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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Interesting. I never thought to compare something like that. So I took the new Hikaru 1S and compared to a VT-1 and a DYRL Kakizaki VF-1A from some years back. Somehow I feel like the plastic is a bit lighter or at least more flexible on the Hikaru. When I tap the end of the fully extended wings on the new Hikaru 1S, it seems to have more vibration or spring to it. Whereas tapping the VT-1 or Kakizaki, it's more of a muted thud. The thickness and the dimensions of the wings look identical. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. Maybe the added flexibility will make it less prone to breakage? It's by no means floppy or squishy, just less... rigid? Maybe lighter? I'd have to put them on a scale to know for sure, but I don't have one handy to make a quantifiable assessment.
  2. In some cases, it helps to shave down the rectangular pegs and even out any surfaces that might be sticking out further, preventing the wing from folding up properly. I had to do that with a 31J. I was super happy when they got rid of the foreign transaction fees on my Amazon Prime Chase card.
  3. When I got my copy of the recently released Hikaru VF-1S, it instantly hit me how pink it looked without needing to compare it to anything. I guess I'm particularly sensitive to color gradations. It makes it easier to do color matching when mixing paints, but it's curse when things like this bother me. I was fairly disappointed and probably won't be getting anymore Arcadia VF-1 releases. People may think I'm overreacting, but I can't help that it bothers me, especially when put next to the other ones. They should have made it like the VF-0S white which didn't look pink at all.
  4. I half expect Milia's VF-1J to come out sort of orange-ish and Max's to be a purple hued blue while the visor frames are black because they maybe might have looked that way in one frame of animation error during an explosion while squinting your eyes really hard.
  5. That was my thought as well when I transformed mine to GERWALK mode. I thought to myself, "Paint this black and this would be a valk that Batman would be proud to fly."
  6. Yeah. Not to discourage anyone starting their collections now, but I personally wouldn't be able to afford having a collection like mine (and I don't even have a huge collection compared to many others) trying to get the same things years down the road with the aftermarket prices. It would just be too daunting to me. I've only paid high aftermarket prices on one thing which was the super parts for Alto's 29, and I felt like I paid far too much, especially since I found it was missing a piece. I regret not buying Alto's VF-25 Armored parts when I had the chance to and now it's just far too much out of the range of what I would be willing to pay for them, being priced at several hundred dollars. I only had the benefit of starting early and keeping up with the releases which made things possible for me.
  7. I buy them as they come. Back when Yamato was in business, stuff would often come up on sale later, so I got some of my Yamato stuff on sale months after release. Those were the good ole days where I didn't have to wake up at 3 AM just to secure a pre-order... The non-VF-1 Arcadia and Bandai 1/60 valks rarely stay in stores for too long after release and don't drop in price except for a few less popular items so it is generally better to pre-order at a discount as they come up. Once you start looking at ebay or Amazon afterwards, you're generally paying scalper prices.
  8. I removed the hands on mine back when I transformed it back to fighter and I could not see any difference.
  9. Have to do Advanced Search. A term that works is "Macross DX".
  10. We're like Alcoholics Anonymous... if AA was a bunch of alcoholics encouraging each other into binge drinking.
  11. If I can't get the paint to blend in well, I feel like I might end up going down the rabbit hole of masking off whole sections and redoing the gold entirely. Hopefully it doesn't come to that... The way I see it though, it is worth spending $6.80 for the gold and copper paint to try to fix the paint scratches and chips that are annoying the hell out of me on a $200+ toy.
  12. Did someone from Arcadia quit to go work at Bandai? That color is so off in a way that only Arcadia could have managed.
  13. Seems like this is something that is either going to happen or it's not regardless of how the film has been removed or how long it's sitting somewhere. Their paint and tampo prints are simply not adhering properly.
  14. The thumb on mine broke off exactly like that, but not because I was trying to squeeze the hand back in for fighter mode. I had just put the gunpod in the hand and I was closing the fingers when the thumb just came right off. I was able to glue it back on with some plastiweld bondine, but that thumb is fragile as heck and can snap at the slightest pressure. It might just be safer to remove the hand entirely when transforming the valk to fighter mode, even with positioning the fingers properly.
  15. I didn't think about the paint flecks orientation, but I need to give it a try anyway because of all the gold that came off mine during handling. I've sprayed metallic paint touchups on my car before and it didn't seem to have any different look to the factory paint so I'm hoping for the same results here. I'm using this as my color guide, which I'm assuming/hoping Bandai also used (not necessarily the paint, but the colors) for the DX toys: http://www.mech9.com/2016/10/172-draken-iii-keith-aero-windermere.html I ordered a bunch of Mr Hobby Aqueous paints for this and the VF-31. I've got a 262 sitting in the HLJ warehouse waiting for the 31F to be released so I can ship them together to save a bit on shipping. I'm hoping that it will not have paint issues.
  16. You'll want to go back and look on page 65 in this topic. Some people have had even worse. On the upside, it might not be too hard to mask it off and spray some white to fix it.
  17. That lance works surprisingly well with the Draken. Funny thing is it looks like the hand holds that lance better than it does the gunpod that comes with it.
  18. Man, the gold paint doesn't really adhere very well or scrapes off easily. I really am going to have to repaint some areas in addition to painting the mustard yellow portions of the gunpod to match the gold paint on the valk. Even the rotation of the LERX scrapes paint off. I transformed mine from battroid back to fighter (holy crap that was a severe pain in the butt) and I found some gold paint on my fingers. I'm going to have to find a second one just to display in either fighter or battroid mode because I never want to transform it again Coincidentally, I just found they are back in low stock on HLJ for ¥20,900 http://hlj.com/product/BANN08749
  19. Neat! Good to know. Too bad these things are too expensive for me to attempt to get more or I would get another D and A to try for myself.
  20. Those are fantastic! Are there any issues with the length of the fuselage when transforming the B to battroid?
  21. Yeah, I have that bottom hook in place as well. That top flap just won't stay latched on and it's very disappointing as it is such an important part.
  22. I too feel that the the fighter mode is a bit gappy, but it's not horrible. I think I will be repainting the the gunpod. That mustard yellow looks awful and plasticky. I'm thinking the paint mixtures suggested in the 1/72 model kit should probably match the toy, so I'll try that to match the gold color once I order the paints. I love the look of the toy in all modes, but the implementation of it could have used some improvement. Does anyone else find that the "lock" that is supposed to keep the arm and shoulder assembly in place for battroid just keeps popping out as soon as you even look at it funny? I can't move the arms or turn it sideways without that top fold-down piece popping out of place. The fact that the part rotates just keeps it from being securely fastened. Am I doing something wrong? I watched the Bandai transformation guide and Veef's as well and I seem to be doing everything properly as far as I can tell.
  23. It's not so much the complexity that scares me, it's all the multiple warnings on parts they point out to watch for. With my bad experiences with the VF-31J with various parts being fragile and breaking or cracking or having areas where the paint wears easily, that worries me.
  24. That is really a unique transformation, especially how the arms are handled. So many cautionary points though. Seems a bit scary. Glad they are including the sword in the add on and the Lil Drakens seem fairly detailed and have landing gear which Luca's ghosts lacked.
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