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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Well, I was close. Looking forward to seeing a finished and painted prototype.
  2. That POSE+ Alpha looks really good. Even better than the Sentinel version I think. It looks pretty big too. What is that? something like 1/24 scale? Probably not that big, but certainly larger than 1/48.
  3. That's good to know. Thanks! I was debating whether if I should get one of these reissues or not, but was worried about the color not matching Luca or Maruyama's.
  4. Yeah, it's definitely based on that Horus Ascended mini rather than the "Horus the Warmaster" mini, but the face sculpt on the figure is amazing and much improved over the ascended mini. I'm rather glad they went with the newer ascended mini and improved upon it in the transition to a larger figure.
  5. There is truth to this regarding cross pollination with the art. For example, the face of Guilliman. The miniature's face looks like this: But the figure's face looks like this: Which is more in line with illustrations and the 10th edition trailer If it were simply a scaled up version of the mini, it wouldn't look like that. So it seems there is at least some leeway for interpretation as the miniature simply scaled up would not look very good and they had to use other art references to make the figure look good. Same with the Lion. The mini's face wasn't as bad, but you can clearly see that they used illustrations like from the book cover for The Lion: Son of the Forest as their reference for the figure's face sculpt.
  6. Unclear, but to my knowledge, they've so far only based them on the minis. For any JT Warhammer figure I pick, I can find a specific corresponding mini for. They were fairly reticent on details or specifics of their contract with GW, but that's to be expected.
  7. If the miniature came with variant heads, then the JoyToy version would likely include them as well, just as the Lion figure came with the old man Lion head, the hooded head, the hooded helmet head, and the full winged helmet along with the two Watchers. So far, they appear to be faithful to what the miniatures have included as options/accessories. In a recent Q&A with JoyToy, they basically stated that they can't come up with stuff on their own and all the stuff they release will be based on GW's official original designs (i.e. their miniatures).
  8. Thanks! I wouldn't mind seeing some of their larger battlesuits like the Broadside with the giant shoulder mounted heavy rail guns. I have a feeling they'll be doing the HH version of Magnus rather than the 40k daemon primarch version so it will likely be based off of this: Would be funny if the head was a surprise accessory for the Horus figure. If only GW would allow them to make Kitten.
  9. Good comparison. Thanks for the video. Would you say that your original one had yellowed a bit or more that the reissue came just super bright white (like whiter than the original release)?
  10. Wasn't a fan of Dorn's hair or the fact that he never came with a helmet. I ordered a 3rd party helmet which arrived today. Detailed it up a bit and I think it looks pretty good. Without: With:
  11. Sanguinius, Magnus, and Russ are supposedly coming sometime this year, so you may get your wish.
  12. Horus price and release Video for Horus Video for Abaddon
  13. That's for sure. They pump out these things non-stop and it never seems to be 1 at a time. it's like "here's a whole bunch of things! Pre-order them now!" I never planned on getting much, mostly just the primarchs, but that was a mistake. The primarchs were just the gateway drug. Soon, I ended up buying a redemptor dreadnought, Morvenn Vahl, Kaldor Draigo, Voldus, Garran Crowe, Lazarus, a sister of battle just for scale, a techmarine, a Custodes shield captain, some aggressors, inceptors, and a couple other primaris captains... with Allarus terminators and a Deathwing terminator on the way. All within the past month... To make it worse, I can't help stop myself from weathering and touching up the paint jobs. Like the flat gold on Dorn and Roboute's armor just makes it look so toy-like despite them doing a great job on the Custodes or stuff like fixing Roboute's pale pasty face.
  14. Yeah, I know that the armors are the same and it's basically just a different paint job. I'm just saying that Joytoy hasn't really put out anything that GW hasn't officially put something out for themselves, so I wouldn't get my hopes up for Luna Wolves figures from Joytoy even though that would be nice if that happened. I like the Luna Wolves color scheme more than the Sons of Horus one.
  15. That would be great, but I don't think GW has ever came out with minis for the pre-Ullanor time and Joytoy only seems to make stuff that has been out officially as miniatures.
  16. As expected, Mr Heresy himself and Abaddon were announced. He's absolutely huge in primarch sized terminator armor and that face sculpt and paint work is probably one of their best yet. Not so impressed with Abaddon. I prefer his current 40k version.
  17. Got a re-issue from Amazon as well. I probably should have expected this given the track record of their releases since 2020, but the QC is kinda lacking compared to the VF-19 Adv and the original YF-19 full set release. Just to list a few things: The bottom panel of the gullet likes to keep popping out. The head "cap" fits extremely loosely on the head, with basically no friction, and turning the figure upside down in battroid mode is enough for it to fall right off. The head unit itself has a wobbly neck joint that won't stay extended. The back half of the canopy wiggles around very loosely On a positive note, the wings on the metal hinges are tighter than on the two 19 Advance and the YF-19 releases that I have. Those had very floppy loose wings and this one doesn't. So one thing was improved at least.
  18. Hard to tell from the photos. Could be my eyes playing tricks on me or the lighting, but the wings and the fuselage don't look the same white as say the lower thighs and knees or the missile pod attachment arm, for example. I'd say it's white enough still in any case.
  19. I'm surprised that Amazon.com hasn't had the YF-21 up for pre-order yet when all these other shops have already had them up for days now.
  20. I was all ready to do the preorder last night ...but the power to my house went out an hour before the preorders would start. What timing... ☹️
  21. I am wondering that as well. Practically everything I have has a clear coat on it except for most of the Delta valks. That's interesting that two of the same valks stored in the same way have entirely different results. Lends credibility to the theory about some batches of plastic being bad or something.
  22. Mine's been displayed in a display cabinet since practically the day I got it years ago and there's no yellowing on mine either. Even my 1/48 Yamato VF-1s are fine. I haven't had anything get discolored aside from the good ole Urkel pants v1 RVF-25 and VF-25G which, given the circumstances of how everything else is fine, I am attributing to bad batches of plastic used.
  23. It has been a while for me too. I don't think there was really anything for me to get this past year. Nothing new in the DX line aside from the VF-1s which I'm all tapped out on. Everything else has been re-issues, HMR, or other stuff. I guess they don't plan on finishing the Delta movie stuff. Arcadia hasn't released much of anything either, as far as I know. My wallet got a big breather thanks to that though. This will be the first new thing I'll be getting. As for the PO madness, at least I can be not so stressed, knowing that there will be a worldwide release in case I don't get a JP preorder.
  24. What the heck are the "Joint parts for Battroid"?
  25. I'm surprised they didn't include some sort of little swing over heatshield cover on the inside of the cockpit given that they like doing little gimmicks like that. Also, it's clear they were trying to duplicate this but they somehow really interpreted the canopy shape wrong and made it way rounded off. In the illustration, you can still see that the canopy should still end up having two points to match the frame. The Hasegawa model also has that highlighted detail, but the canopy shape is correct there. This annoys me that this got past everyone involved in designing this toy despite going to the lengths of looking at illustrations like the above...
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