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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. I'm still waiting on Chuck's Kairos and the armored parts for that and Mirage's...
  2. Each row consists of two separate panes of tempered glass with the dimensions of 34" x 12" and a thickness of 1/4", supported by metal brackets 32" apart. That roughly calculates to over 60 lbs per pane which is certainly way more than needed.
  3. I've partially rectified the error of my ways and added two GERWALKs to my display while I added in a couple of the new ghosts that I completely forgot I had until today. Edit: Replaced with new pic. Got a couple display boxes which seem pretty good so I will get a couple more. Optimized the display a bit more.
  4. Indeed, that sort of case is normally used for retail displays. It's monstrous at 70" wide and 72" high with a depth of 20" or so. It came delivered on a large wooden pallet and was unbelievably heavy to lug it into the house piece by piece and up two flights of stairs. Took me nearly a day to put it together. Since I now have some spare detolfs, I offered them to my mom, so I'll be disassembling them at some point and taking them to her house and will re-assemble them there. She wanted more than the 4 she has now, but apparently Ikea has stopped making them, so this was good for her as well. Plenty of similar alternatives on Amazon, but they're not as cheap as the ~$80 that I paid for mine at Ikea 17 years ago or so.
  5. Or the white areas would yellow so much that you wouldn't know which were areas were supposed to be gold 😛
  6. At least with the 31's, they all had different head units or pods which was enough justification for me to get. This is literally just a repaint. Also Bogue hardly got to use his before it gets shot down and he never did anything worthwhile with it. I think at this point, I would rather have variants than repaints.
  7. Agreed. I found there was a lot of wasted space and limitations due to having the horizontal space divided up between detolfs. That's a neat setup. I like how you have things attached and hanging from the ceiling. There's a reason for that; volume of space taken up. Battroid takes up space vertically. Fighter takes up space horizontally. Either leaves space to have additional things placed in front of or above/below. GERWALK takes up space both vertically and horizontally, leaving less usable space in either direction. It's the least likely to allow for placement of additional stuff in front of or above/below it.
  8. Finally got a new display case for my Macross collection. The old old one had a door shatter into a million pieces and I had moved my stuff into detolfs for temporary housing, but remained like that for years after. This new one has adjustable shelves and a metal frame so I don't have to worry about the whole thing collapsing should a side panel break somehow. Only 1/60 scale stuff inside the case. I plan on finding some display boxes to put some of the stuff on top of the case in. Got a replacement door from a local custom glass shop and repurposed the old display case for my 40k stuff.
  9. I didn't expect this. I too wish they released the Ba instead. The crimson and gold colors don't look bad, but not sure I want to get this as it's just a repaint for a character I'm not fond of. The paint will probably peel off with the protective plastic and with their poor QC as of late and the fiddly nature of the 262, I will likely find unexpected issues that weren't present with the original release. Been burned by Bandai a lot these past few years. I would have put up with it if it was the Ba variant since it would be something new at least.
  10. Just an update on the progress of my submission to the Bandai replacements form. I got an email today saying the following;
  11. I wonder what is the ratio of unbent lasers to bent lasers is at this point. Sorry to hear about your Horus. It seems to be about as common as bent YF-21 lasers. I see so many reports of it on the discord and some in the joytoy reddit. Getting a replacement torso should be fairly painless. Less of a hassle than trying to get parts from Bandai, at least. I was fortunate with mine. The only problem mine had was that one of the claws was unpainted.
  12. I saw another case posted on reddit where a chunk of the canopy that had a tab on the underside had broken off. These canopies are so fragile, they come broken out of the box.
  13. Got Mr. Heresy on Friday. He's a heavy and chonky boi. I feel like nearly 40% of the weight is from the wolf pelt and cape. Did some work to repaint his face to add some shading and details as it was kind of lacking. Also repainted the pelt as they did a piss poor job of it. Added a wash, highlights and weathering to the rest of the figure and a red LED behind the head. One of the best figures JoyToy has released so far this year.
