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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. I felt the same way. I don't know why they put red markings on the sticker sheet considering they often copy the hasegawa decals for the respective VFs (they even copied the typo for "NEWEDWARS T.F.C.") and the ones for the YF-21 were white. Instead, I used an old sticker sheet I had from Takatoys that were meant for the 1/48 VF-1s since the scale looked more or less correct for the markings and had white "No Steps". Even the red markings on those showed up better than the red markings from the yamato sticker sheet. Probably either because the red is brighter or more opaque and thus the blue doesn't show through as much. On my second YF-21 which I have in battroid mode, I just used the yamato sheet, and you can clearly see the difference in visibility between them the red "Danger" stickers on the fighter and the ones on the battroid. They Yamato ones look almost black.
  2. Cheers to you, Save. If Overdrive hadn't come along, I think I would have had to give up collecting Macross stuff. With the fall of the local US vendors and my loathing for Ebay, my only feasible choice was to buy directly from Japanese exporters like HLJ. Only with HLJ pre-orders, you never know how much you'll actually end up paying in the end when the item finally ships out which pretty much makes me stay away from them as well (and at the current rate things are going, I'd have been paying a lot more than the initial estimate). So Overdrive has been my last refuge. Some people have recently brought up Angolz.com. I'd probably have to give them a try too sometime if Overdrive ever went down for some reason.
  3. MacrossJunkie

    Yamato stands

    Is it supposed to be compatible with the existing connectors that come with many of yamato's valks or are you stuck with using the pieces that come with the stand? Also, I wonder what the red text mentioning the 1/60 YF-21 and SV-51 is saying. Something comparing these stands with the ones that come with those toys?
  4. I think the GBP-1S is one of my favorite display pieces. It wasn't so when I first got it though. Out of the box, I thought it looked chunky and boring, but after I applied the stickers to it and did some panel lining to bring out the detail better, it transformed into a truly awesome thing. I just have the original, not the urban camo version though. The urban camo one looks pretty cool already without having to do much extra work, I think.
  5. I was just thinking, since the Ranka figure is not likely to fit in the cockpit and is probably for just displaying by itself outside of a valkyrie, was there ever mention that the missiles would definitely attach to the fighter? As lame as it would be, maybe the missiles with Luca's set aren't meant to attach anywhere and just there for display like:
  6. Doh! Support group? Is this what it was supposed to be? I thought it was for those who were addicted and merely looking for justifications and excuses to buy more valks.
  7. No clue. That is something I believe everyone is wondering about since there are no attachment points under the wings. Duct tape
  8. Yep, I can get to the site now. Cool.
  9. Speaking of overdrive, has anyone been having problems accessing the website lately? I've been having problems since trying yesterday and I am getting an "Address not found" error.
  10. Come on, no hesitation. You know you're ultimately going to buy it anyway... Just do eeeet! It's one of Yamato's best engineered VF toys. The fighter mode is super sleek and looks fantastic. And the battroid mode looks pretty bad ass too. It's calling to you, just listen carefully
  11. But the YF-19 didn't come with any extras like FAST packs. At least not the base version at that price.
  12. The 1/72 VF-11B was probably the best of the M+ 1/72 valk toys, but even so, there were many things I wished were better when I first got it. I think the 1/60 is a pretty big improvement over the 1/72. Among the things I disliked/was annoyed at/hated about the 1/72 that are fixed with the 1/60 are: The big hole in the right side of the nose where a screw goes in and a little cap covers it. You can see the big concavity even looking from above. It was just a very poor place to put a screw hole. Example 1 Example 2 The fugly ginormous hinges under the wings in fighter mode. (as seen here) The intakes weren't really flush and kind of hover a millimeter below. FAST pack boosters were way too small. GERWALK looks funky with the big empty gap left by the plate over where the arm connects. Further worsened by the fact that you had to slide the whole wing assembly back further to make room for the arms to deploy. Example Cockpit is a bright turquoise color. Canards seemed overly big. Other things I will have to see more of the 1/60 to see if they were fixed/improved or not. But just the first two items in that list alone makes me want to get the 1/60.
  13. I had to look on amazon because I didn't know what an i-sobot was. I'm not sure what the comparison here is. If someone is getting a destroid, it's because they are a Macross fan and want to pick up a well made and designed version of a classic mech. There's really not much basis for comparison for price or why one should buy one over the other here as the markets for each are very different.
