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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. I just got an email not too long ago from overdrive regarding my Michael order so it looks like they are working on getting them processed and shipped.
  2. Macross toys are like potato chips... you never can have just one
  3. I wish those leg fixes would have made it to Michael and Luca's valks...
  4. Merely an educated guess on my part, but if you look at the pics earlier in the thread showing the new holes (pg 11 of this thread) and also the cg prototype pics of the super fold booster add-on, it looks like 4 of the 5 new holes (the holes marked 1,2,3, and 4 in the pic) match up to the pegs that the super fold booster will use. The dome looks like it will likely use the 5th hole (which seems to have a cap you can put over it when not in use) and as well as holes 1 and 2 ( or possibly 3 and 4. Hard to tell from the angle). Pic from IXTL's post: Close up pic of the dome attached:
  5. I pre-ordered from Overdrive and there's been no status change on my order either.
  6. I believe the head sculpt has remained the same. The head just looks thinner in the pic because it can angle down now like it's supposed to and still remain a good bit above the chest. In the original 25S release, due to the short neck, most people positioned the head more horizontally giving it a short, squat appearance.
  7. I was afraid that with the much larger boosters that stick even further out from the back of the battroid, that the toy might not be able to stand properly, but the pic shows it standing without anything visibly propping it up so that's a good sign. Can anyone tell if there really is landing gear inside the leg armor? I couldn't tell from the closeup pic a couple pages back (seems like the shin area could be hinged to open up for something), but the fighter mode pic seems to only show the front gear deployed and the rear just resting on the leg armor itself.
  8. I had to look it up because I didn't know either. Here's a wikipedia article explaining it.
  9. Nice, even if that is the only improvement they made to the 25S (so far looks to be as the head lasers are still crooked), that looks so much better. The armor pack looks really awesome.
  10. Man, that sucks that the crotch armor has to be removed for non-battroid modes. I guess the same thing will have to be done on the full armor as well Also, is there nothing other than a slight bit of friction keeping the hip armor from falling off or something? I mean from peoples' description, it doesn't really sound like it clips on. Has anyone experienced any paint rubbing off due to the armor?
  11. In fighter mode, does the rifle require two clips to connect? I see a clip connecting the rifle to the crotch piece and was wondering if that was in addition to the existing clip used for the normal rifle or in place of.
  12. ... Who would spend all that money on a valk and then sticker it up with that? Not even considering the cutesy pictures, it just looks too err... busy. Now if it was a Hello Kitty theme on the other hand...
  13. Wow, that's cool. I want one of those Ranka WRXs. I didn't even know that F.T.C.C. line existed until you posted pics of them. Why don't online stores sell stuff like that too?
  14. The store that was mentioned in the 1/60 DX thread, Anime-Export, also has it up for pre-order. They list it for 16920 Yen but will ask for payment upfront like Overdrive does. http://safe.anime-export.com/u_productpage...rodotti_id=4892
  15. Their FAQ seems to say that they require payment immediately.
  16. Looking at the super fold booster add-on made me realize that if skull squadron ever had to deploy somewhere needing the use of either the super or regular fold booster Luca's would be the only one that would require some kind of trade-off in order to deploy. He would have to lose his radome in order for the fold booster to be equipped. The RVF-171 doesn't seem to have that problem as it has a fold booster attached to each wing. I guess Luca's VF could have the fold boosters attached the same way in place of the super pack boosters, but that would exclude the use of those boosters. Also speaking of fold boosters and super packs, it would be cool if Bandai came up with a way to have the packs and the fold booster fold up together when detached from the VF like in episode 12 upon arrival at Gallia IV.
  17. Do they charge you when they are ready to ship items like HLJ or at the time you place your order like Overdrive?
  18. Wow, that is a pretty decent price. Is this place reliable? I've never heard of anyone ordering from this place before. And if so, then that's great.
  19. I think it might just be an animation mistake with the model as Alto's is usually in his super pack which would have the fins up. Then again, they have it shown with the fins down in the scene where he's leaving the hanger so it might not be. From Ep 14 "Mother's Lullaby": Alto with armor in hanger Ozma's is shown with vertical stabs folded down Alto's is up after launch Alto and Ozma in full armor in same screen. Alto's is clearly up while Ozma's doesn't show Edit: Added hanger pic further showing it might not be a mistake after all as it appears before the tail fins are up.
  20. Yeah, that collection DX review was very bad. The guy seemed to have spent like 20 minutes fiddling with the toy before making the review as he missed so many basic things and did very many things poorly which put the toy in a bad light when it really is so much better than that. In contrast, MW member Jenius, takes his time and spends days with a toy before doing a review and makes the effort to get his facts straight. Might not always agree with his assessments, but you can't ever fault him for rushing to a conclusion. I agree with you that there doesn't appear to be any visible locking mechanism on the vf-11. I think that Yamato may still have something that isn't readily apparent to lock it down though. I'm sure enough people complained about the 19 being so floppy that they made sure the 21 could lock down and will also make sure the 11 will stay in place also. Even with the 19, you could at least say it stays in place with gravity as long as you don't flip it upside down, but with the 11, even a little forward tilt without something to hold it in place would make the nose part move away from the fuselage.
  21. That's awesome. My opinion of them has just gone up for them listening to customer feedback and attempting to make fixes so soon. At the very least, I'm hoping they will swap out the pvc lasers for something harder and that won't be warped after molding. I don't have much hope for them being able to do something about the neck very quickly, but if they do, it will be a nice surprise.
  22. Actually, the YF-21 does lock down, but not because of anything to do with the hinge (which itself does nothing to stop or slow any movement of the chest). There are blue plastic nubs on the inner side of each intake. When in battroid mode, the bottom half of the chest which is split from the top half can be pushed down so it gets caught behind the nubs effectively locking it in place. It's not very strong, but wouldn't budge if you were just shaking it around vigorously. Unfortunately there's nothing like that for the VF-11 to rely on. Ideally, it would have a similar locking mechanism to sv-51 where a peg like thing can be folded up to lock into a hole or similar to how the crotch piece on the vf-25 dx locks in, but I so far haven't seen any pics that reveal anything like that. Perhaps it might just rely on friction after all or worst case, nothing at all (which I doubt).
  23. I guess if you were feeling a little ambitious, it seems it would be feasible to modify your existing DXs to accomodate the booster as it appears Bandai only made subtractive modifications (made holes) to the existing mold rather than add something to it to allow connecting the booster. From the CG pic, it looks like you would only need to make 4 holes (2 round ones and 2 flatter ones). Not sure what the 5th new hole is for. Of course, you would have to make sure that the holes are lined up properly and of the right size since you wouldn't want them too big or the booster would fall right off.
  24. I /facepalmed on the part where he just placed the gun on the fast pack without really any effort to try to push them in and then complained they wouldn't stay in. I guess he didn't know that you can also attach them without the fast packs as well since they attach the same way with or without. Just kinda weird he caught things like being able to remove the laser on the top but missed stuff like that or being able to lock in the front in battroid mode.
  25. It might not be complex transformation wise as much as probably just requiring a lot of parts externally/internally to be made and be put together. Looking at the destroid line, in addition to economy of scale, you can see how there's an extraordinary number of bits and pieces snapped, glued, screwed together to make up the finished product despite it not even being a transformable design. Even those bracings or whatever those bumps on the front of the legs are called are individual pieces for some reason.
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