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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. I really hope they revisit the YF-21. They redid the YF-19 already but nothing in regards to the 21. I'm not really liking Bandai's rendition so far based on what they've shown, unless they drastically change it. All the extra markings on it also just looked ugly.
  2. Speaking of panel lining, I wonder if Arcadia has improved the panel lines on the toy. I kind of feel like they would have had to. The original VF-4G release had so many shallow panel lines that you couldn't really panel line it normally. It was hard to even see some. If they expect factory workers to do the panel liningproperly, I'd think they would need to make the panel lines deeper.
  3. Is that VF-9 kit in 1/60 scale? I kind of want one of each VF also, including a VF-5000, VA-3, and VF-14.
  4. Ended up getting it from Amazon JP. The price on the site says ¥31,177, but when you actually add to cart, it says, ¥28,343. I wonder if my Amazon Prime credit card still gets 5% points from Amazon JP orders as I would with orders from Amazon.com. That would be a nice side benefit if so.
  5. Wow, that's like a $38 price difference currently between AE and HLJ. However, AE says that all shipments to the US are temporarily suspended and that they'll hold all shipments until the suspension has ended. Which could be a long time... From their words, it doesn't sound like they are offering any alternative methods of shipping. So yeah... definitely sounds like a bad idea to go AE despite the lower cost unless one doesn't mind waiting an indefinite amount of time to get what they paid for.
  6. If you really want to make it not bland, you should paint it with the Pink Peckers squadron colors.
  7. Lol, at first, I thought this was a shot taken from a toy store.
  8. What does this mean exactly? That my order through Amazon JP is invalid?
  9. I can think of several reasons. 1) So that no matter which way the box is sitting, there's at least one side with the right orientation 2) To annoy or cause distress to people with OCD 3) Someone f*cked up.
  10. That's pretty clever how you modified that to be longer. Nice work!
  11. Back then, I would have considered this as a wallet demolishing price. They've gotten us used to seeing $350-450+ prices which makes 250 look tame... We're the frog in the slowly boiling water.
  12. We need a Macross museum we can donate our stuff to.
  13. I guess worst case scenario, one could use clear red paint as a filter and tie the reds closer together with it. That's what I did with Alto's YF-29, well except I actually matched the painted parts to the color of the plastic parts.
  14. Hmm, in my estimation, I've spent around $20-21k on all Macross toy related purchases... ugh... So that is an average of over $1100/year since I started collecting. Wasn't so bad back then. The Yamato 1/48's were around 120-130 and even the VF-1 1/60 v2 could be had for less than 100 back in the day. But now we're looking at $250 minimum for Arcadia stuff and Bandai is edging toward 19k minimum for the 1/60 DX toys, with many way over that, especially since it's near impossible to get things at MSRP these days. So if I were to graph my spending per year, it would look more like an exponential growth curve...
  15. Schrödinger's Alphas?
  16. That is a good point worth mentioning about the domestic customer service. The $4 flat rate shipping is not bad either. By the time I found out about the Legioss Eta, every place that still had it was selling it for way over msrp, but I was able to order one from BBTS for 250 and only $4 shipping on top of that. So that was pretty awesome.
  17. For now, Amazon JP is still the better deal for those in NA or at least the US. Costs less shipped and probably have it in your hands sooner. Definitely will be painting mine. That hot pink is burning my retinas. I do think it is supposed to be a shade of pink, but more muted and not like THAT.
  18. lol, how big is your collection anyway? I don't know what I'd do with mine if the coof gets me or something. Probably wouldn't sell for much anyway since most of mine are not mint condition and have been weathered or customized in some way.
  19. I think that completely bare one is just an unpainted prototype. I believe the one shown on AE is meant to be the one corresponding to the placard on the right. Also, excluding some one off only kits like the 1/2000 sdf-1 and 1/60 Regult, Yamato/Arcadia has rarely put out a barebones kit of something available in finished toy form (VF-1, Fan Racer?, 1/3000 SDF-1) and all were from the Yamato days. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have one for the VF-4 though since most of the customs would have been for the FB2012 version and that's what they're releasing now. I think there would be little demand for other schemes for the VF-4 to justify the bare bones version. Edit: I suppose there could be the M & M versions for customizing, but I still don't think they're releasing a bare one.
  20. Oh wow, these Ghosts are looking pretty good. It's too bad I missed out. Did the orange peel texture of the gloss coat eventually level out? Also, couldn't help wondering what that yellow thing under the ghost is. Looks like the torso of sort of construction destroid or something.
  21. Likely AE accidentally jumped the gun and put it out ahead of schedule. Probably best to wait and see also to see what the price is for other vendors.
  22. I also want to know if this does or does not include a gunpod. The pics don't show any. I read near the top of this page that the 4G re-release came with a gunpod, but did they include any way to mount it in fighter mode? Edit: I just noticed this from up top: So this means there are two planned releases right? Regular and PF. So there would still be a PF version coming.
  23. That's too bad about the relative lack of tampo printing. At least they got a lot of the major ones down. I think I'd prefer the lower price of a non-premium at this point if they can at least keep that amount of tampo shown in the shots on AE and not be so utterly bare bones like the VF-0S. I do hate panel lining this thing though. the 4G was a pain in the ass because the panel lines were so shallow that my standard methods were a no go. Was forced to use a mechanical pencil instead. Looks like I'll need to get some VF-1 waterslide decals for the other markings.
  24. I don't know. $260 sounds about right. I paid ¥25,000 for my VF-4G back in 2012. I don't know about the re-release though. So I assume that it's not listed for sale anywhere else right now because it's the weekend in Japan?
  25. I just looked at my 0A and it has a split in that same area except the one on mine is even larger. I can see the metal pin through the crack. On another subject, I really hate that they painted the black stripe clear across the starboard wing and then Arcadia made a sticker with a white background with the 301, but the white doesn't match and looks like crap. Ended up just masking off a section of the stripe and sanding it away. Trimmed the clear backed 301 on the sheet right along the edge of each number, but still felt unsatisfied due to how thick the stickers are. I was going to use some of the decals from the Hasegawa kit, but while some look just fine despite being 1/72 scale, others are way too small. Looked around on the internet to see if anyone made upscaled versions of the Hasegawa decals and found on ebay there are 1/60 waterslides for the 0A and S based on the Arcadia sticker sheets. Happy day! Bought one of each, though they're pretty expensive for decals. My plans for the 0A and S are now on hold since these decals are shipping from China and will take a good while to arrive. Better late than never though.
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