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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Yep, I had noticed that too, so you're correct. Anasazi is old school. He's been around for a long while and has been making great decals for people. I also remember Takatoys made stickers for the v1 1/60 VF-1s and the 1/48's until Alps started shutting down their international business making it hard to get new toner and such.
  2. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  3. What is this? A meme for ants?! It needs to be at least... 3 times bigger than this!
  4. You're right! Just means I need to get another eventually, doesn't it?
  5. Man, I feel bad for all the people who already had their stuff shipped and can't change the shipping so their stuff is stuck in limbo for who knows how long...
  6. Sorry for the potato phone pics. But I can't do this sort of stuff with my 1/60 V2: - Aggressively wide leg stance -Individual finger articulation allowing you to do something like cranking up the middle finger -Pretty much full 180 arm bend and have a massive waist swivel. -cock the head to the side, palm open flat, lean to one side. Balances easily on the leg because of the low center of gravity from so much mass being in the legs and being able to adjust the feet to any angle you need.
  7. Yeah, the grey connector piece that attaches/detaches from the metal swing bar can be plugged into a hole, just above where the hip bar clips in, when the bar is detached so that the legs stay securely in place.
  8. Oh, that's odd. Are you doing battroid with or without the T-connector connected to the back bar?
  9. Do you mean how the legs just kind of peg in with no locks aside from pegging into the backpack in fighter mode?
  10. As much as I feel the DX is better in most ways compared to the Yamato 1/48 and the Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 VF-1s and just overall much better, it will definitely not be replacing the 1/60 VF-1 toys for me. I have a very wide range of Macross mecha in 1/60 scale and it very much matters to me that they are in scale with one another when displayed. My non-1/60 scale items are displayed separately or on their own. So the DX is awesome to me, yes, but I only see myself getting maybe one or two more and then I'm done with them. They'll be replacing the Yamato 1/48's (of which, I've already retired most of the ones I have in favor of freeing up display space for other stuff) that I have on display. To me, they're better in pretty much every way whereas you can argue merits for the 1/60s and they definitely have their place. Let's face it, the Yamato 1/48s were designed and made in the very early 2000's. Design and manufacturing has improved greatly since then. Since that time, a 1/60 YF-19 came out, then redesigned from the ground up and released, and then made again in 1/60 scale by yet another company, with the latter two being massive improvements over the initial 1/60 YF-19. It's to be expected that the Yamato 1/48 VF-1 would be outclassed so many years later. If the DX VF-1 didn't, I'd be questioning Bandai how they could lose to an 18 year old design.
  11. I was wondering if anyone had any personal experience with AMMO products by MIG Jimenez based out of Spain. https://www.migjimenez.com They have a whole host of products for weathering effects and washes. I'll be honest, I felt like a kid in a candy store when I discovered this site. I bought a few things here and there to try out, but I'm curious if anyone else has tried any of the stuff on that site and whether they had good results or not.
  12. Nice! Also totally digging that VF-1X++. Did you get the extra parts from somewhere or you made them yourself?
  13. I haven't taken mine apart, so I'm not sure, but looking at those pictures, it seems like a screw broke in the first pic?
  14. Well from TV Roy to DYRL Roy, the only things I'm expecting from them is a change in the head arrows from black to yellow, the console/HUD swapped out for the DYRL version, a change in the pilot figure, and the exclusion of TV hands and the special base. Things that should have further made a difference would have been the "VF" markings on the legs above the feet which are apparently missing on the DX toy, based on Bandai's pictures. On the DYRL version, it should have the different canopy shape and have the small skull squadron insignias just behind the canopy, but the TV version already has the DYRL canopy and we know they've already missed the insignias on the Hikaru 1S AND Kakizaki 1A.
  15. Interesting. Thanks for the info! Unfortunate though because I'd rather have things in a common scale when it makes sense to (doesn't make sense to have a 1/60 SDF-1 for example).
  16. Who knows? Perhaps that's planned or perhaps it's because Arcadia still holds the rights to produce VF-1s in that scale.
