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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Anyone that has the 1/2000 version also getting this one as well? Before someone asks why anyone would get the 1/3000 when they already have the 1/2000 version, perhaps they didn't want to spend another 200,000 yen for a second one and wants to display the macross in the other mode as well.
  2. I sticker pretty much everything also, but I don't just peel the stickers and apply them. I trim them right to the edge or as close as I can get using a hobby modeling knife. I also panel line everything I get and lately have been weathering every new item I get as well. Resale value is of no concern to me. I prefer the customized look of the stuff in my collection that differentiates it from others and I enjoy doing the extra work. It's part of the fun of collecting new valks for me.
  3. Ha! Now that's an idea. I could dye the drapes red, tie up the bottom of the drapes together to form the bottom half of the kite and draw a big circle around the whole thing. Actually I was thinking of getting rid of the drapes altogether. I installed the blinds when I bought the house but left the drapes on thinking they might help block out sunlight better, but they don't do much so I'm gonna take them off when I get the inclination to.
  4. Does it seem very fragile due how thin some parts are?
  5. That's basically what I did with my home office. One side of the room is computer stuff and the other side I have some select items on display. It's still a work in progress as I need to buy better furniture. Some of the stuff is just junk I've had since college. Tell you what though, playing games in 5760x1080 resolution is awesome. The panoramic view fills your peripheral vision and feels much more immersive. Also, just having 3 screens worth of desktop space is nice. Man, I really need to get a 4th detolf so I can add more things and re-organize my displays.
  6. Where did you buy those acrylic stands for your labels? Are there shorter versions as well? I did something similar where I label the items in my display and show the respective faction logo for which the toy is affiliated (UNS kite, NUNS logo, Anti-UN cross, SMS logo, Zentradi insignia). I basically folded them with a mountain fold to stand them up and are just about 3/4 inch or so high.
  7. I stand corrected. It is the only non-web/magazine-exclusive release that includes Roy in his TV style flight suit.
  8. Well the way you worded the sentence, made it sound like a blanket label for the majority of people who post in these threads regarding Bandai's DX releases in general. But I see now your train of thought. In many video game forums for example, particularly for MMOs, I'll see plenty of people who will post complaints about different aspects of a game, but fewer people who post praises to the devs about good stuff. In that, your line of thought is valid. People who are happy with the game are spending their time playing the game while the people who aren't happy will spend more time posting problems they want fixed. I think however that circumstances are a bit different in the MW forums. Many of the same people frequent this forum regardless of their opinions regarding a particular toy or line because we love the subject matter, Macross, in general. The same people often will often click through the most recently updated threads and read recent posts and sometimes even browse through older forgotten threads and reply if they have something to add (or in some cases even if they don't have anything to add). In many of the "Should I buy X?" type threads, depending on the toy, you can get majority positive or negative responses. If only the grumblers stuck around to post, this wouldn't be the case. Also given that new releases for a particular line are frequently coming out, like the 1/60 VF-1s and 1/60 scale DXs, that also helps to get people coming back even if the first item in the line may be a year or so old. Finally, I agree with your advice to buy a used item cheap to try it out and form your own opinion if unsure.
  9. I haven't heard of any QC issues with this release. The TV release sans FAST packs is the only release in the 1/60 v2 line that includes Roy in his TV style flight suit. It has the newer style crotch lock. It's whiter than the DYRL? versions. Comes with the bubble styled fixed pose hands rather than the more mechanical DYRL? styled fixed pose hands. Arrows on the head are black instead of yellow just like the TV series. There aren't any real advantages, imo, just depends on your preferences.
  10. Define "best"? What are you looking for in a toy that you would describe it as such?
  11. It's a D"stance model kit, not actually a toy. You can see more pics of it here. Edit: removed a misplaced word.
  12. Where did you see the description? The ones in the pics are too small and blurry to read. It seems to me to be one of many robotech items licensed out by harmony gold either under the robotech brand or rebranded as something else. Just as they did with the Matchbox and Playmates toys. Playmake calling this cardboard construction a "toy" seems a bit of a stretch... then again it does fit the definition of a toy in that it is something meant to be played with.
