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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Just finished watching the episode on BigWest's Youtube channel. I kept my exposure to what the show was about to a bare minimum and only really knew about the valkyries so I effectively went in blind. Since there were no subtitles, I can only try to makes sense of things from the visual context. I have to say that the whole mahou shoujo vibe was a bit jarring or surprising to me and I can't say I cared for it. Those boomerang drones are interesting though. At least the valkyrie battles didn't disappoint. I was looking for that too, but the max 480p resolution left the words still too blurry to read.
  2. At least a couple versions of a variable Glaug already exist though.
  3. What if the battroid mode actually ends up resembling a Q-Rhea like the YF-21 to the Q-Rau?
  4. Hope this helps. Here's a couple posts I made some time ago regarding how one would link photos hosted on Flickr: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35121&p=1167760 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35121&p=1167831 I find both Flickr and Picasaweb/Google Photos to be very good free image hosts with pros and cons for each. I ended up using both myself. If you want to upload directly to the forum storage, you'll have to click on the "More Reply Options" button at the lower right corner and you'll see some options for uploading/attaching files. Note that the image quality will be degraded due to the high compression processing done to the images when uploaded to save on storage space and bandwidth, so if you want to keep the high quality, I'd recommend either of the two services mentioned above or imgur.
  5. They were probably just using projections based on past trends
  6. I like the VF-4 battroid. If we want to talk about ugly battroids, I think the VA-3 Invader is the king of ugly battroids with its court jester shoe-like feet, awkward fins that stick straight out of the shins, goofy looking 3 pronged manipulators for hands, and the head of an angler fish.
  7. Except for those arms which are much thinner than the 30's. That's the only part that really bothers me. The forearms remind me of the little wooden chewsticks given to hamsters and gerbils. Everything else is relatively decent in proportions, but then has little stick figure arms and looks absolutely silly. You may be absolutely right there. It seems to be about the right length and proportions as the gunpod in the screen capture. I wonder if that is a different container pod though. It doesn't look like it splits apart. In the case that it were attached that way to a container that did split, the gunpod would probably need to be ejected first. I hope Bandai makes the different swappable weapon containers the YF-30/VF-31 are supposed to be able to accommodate.
  8. But wasn't that the point? The VF-31 would be the production version of the YF-30 and wasn't meant to be an all new valkyrie, just as the VF-22 was a production version of the YF-21. The changes were more drastic on the 31 than the 22, but the same thing happened with the VF-19 variants where there were almost no shared parts (as far as looks go) between the YF-19 and the 19E, F, S, P, etc.
  9. Does anyone else get a sort of Air Cavalry Chronicles vibe from the rather ornate looking SV-262 and to some extent the VF-31 as well? Between those and the character designs, it makes me wonder of Kawamori is trying to merge in some more unused ideas from that project into Macross (a lot of designs were already recycled into M7).
  10. Don't give them any (more) ideas on how to take my money!
  11. Those wall mounts are a really cool idea! I bet someone is eventually going to try mounting 5-6 valks to a single wall mount just to see if they can
  12. I think there would still be a market for the Arcadia 1/3000. It is better proportioned, will fit more people's display space, and would likely be a lot cheaper. If they included the previously kit only add-ons like the waterslide decals, glow in the dark stickers, and possibly the photo-etch parts (though that would require some painting which might be a bit much to expect the average toy buyer to bother with), that would seriously sweeten the deal (but not the destroyed cannon parts as that requires disassembly to swap to those parts and came as unpainted yellowish resin).
  13. I think the head unit is growing on me more. I didn't realize before but the forearms in those battroid mode pics look like really thin and tiny sticks, even compared to the YF-30's which I thought still looked okay. Since the nose on the VF-31 folds down like the VF-25's, it looks like one side effect seems to be that it will limit any waist articulation it might have. The YF-30 had the best waist articulation of any valk to date.
  14. Does the bridge seem over-sized to anyone else? It looks closer to the proportions of the TV version. Maybe a compromise to accommodate the bridge lighting?
  15. Nice! That thing looks very detailed. Don't really like the visor light though. Doesn't make sense to have one there. I'm definitely in for one.
  16. Well then... awesome!
  17. It wasn't said it was a model kit though, right? I'm hoping it is.
  18. Hmmm... meh. Don't really want another VF/YF-19 (Unless it's the ACTIVE). I want to see what Bandai can do for an updated YF-21. At least this may lead to one.
  19. So I wonder what the deal is with resurrecting the SV designation that the Anti-UN used instead of using VF.
  20. Not really a fan of the head unit and a little disappointed it lost the hardpoints that the YF-30 had. The CG render they showed of the battroid mode still looked like it had the hardpoint on the arm, but the toy doesn't. Still looking forward to it otherwise.
  21. Wow, I totally did not see this coming. I wonder how much it will be.
  22. I was hoping there would be an NMC so that there would be a slim chance they would make a toy of one. Guess that's not likely.
  23. So the VF-31 is essentially the YF-30 with different looking parts. Much like the difference between the VF-25 and VF-27. I'm liking the SV-262 so far. Wish they showed the battroid mode for it.
  24. Cool. I like seeing more people doing weathering stuff! Look forward to see you do your other valks. I've got a bit of a backlog to work through myself. I just lack time
  25. Yeah, it really shows. At least Yamatoi's M+ stuff had only cost $60-80 at the time.
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