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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. I don't have my DX VF-1 in my hands yet and now I'm already dreading finding it to be a mess when I finally get it...
  2. That's entirely possible that we're helping the machine learning algorithms with our selections. I too fail them often. So I guess I'm not human. But seriously, I don't know if when selecting all the squares that contain a traffic light, whether the yellow pixel from the traffic light housing that's sticking out into the next square counts or not.
  3. By the subject I thought it was a gallery of Macross Miniatures and not a Macross Mini-Gallery. Haha. I guess they're still both technically correct since nothing is 1:1 scale. Marvelous photos and custom work!
  4. Thanks for that explanation. I had no idea what they were talking about at the very start of the first episode. This clears it up better for me. Yeah, I thought everyone's aim was hilariously bad. Literally the safest place to stand was right in front of each other's aim. In many scenes. the protags literally stood still right in front of the inbit and didn't get hit. Same goes for the reverse. There was a scene in an early episode where they're in a forest and a giant monolith of a bear shows up. They're literally standing a meter and a half away, practically point blank range given the bear's size and it's not moving around... just standing up with its arms out to helpfully present the largest target possible for them, and they still can't hit it. It took the inbit coming along, firing... and missing, to resolve the standoff. And yeah, what's with Stick blowing his entire load (of missiles) in a single altercation as if he had an unlimited supply? And apparently he does have an unlimited supply because he magically gets them all back. I think Stick has a dimensional item storage compartment up his ass and that's where he "Sticks" all his missiles for the Legioss and ride armor. Ray: Stick, where did you get a full set of replacement missiles? We weren't carrying any. Did you somehow just pull them from your ass? Stick: Why yes. Yes I did. Want one? Ray: Ah... no, I'm good... thanks...
  5. You set it to monitor a specific page. Like a search results page. You can monitor the whole page or a specific element or elements of a page. The more narrow you can restrict it to, the fewer false positives you'll possibly get. For example if you monitor the entire page, if there are ads on the page and they cycle, you will end up getting an alert everytime the ad changes. I usually pick the element of the page that contains just the search results. If you have a page for a specific item, but it's not ready for preorder or is out of stock, the I usually just have the part that says preorder or out of stock selected so when is ready to be added to cart, that should change. I haven't used Yahoo auctions before, but same principle. If no one is selling a taka 1/55 VE-1, then your search results show no listings. So you pick the search result area and if a listing shows up, it will alert you that there was a difference detected on the page. You can set it to alert you in various ways, like a windows pop up notification, play a ding, or email you.
  6. Distill Web Monitor. I have it installed for both Chrome and Firefox.
  7. Anyone else wish that even if Arcadia doesn't make a TV version, that they'd at least make an SDF-1 attachable Prometheus and Daedalus? Then we could at least have our own Macross the First version.
  8. You could frequently check if Mandarake lists any, though they don't have any listed in stock right now. Barring that, you're probably better off at this point waiting for a re-release or just get the Zeta when it comes out, unless you have some online retailers based in Australia that were offering them. In which case you use a web monitor to check if any have become available for pre-order due to customer cancellations. I ordered mine long after all the windows had closed and by chance, was around when one popped up on BBTS and my web monitor alerted me. It seemed to me like that was a combination of a side effect of of them destroying most of civilization which allowed nature to reclaim a lot of areas and possibly a bit of terraforming to help make things more suitable for themselves, but don't quote me on that.
  9. With COVID and the recent events in HK, I'm surprised it's still planned for this year at all.
  10. While looking around, in regards to feature set, this bot software looks pretty good, although it's $101 just for the standard version alone. https://www.botchief.com/ Seems to be written in C++, claims it doesn't require programming knowledge, can use chrome as an editor, and apparently can even solve captchas too. I'll just stick with the old F5/ web monitor method though... for now at least. Also I don't really trust this sort of software unless I can see the source code.
  11. It's been so long ago for me since I've seen the Mospeada saga of Robotech back when it aired that I hardly have any recollection of it and even then, I don't think I caught all of the episodes back then. With the Legioss bringing some interest to me for Mospeada, I tried watching the original on Amazon Prime Streaming today. I can't say I was bothered by the music, voices, and such as I didn't have much attachment to the Robotech version. That said, I have to say, I found some of the characters pretty annoying and overall, it felt like it was lacking in the story department and the individual episodes were a bit disjointed. Like the inbit go straight to Earth from their home planet and invade... why? It wasn't because of the HBT energy source that was developed drawing them there like Robotech's excuse with protoculture the fuel bringing the Invid to Earth because it's made from the flower of life. They just happen to be able to detect it when something using HBT is active. It's not because Earth was particularly suited to them, they had to evolve their form to make the most of it. It just felt like they decided to try to kill off humanity and take the planet because they could like a bunch of bullies in school looking for someone weak to beat up and steal from. There many other issues I had with the series as well. In the end, I felt a little let down and I decided I just really liked the mecha designs rather than the anime itself.
