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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. Hehe, it feels like VF-18S Hornet is keeping this thread alive almost single handedly Keep up the good work, man. Your enthusiasm for sharing is refreshing. Makes me want to toss in a bunch of pics too.
  2. Or for a certain stringed instrument similar to a violin. Back on topic, I think I might hold off on getting the 17S. That sculpt looks pretty awesome, but with the release being so close to the 19S and the price tag of close to $300 coupled with the holiday shopping season rapidly approaching, I think I'm going to opt to get the 19S when it's released and hold off on the 17 until the D variant comes out. The D's head unit looks far better to me, anyway.
  3. Not bad at all. I'd like to see a profile shot of that bird.
  4. Would that be the Hory Froating Head? I think worst case scenario, I'll try using a hair dryer to soften the plastic and attempt to straighten the wings if they are indeed curled up.
  5. I noticed that too, but chalked it up to it being a scan from a magazine and thought the curl of the page made the wings looked curved up. Maybe I just didn't want to believe they would make the same mistake again.
  6. I think the Milia release was the worst one by far of the VF-22s. The YF-21 was tight all around and the landing gears stayed in place very well. Then when I got my Gamlin version, the bay doors were floppy and would not lock in place when extended. Then I got my Max and it was just about as good as the YF-21, with the problems I had with Gamlin's fixed/non-existant, but the landing gears were a little loose, but still tolerable. Then it all went to hell with Milia's where every flap and wing were floppy and the landing gears would collapse if you looked at it funny. So I second the notion on locking landing gears and non-removable legs. Also I think an additional flap that folds out of the bay doors to cover the gap under the curved part of the arm to hide the exposed calves in fighter mode would be nice. Those three things are the main improvements that I would look for on a new V3 if one were to ever come out. Unlike the YF-19 though, the existing releases, save for the terrible QC on Milia's VF, are already pretty awesome, imo.
  7. I like how Yamato takes the extra step of painting the intake fans in most cases and the fans appear sharply detailed in comparison to Bandai's. The one on the YF-29 is unpainted as well and the molding of the fan blades is just barely there. The way they made it, it looks far worse than the molded in shoulder and leg missiles. Overall, it looks like poop so I leave the covers on mine too. Personally, I wish they would just leave out the fan altogether and just make it a black painted section behind the intake cover like they did with the VF-27. I won't be using a Gundam Marker to panel line mine (I find it's too dark and the lines too thick for my tastes), but I'll certainly panel line it and probably also do some light weathering when I get it.
  8. Those intake covers look pretty much identical to the ones on the DX YF-29 right down to the peg hole you see when you take the cover off. They don't flip up. They just clip into place, so there will be no floppiness during barrel rolls or other aerial maneuvers
  9. Looks like they forgot to color the bumps on the head to match the black stripes.
  10. I made an observation about grey plastics before. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34295&view=findpost&p=916558 It just seems to me that, somehow, they seem to be prone to breaking or disintegrating quickly even when left alone. Edit: Checked the two YF-19s I had on display and they appeared to be fine. No falling off of arms or legs or other indications of valk leprosy.
  11. Jefuemon and I gave it a shot but I don't think using a US credit card and billing address works. Tried sending a plea to Yamato USA to see if they could help me get a set of the glowy stickers on the basis that there don't seem to be any Macross related logos or markings on the product, possibly getting around the restriction of dealing with Macross items in the US. I think they probably still laughed and hit delete on my email though because I haven't gotten a reply one way or the other... sigh
  12. I've used Testor's dull cote on my Yammies which work just fine due to their textured surfaces. I've tried Testor's gloss cote on a Bandai DX without sanding the surface which comes off really easily. I have used gloss lacquer and Future clear coats on the DX's which seem to work much better. I plan on adding some tamiya flat base to some Future and using that as a matte clear coat for my YF-29 when I get the time. I think that should work well enough.
  13. I find the YF-21 to be slimmer still, but this new version's profile is certainly a vast improvement over the first version. Does it look to anyone else like the right leg is a little lower than the left in the picture? It sort of seems that way to me from the angles shown of the fighter mode. Makes me wonder if there is some leeway in how the leg is positioned despite the locking mechanism.