  17. They are a bit overdone aren't they? Yet they still missed canon ones like the little skull squadron symbol near the cockpit. Okay, let me amend my statement. They did a much better job at hiding the screw holes than all of the Yamato 1/60 v2 VF-1s and the early Arcadia ones. The rest I said still remains as is.
  18. That's some excellent work! I hope you get enough likes to do the remastered intro!
  19. Well yeah, but the ones I have are the basis of my comparison. To say they have them NOW doesn't improve the ones I do have, for which the complaint of having the screws exposed is valid, and I have no plans on re-buying them for the screw covers :P I don't know when they started adding the screw covers because that VF-1S is an Arcadia release also. Screw covers aside, everything else I said is still valid from my perspective.
  20. Well that doesn't help with all the 1/60 VF-1s I do have... none of which have the screw holes like those covered.
  21. No one buys out the VF-0D on PO day because they don't disappear .000005 sec after they come up for pre-order. Arcadia actually seems to make them to order (like what the purpose of a pre-order SHOULD be) instead of deciding from the start to make only 20 to be distributed and make everyone fight to get one on PO launch.
  22. Yep. I firmly stand by my opinion on that. It's got an impressive heft to it, the range of movement, the sharpness of the mold and details are just so much better. And the hands... it's got every finger and knuckle individually poseable and very well proportioned all around. It's also got a much lower center of gravity due to most of the weight being in the legs and feet. It was kind of a waste to have the fixed pose hands included and I'd have rather they used that plastic for some AMM-1 missiles instead. I personally think it's a lot better. Don't get me wrong, I still love the 1/60 v2 and yes both the Yamato 1/48 and the 1/60 v2 pioneered the way. but the 1/48 lacks greatly in poseability and has some proportion issues and the 1/60, while fixing most of the proportion issues, lacks in detail and lost the waist swivel. The ratcheted feet with relatively few fixed positions on the 1/60 also makes it difficult to get nice looking poses that are stable for the toy to stand on its own. The DX has details galore even in places you'd be hard pressed to see normally, great proportions, great looking and functional hands, far more range of movement, and ball jointed feet that allow you to put the feet at the angle you need instead of forcing you to have the legs angled to match the feet and get it to balance. It also does a much better job hiding screw holes like in the back or inner sides of the arm and legs and at covering gaps like at the top of battroid mode. None of the above is even accounting for the tampo printing, btw. Yeah... it's stupidly expensive, particularly if you want to get the FAST packs and missiles. I'll likely be looking to get a Roy and then I'm done because 1/48 doesn't match the scale of the rest of my collection and these DX VF-1s are more like a centerpiece sort of thing for my collection.
  23. My Hikaru VF-1S arrived today and I got to mess around with it some. In terms of looks and the feel of it in my hands, it just blows away the Yamato 1/48's and the Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 VF-1's. It just has such well sculpted lines and proportions, especially in battroid mode where the Yamato 1/48 had arms that felt too skinny, awful hands, and a far too long nose cone, The details are crisp. It feels like it might be about 80% heavier than the Yamato 1/48's from all the extra metal content. The poseability of this DX is leagues better too. I was never happy with the Yamato and Arcadia ones. The leg motion was fairly limited without having to resort to weird looking leg positions. You couldn't get a good wide leg stance and the ratched feet further limited the stances you could have where the toy could stand on its own. The DX's ability to make a wide stance along with the feet being on a ball joint gives so much more freedom. Even the little pilot figure is better. Instead of having shapeless blobs for hands, it actually has thumbs as well and the arms are positioned so that the fingers and thumbs go around the flightstick and throttle in the cockpit. A really nice touch indeed. I just have a few nitpicks, like the arms being held in place in fighter mode through friction alone, the large gap between the folding flap and the backpack, and it being hard to handle in fighter mode without constantly knocking the stabilizers on the legs or the head lasers out of place. Now I just need the DYRL FAST packs to be re-released at a reasonable price along with the missile sets. It's dumb that those missiles are their own separate release and don't come with the toy or the FAST packs for the price they're already charging for them.
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