  14. Spent like 30 min messing with some panel lining, edge highlighting and doing some drybrushing just to see how it would look since I have been doing the same with the joytoy WH40k stuff I've been collecting lately. Not sure how I will go about weathering it. There's just so many pieces that rub together, especially taking the legs out of the bay or pushing them back in. There doesn't seem to be any way to do it without a lot of scraping. Might have to just go without a clear coat for once.
  15. Can't hurt to try at the very least. They ask for: A picture of the part needing replacement (presumably showing the defect) A receipt of the order showing who you got it from, date of purchase and the item purchased Picture of the Bandai Namco sticker on the box Picture of the UPC code If you can provide all that, I would think you would have a chance. If this replacement service works out for me, I may just end up getting from US retailers in the future since Bandai's QC has really gone down the toilet these past 4 or so years, even more so than usual. However, I probably won't know for 6-8 weeks as they claim that's how long this will take. From the email:
  16. Interesting, without having the JP one, I wouldn't have known that. That may be part of what they're looking for when they have us send a picture of the upc code. I have the same number embossed on mine as well.
  17. It should. The one I got was for the US distribution. It has the Bandai Namco warning sticker on it which the replacement form requires or they won't even consider the request. I was directed to that web form by the US retailer I bought from.
  18. Oh boy, I found another issue with mine. The gray plastic that holds the metal landing gear is kind of soft. I had the landing gears deployed and wanted to push them back in. The port side landing gear won't hold firmly and the flimsy plastic flexes and causes the metal landing gear to pop out of its grip. The lock that keeps the landing gear in the vertical position is stronger than the plastic that holds the landing gear. it's already showing some signs of wear from repeated attempts to pop the gear in and push it down. I finally got it by pushing as close to the base as possible, but I'm not using the landing gears again if I can help it. This thing is just lousy all over and am kind of having some buyer's remorse.
  19. Finished up my jump pack intercessors and a third termagant. Really hoping they release more nid units. Could really use some hormagaunts at the very least.
  20. I might just stick putty in to keep them in place. Makes it not permanent, but keeps them from falling out easily.
  21. The seller directed me to the Bandai returns and replacements web form. https://www.bandai.com/returns-replacements Since the box has the Bandai Namco sticker, I'm hoping they can help.
  22. Argh... this thing is a total QC piece of crap. I went to put in Guld and found that the part of the canopy that attaches to the hinge is half disintegrated. There wasn't even enough plastic inside the cockpit or anywhere else in the box to make up what should have been there so this too must have happened at the factory. FML, I got a real winner here. Contacted the seller to see if replacement parts can be obtained from Bandai. Or if not, then if a return and exchange would be possible.
  23. I found my heat gun and straightened it out. Just toasted it for around 15-20 seconds on both sides over the heat gun and it got really soft. Straightened it out and there's no stress mark at all any more. The top did curve bit. I'll see if I want to bother fixing that later or not. Just out of curiosity, I tried which paints I had matched the color of the head laser the best. It looks like the "Flash Gitz Yellow" Citadel paint was the closest. I used the paint straight out of the pot and painted the whole ring in the pic above. It's close, but just a tad brighter. It only needs a very slight tinge of gray to match if anyone without a heatgun wants to touch up the stress mark with paint. .
  24. I got mine and it's just as bad. After examining the packaging for myself. I have to conclude that the untrained bonobos they used to package these in the factory damaged the head laser at some point before even putting the plastic cover over the tray. There are no signs of denting, stress, or abrasions to the tray covver, aside from some rubbing on the outside of the tray with the box. You can't get this degree of bend without any stress marks to the tray cover from putting the cover on or any jostling or crushing during shipping. It's simply impossible. Frustratingly, I can't find my heat gun anywhere and my hairdryer doesn't get it hot enough to get the plastic soft. I won't be able to fix this unless I can find my heat gun.
  25. That's what it's looking like to me. I was unable to imagine how a bend that severe could possibly occur in shipping unless the box itself sustained nothing less than puncture damage right above where the head laser is.
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