  13. I hope you're not implying that people are hating on the DXs irrationally. Actually, of the complaints and dislike going towards the DXs, they are really mainly directed towards the DX VF-25's. I think quite a few people are happy with the DX VF-27, myself included. Not to mention the VB-6 konig monster and Macross Quarter releases have generally been well received here by those who purchased them. So calling people DX haters just because they find a lot of faults with the DX 25 seems misleading. There are many valid complaints about the DX VF-25. I think part of the reason the DX 25 line has sold well is because MF is/was new and many people scrambled to get the toy versions of the latest featured VF and even if the design of the toy was average at best, it was good enough and was also the only game in town if you wanted something in scale with all the Yamato valks out. And consider also that some people don't really place much emphasis on the looks and would rather have a toy they can play with more vigorously, which could be another reason it sold well. It was easily transformable and had a lot of diecast in many stress bearing areas which made them feel more secure for play, flaws in screws and such notwithstanding (even if people found out a few months down the road that the joints would turn floppy on them).
  14. I don't know honestly. This was the info in his post: You could try PM'ing him for details.
  15. I think you'd be better off buying some orange paint that looks close to the orange of the heat shield. As for gundam markers, if you're talking about the ink kind, I don't think they'd blend well. For the paint markers you could theoretically mix the paints, but I don't think it would be a good idea and it probably wouldn't turn out well. If you want to attempt it with gundam paint markers, you'll want to pre-mix the paint so you get the right shade before you actually apply it and to do that, you'll have to pull out the tip of the marker and dab some paint from the other end of the plastic insert of the paint marker on some plastic wrap or foil and mix them with a brush. Getting the right shade will likely be difficult to attain. You will likely need to throw in some white as well. Edit: I just remembered that there was a person in this thread, Negotiator, that had the orange stripes on the leg missing and painted it himself. He mentions Cadmium orange and the result looked very close. You may want to just buy the paint and save yourself the trouble of having to mix gundam marker paints.
  16. No, the nub is not covered and I don't see any way to cover it with the top part. I think you'll just have to go with painting it.
  17. On first impression... ick. On second impression... still ick. The battroid should look pretty similar to the VF-25, but the fighter looks like a bad photochop. That's going to take me a long while to warm up to. Perhaps it wouldn't look so bad if thety got rid of those wing boosters that look like randomly tacked on objects. And what's the deal with having a 29 already? The 25 hasn't even seen anything other a trial run with SMS much less actual full production for NUNS and someone goes and develops the 29. They've got upgrade-itis worse than your average iPhone/android user.
  18. You mean the flexistands? Go to http://www.flightpose.com/.
  19. I was going back and forth between a TV Roy VF-1S or Milia's VF-22S. Ended up going with Roy since it was cheaper than the 22S, I don't have any regular 1/60 VF-1s, and it goes well with the VF-1D. Still went with SAL shipping since I'm in no particular rush to get it and would rather save as much money as possible. Comes out to be a little over $90 with shipping calculated in. Not bad at all.
  20. Shoulders are looser on one of mine that I have displayed in battroid mode. The legs are also a lot looser than before when they actually used to be hard to move. The same goes for my Macross Quarter. The shoulders can't hold their position anymore. Seems to be a common problem among all my Bandai DX toys despite very little to almost no handling.
  21. So judging by that ad, the SDF-1 can become transparent while in cruiser mode.
  22. That's a very nice job with the shading that he did there. I like it very much.
  23. Actually, I didn't. I summoned up enough willpower to not make the purchase. I figured I already had a a bunch of YF-21s and VF-22s and figured the money ought to be going toward the 1/3000 SDF-1 coming soon. Still, I was going back and forth on that decision a lot. And last night when I checked, it had gone up to 3 available so I'm sure more will appear at that price soon, like the Max version.
  24. This will be the last time I post in this thread because it's really getting off topic. Yes, they found bombs, but I frequently read about stuff like this. And it's often either regular people or security measures already in place that foil them. It seems arbitrary when they decide to overreact, call for heightened security, and then enact a completely pointless measure that will not make people any safer. What if a bomb maker decides to make it weigh just under 16 ounces? Instead of blanket prohibiting packages over a pound, why not train bomb sniffing dogs to find the PETN that they use? Using the "full body xray scanners or invasive pat down choice" example again, what happens if terrorists start using explosives packed up their anus as what happened to a saudi prince last year when he was meeting an al qaeda "defector". They skip the full body scan, get a pat down and go on their merry way, then blow up. The choice becomes a mandatory potentially cancer inducing body scan or an anal cavity search? There are plenty of security experts that have criticized these worthless security measures enacted by the TSA and have offered proven alternatives that work better, but it seems the TSA is more interested in putting on a show than actual security.
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