  12. Did they also fix the mismatched reds between the plastic and painted parts on this re-issue?
  13. Is that basically an upsized version of the masterpiece seekers? That toy must be massive being at 1/48 scale.
  14. Well, a lot of stores do that and it still doesn't help... They buy up the stock at the normal price and then sell it at a marked up value later.
  15. That Zeta looks amazing. I told myself I would just get the Eta and that would suffice, but now that I see the pic for it, I want that too... I'm digging that gun as well. Didn't they say something to the effect that if the legioss does well in sales, then they'd likely do the tread?
  16. Here's something I've been wondering about. A good majority of North American sites I go to have some form of captcha, like type the characters you see in the box or click all the boxes that have X. However, none of the Japanese sites (that I've gone to anyway) implement this. Wouldn't that stop the automated bot scalpers or at least reduce them if they used some sort of anti-botting captcha scheme?
  17. Could be also to also extend the bullet travel through the gunpod and so provide greater accuracy and exit velocity. Out of universe, it's probably just because it's a cool gimmick.
  18. I randomly saw his transformation vid for the Legioss being suggested on youtube, so I got curious. Prior to that, I had no idea the Sentinel Riobot version existed and thought it was an old vid about one of the older Legioss toys at first. I watched it out of curiosity and was surprised it was something completely new and was blown away from the engineering of it and how they managed to get the fighter proportions done so well. I blame him for my purchase of one too. If I hadn't seen it, I would have remained blissfully ignorant of its existence.
  19. Yeah, it was only a week or two ago that I recall replying that $40 or so for DHL shipping seemed about right, in response to a post about DHL shipping being around that much. Then I get hit with this. I could understand another 20-30% markup or so over time, but this seems really sudden and this is a 85-90% jump in rates.
  20. For the super tight shoulders, has anyone tried using some lubricant or would that just end up taking it to the opposite extreme?
  21. Ugh... finally got my shipping quote from Mandarake for the Hikaru VF-1S I ordered. ¥7810 for DHL shipping. Wow, what the heck? I thought it would be around $40-44 for DHL as I've had in the past for similar sized/weight packages. Did they up their rates dramatically?
  22. There's a separate symbol for after tax yen? I had no idea. I can't recall ever seeing it either. I tried googling it to see what it looked like but can't find anything about it.
  23. It was a lot less than ¥40,480. I looked at my order receipt for the VF-0D from HLJ from back in 2014 and it showed ¥33,120, not including shipping.
  24. The way I do it is I push down on the larger of the two doors a bit. Enough for me to pick at the smaller door with a fingernail and lift it up. After that, the big door is no problem. I too liked it initially for the better color than the ridiculous choice they went with for the first release. I naively thought that they could achieve what they showed in the official pics and the ones on display in the toy shows, but that was just wishful thinking. I'd have preferred if they just did the tampo printing (that's where most of the extra price went anyway if we're going by past PF releases that just had tampo prints added and no weathering). I hate straining my eyes and trying to cut out stickers perfectly and also try to perfectly align and place them so having it all done ahead of time like the Bandai releases would have been a godsend. I'm not going to complain that the price for a more complete tampo printed toy from Arcadia costs more than a Bandai DX release which all come fully tampo printed out of the box. The size of the two companies just can't be compared after all. It is what it is and I was willing to pay the premium for the tampo printing done on the premium finish. After receiving it and seeing for myself how it looks, I just wish they left out the half arsed weathering which wasn't really needed if they couldn't do it properly. I didn't pay attention to their past weathered releases, but now that I look at pics of them, they were comically bad too. Either far too heavy or looked like it was done by someone who had 40 cups of coffee in the span of two hours.
  25. Which actually makes it worse, but they probably didn't/couldn't spend a whole lot of time on each one. We're probably talking about factory workers just being told what to do and not having people who have skill in custom weathering handle this. There are some areas that look particularly bad like the near solid black "streaks" on the air brake that are actually nearly non-existent at the point of origin and ending in a black pointed blob at the end away from the hole. They didn't even bother to wipe the touch points where they touched the brush to the panel lines to let the fluid flow through the panel lines so there's these round little touch points all over. You could probably argue that some of it is part of the weathering, but the way it looks, it seems less intentional and more like lack of care. Oh well, perhaps I'll just end up trying to fix it myself if I have the time and inclination to, though that can quickly turn into a nightmare trying to fix mistakes on already weathered toys.
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