  14. At the end of Frontier Episode 22 - Northern cross. Keep watching after the credits. They show a scene with Brera and Ranka. Then another scene where Grace walks up to her VF-27 while wearing her flight suit.
  15. They didn't continue the VF100 and Robot Spirit lines because the demand for it was pretty low I think. The same cannot be said about the DX VF-25. The fact that they decided it was worth the effort to make a version 2 despite already having released a full set for skull squadron seems to indicate to me that they saw there was demand for it. The pre-orders alone have been very good so I can't see why they wouldn't continue with Ozma, et al.
  16. Is there some way for people outside of Japan to get those things? I think Yamato's website will accept domestic orders only. I really would like to get the stickers and PE parts. The custom paint they have would be nice too since I can't seem to get a close match for the darker areas like the legs, but that's not as big a deal. I mainly want to get the stickers and PE parts. I've been stuck at my current level of progress for a good part of the year unsure if I should continue to wait to see if I can get the parts or give up and finish up with what I have and be done with it already. Update: Just tried to order the stickers from Yamato's website, but they only list locations within Japan. So no dice. I don't suppose someone could help me get a set of the stickers?
  17. I want as many different generations of VFs as possible. So I definitely want at least one VF-4 if not two. Bring on the Cutlass, Crusader, Star Mirage, and Vampire as well! Yes I know, big fat chance any of those would ever happen. Well at least the VF-5000B was featured in Dynamite 7 in addition to a couple games and has a bunch of canon paint schemes.
  18. I have a walk in closet in my study that I use to store my boxes as well. For the Yamato stuff, I just take out the cardboard inserts and the plastic trays, then collapse the boxes and cardboard inserts and stack them. I put the plastic trays in a separate stack which can be made into a much shorter stack than unflattened boxes. Seems to save a lot more space this way. Can't do this with the Bandai packaging though since they use styrofoam trays =(
  19. I think it will be the same semi-gloss texture that Yamato usually uses. The only reason the Fire Valk and the upcoming VF-19s are glossy is because the Fire Valk is supposed to be a glossy show bird and I think it was said that Kawamori requested the toy to be so. It was also too much trouble to change the texture for the other VF-19 variants since they share a lot of parts.
  20. Wow, I have one in my bedroom almost exactly like it, except mine has red numbers instead of green. Had it since way back in high school I think. I use my phone for all my alarm clocking needs these days though. That VF-11B looks like it's contemplating tipping over and giving a good bayonet in the eye
  21. I don't like how the sound boosters look while attached to the fighter, but in battroid mode it looks really awesome.
  22. Sorry if what I said sounded like I was discounting what he said. That wasn't my intention if it came across that way. If the VF-19 kai is any indication, a revamped YF-19 would be amazing indeed. I was only speaking for myself on what my current criteria and priorities are. Ah ok. I wasn't sure with how you worded the first part of your sentence where it sounded like you were talking to me at the start and then ended with it being a must buy for you. I was confused by it.
  23. That's great for you (and Yamato) if that makes it a must buy for you. More power to you. I can and was only speaking for myself. With exchange rates as they are (and still getting worse) and the general upward trend of the MSRP of the new releases, I'm getting much choosier with what I get. I think I would be content with getting a couple VF-19 variants. I'm not opposed to a version 3 YF-19 coming out. I might even get one if the price dropped low enough at some point if one were to come out eventually, but with how things are trending, by the time it comes out I'm thinking it would cost close to $300 after shipping just to acquire one at release. Thus putting it low on my "to buy" list since I already have a couple YF-19s and would rather get other VFs that I don't have yet first.
  24. THIS. While the gullet does bother me, the feeling that the fuselage is angling up when you set the rest of the body perfectly horizontal bothers me a lot. The large gullet exaggerates it further. That said, I would be happy enough with the VF-19 variants coming out that I don't feel like a revised YF-19 would huge priority in my "to buy" list.
  25. Man, your collection is just jaw droppingly awesome. I wish I could find display cases like yours that weren't ridiculously expensive. The cheapest semi-reasonable price I could find on the internet were 72" frameless glass display cases for close to $500 with lock. How much did you pay for each of yours?
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