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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. It doesn't look like it can based on the shape of the canopy not matching the shape of the cockpit where the black anti-glare area is. It's almost like it was meant to be displayed with the canopy open and so they didn't pay much attention to it. Cleaning out all the dust that collects inside would be a pain though with it left open. I think if one were to somehow try to force it down, the canopy would crack and break.
  2. By my judgment, it's more copper than bronze. I'd say it's about 80%-ish copper and about 20% rose gold mixed in. It's not pink, but not purely copper either. Looks that way to me both in person and in photos on my monitors.
  3. I finished weathering Max's YF-29. Worked on it on and off over the past few weeks. I'll take some more pics with and without the supers later. I need to start deleting more photos from my Flickr account because it's getting near that 1000 photo limit and the price they're charging for pro these days is just not worth it for what I'm using it for.
  4. That would be @jenius
  5. I don't really understand what counts as a variant and what doesn't anymore. Ozma's 29 has a completely different head unit and I assume possibly slightly different avionics, but it's still just called a YF-29. Rod's YF-29 is given a B variant designation, but at least on the outside, looks no different. Then there's the VF-31AX. There's a bunch with different head units, but all just called the VF-31AX.
  6. Anyone else notice how Bandai didn't actually fully paint the frame of the canopy to the edges? So that when the canopy is closed, it looks like there's a gap below the canopy because there's a small line of unpainted plastic beneath the painted frame. Another strange issue that wasn't a problem with previous releases. Fortunately it's an easy fix with a black paint marker, but it's still another thing I shouldn't have had to do. If this thing didn't look so good, I'd be more upset about all the issues I've had with it out of the box.
  7. In my opinion, it doesn't look so bad if you give it a panel line wash to bring out the details. I don't have the supers for the 25F or S, but on the RVF and G, it doesn't look too bad after doing that, imo. That said, I still prefer the crotch piece included with the armored parts as those are color matched.
  8. In the survey, I said I wanted to see a Macross Elysion or Gigasion.
  9. Judging by that pic, it looks like they chose to display the 25F with the bendy PVC lasers. Why even bother including them at this point? Even the YF-29 reissue and Max's did away with them and only have the hard plastic ones. Edit: wait, I think they did include the PVC ones with Alto's re-issue. I can't locate the box so can't confirm.
  10. NY has been dead for a while. Strange that they're unaware. It would be like a survey saying "Where do you usually stream movies from?" and one of the choices was "Blockbusters".
  11. Cool. I hope Bandai and BW actually pay attention to the results.
  12. Or it could be W.M.M depending on how you look at it 😛 Kidding! Well that's silly, when their logo says "Macross WorldWide". Maybe they got it flipped... I honestly wouldn't put it past Bandai at this point since they have a past history of that. Perhaps I've been reading the logo the wrong way and it actually says "WorldWide Macross Off Take" 😁
  13. Pretty sure it's MWW.
  14. Though a minor gripe, but it stood out to me the moment I saw it, those "No Step" markings they added seem kind of out-of-scale on the large side to me, like someone accidentally scaled them wrong. They look like were meant for 1/48 scale or something. I looked at my other 1/60 scale Bandai valks just to see if I was crazy. I looked at the ones that had No Steps which were the VF/YF-19, Max's YF-29, VF-31s, YF-30, and VF-171s and theirs seem much smaller in comparison to the MWW Alto 25's. Anyone else get that impression? If those markings really are as big as they seem, I hope they fix it for future releases. If not, then nvm, nothing to see here 😄
  15. That's actually a good point. Maybe these re-releases aren't so random after all and they're doing them for the worldwide market and just including the local JP market as well since they're already at it.
  16. Mine arrived earlier than expected from Amazon JP on Friday instead of next Monday. Watched the Labyrinth of Time portion. Will save the main event for sometime over the weekend.
  17. Wow, that sucks... I wonder what the heck is going on there. Maybe you could inquire Amazon about it?
  18. Wait, did they really? I feel like I remember something about that, but I'm looking at a re-release Ozma that I have and the bottom half of the wings are not painted over. They're actually molded in the color they ought to be. I tried looking at the original release I have but it's harder to tell since that one was weathered and clear coated, but at least it seems to be the same color all around, including on the more hidden inside.
  19. Looks like mine shipped out from Amazon Japan a couple hours ago. Estimated arrival is next Monday. Can't wait to watch it.
  20. That's an interesting stand mod. Did you get that from somewhere or make that yourself?
  21. Actually, while Max's does look nicer in that regard, that's accurate to how Ozma's 29 was displayed in the game, so one can't fault Bandai for that. Trying to find a screenshot, but am unable to find one at the moment. Edit: Found some.
  22. The YF-29 Alto re-issue and the DX VF-1s are still mostly bare plastic. They haven't painted white any areas that were already white plastic. The matte finish is not a coating, but rather how they textured the plastic. Also check out the "YOU'RE YELLOW!" thread and you can see examples of even grey plastic turning color, like this.
  23. Did the anniversary 25F have the same improvement as the Alto 29 re-release and Max 29, where the joint joining the LERX and the chest piece is clicky and basically locks into place? I'm curious if they made the same improvement to the VF-25 mold since they share the same part with the YF-29.
  24. Yeah, when I found they stopped making it altogether, I grabbed an extra bottle, but at a marked up price.
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