. On a side note, man, the close ups really show just how much the quality of Bandai's decals suck. They ought to be embarassed. People could print homemade decals better than that.
  8. That's a pretty sizable collection you've amassed in only two years, Pedro. I think my bank account would be weeping if I tried getting all that in that amount of time
  9. Well, I have to say that's certainly a vast improvement over the previous iteration. Thank you, Shukenzero, for taking the time to take those pics.
  10. I personally have 0% in GERWALK mode, not because I hate it but because it is the least space efficient mode out of the 3 and my display space is limited.
  11. I think the VF-0D is a prime candidate for GERWALK mode. It might just be my impression, but I feel like it spent most of its screen time in M0 in GERWALK mode.
  12. I probably misunderstood the first paragraph of your post I was referencing, but I wasn't really speaking of whether it was made to look like a woman, but merely pointing out that there was a difference in shape/curvature in the "chest" area between the normal VF-11s and the MAXL Kai and that it wasn't merely just interpretation in the eye of the beholder that the curvature was there.
  13. I take it the VF-19 Kai is not doing so well in sales? That would not be surprising to me given that there were still plenty of the first release sitting around for a while at large discounts. Even the sound booster was easily available for a while at a discounted price. Most people who wanted them probably would have gotten one already. The high price of this re-release, granted it's a bundle of the 19 kai and the booster and includes the Fire Bomber figures, for such a polarizing design makes it a hard sell in general. I wouldn't mind having the VF-11C MAXL variant. That is to say the normal delta winged version of the VF-11 and not the Sound Force MAXL Kai variant.
  14. There are indeed bumps on the VF-11 MAXL Kai intended to resemble human female mammaries that aren't on any of the VF-11 variants including the normal VF-11 MAXL. If that isn't clear from the 2D line art, you can look up the various kits of the MAXL Kai and it should be pretty apparent then. Yes, it's been done in other anime, but those tended to be on super robot franchises like Mazinger. Most people correlate Macross to the real robot genre where the Sound Force valks are more super robot-ish, which accounts for the general disdain for the Sound Force customs.
  15. A That's a great idea. Perfect for the smaller display spaces like within a Detolf where fitting multiple bases can end up being difficult.
  16. There's an "I've forgotten my password" link on the login page just below the text boxes.
  17. QFT. I have a gajillion stand parts and I don't even know what half of them go to or are for now.
  18. I would have too but the stands I had available to use along with the adapters I was able to locate determined my placement of them somewhat. I had to make the best of it with what I had. Perhaps I need to get some of Chaos Yeti's stands next time more are available.
  19. That is some fantastic weathering work on the Yamato, Dobber! The whole thing looks so detailed too.
  20. I think it would be remiss of me to leave out pics of them together in my favorite mode.
  21. It's a shame companies don't make toys like that anymore. I seem to recall a lot of toys being ginormous back in the 80's. Can you guys imagine a toy company releasing something that big today? Still, even as big as that is, it's not even close to 1/60 scale (not that it's in any real scale). If the Flagg is based on a Nimitz-class carrier, then at 1/60 scale, it would be over 18 ft long. Hehe. Anyway, still a good display piece to put your valks on.
  22. If only I could call it quits... I'm sure there will be another valk to buy sometime in the future. Especially given the inevitable release of the next Macross series which will cause my obsessive compulsive desire to collect more valks and variants to kick in again... I don't even have the display space anymore! I already know there's still the RVF-171 coming and the eventual VF-0D. I've provisioned space for them by re-working my layout a bit, but I think that may be it in terms of available cabinet space. Hope that VF-25S comes through for you! I finally found the adapter piece! I was being too clever and outwitted myself. I had forgotten that I had taken it off and stuck it on a piece of masking tape along with the other parts that had to be removed for the super parts and stuck it in a plastic baggie to keep them from being lost...
  23. Thanks, Saburo! So I'm guessing the matte light gray color is closer to that of crotch plate. It will be interesting trying to match the color.
  24. That is some mighty fine work there, Dobber. That Yamato looks great!
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