  14. Where did you get yours?
  15. Ugh, that sucks What mode was it stored in when that happened? I'm guessing fighter since that's where the stress could possibly be while the legs are stowed away. Maybe you could get a quote for a replacement part from overdrive?
  16. 1. I'm somewhere between Meh and No. Hard to decide, I guess I'll go with No, but still acceptable enough that I will get a couple. 2. Getting Michael's and Luca's. I'm trying to collect each generation of VF so even though these are not superb, I'm getting them to have a representation of the VF-25 close to scale with my other valks. I like Michael's sniper rifle and his VF looks decent in battroid with super packs. Luca's because I don't have an AWACS type fighter yet and never got the elint seeker since it only came out as the original crappy vf-1 v1. 3. Like Graham, I'm more of a legs person myself. However having to make a choice between the two given, I'd probably give a slight nod to the boobs department. What part are you kidding about? That he's asian, that he's not used to breasts or both? He may live in HK, but he's definitely not asian.
  17. Doesn't look like it. If you look closely at the battroid pics on Yamato's site, you can see it's just a simple swivel at the elbow. No double joints. So 90 degrees (possibly a couple degrees more) is the best you'll get.
  18. Not all Yammies. Actually, the 1/48 VF-1s have a waist swivel also. It's just limited due to the T bar, but there is some swivel nonetheless. The YF-21 also has a waist swivel.
  19. Thanks, Graham. Judging by that, it looks like the 25 is close enough to be called 1/60 (probably 1/61 or 1/62 but that's within reason). The pilot size difference is still off, but it may just be Yamato making the pilots bigger they should hence the cramped cockpits in most of the Yammie VFs. The 25 doesn't look so fat once the landing gear bay doors are closed and the gun removed.
  20. IXTL put a magazine scan up back on page 14. Here's the link to it for your convenience. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=61430 I'm afraid now that the stabilizers on Michael's rifle might be crooked bendy pvc, or possibly the whole gun itself. That would really piss me off.
  21. Nope, it's a tad bigger than it should be. I as mentioned in my previous post, it's around 1/56 scale. A good comparison would be against the VF-0 as they should be around the same length and the VF-0 is really close to it's intended scale.
  22. Well, Graham compared it to the Yamato's "1/60" YF-19. According to official numbers, fighter length is 18.62m or around 61 ft. 1/60 scale would make that 12.22 inches. The toy is around 13.13 inches making it close to 1/56 scale I believe. Just for reference for some other fighter modes: YF-21 - 19.62m -> 60.6ft -> (1/60 scale) 12.87in - (actual) 13.38in - (approx toy scale) 1/58 VF-0 - 18.69m -> 61.32ft -> (1/60 scale) 12.26in - (actual) 12.31in - (approx toy scale) 1/60 SV-51 - 22.77m -> 74.7ft -> (1/60 scale) 14.94in - (actual) 15.06in - (approx toy scale) 1/60 VF-25 - 18.72m -> 61.42ft -> (1/60 scale) 12.28in - (actual) ?? Someone measure it in cm or inches please and let us know. So if it were 1/60 scale, it should be close to the VF-0 in length. In my opinion, it's really hard to do a battroid scale. Macross variable mecha are designed from fighter first and Kawamori goes from there to derive a battroid. So if your fighter parts are in scale, whatever you get in battroid is what you get. Now if we really want to get nitpicky, we should find the heights of the characters and measure the pilot figures
  23. You're probably right. Comparing the size of it to the YF-19 there puts it closer in scale to Bandai's VF-17 Nightmare toy. Wow, those pilots are tiny! Argh, I really wanted these to be in scale with my 1/60 Yamato valks >.<
  24. Could you take a profile shot of the fighter mode without the landing gear deployed and the gunpod not attached?
  25. Well, I wouldn't say hate. But don't you think the crooked lasers and lack of neck on the 25S are legitimate complaints? I think the general attitude has changed from hate to acceptance of Bandai's take on the 25 toy. It seems many people like the DX 25 enough that they at least getting the RVF-25 or 25G when they come out. Mirroring other sentiments expressed in this thread, I would have liked to get the VF-25S at some point, but due to the recent pictures, I've decided against it. I do still like Michael's and have it pre-ordered and will likely get Luca's as well.
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