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  1. I cancelled my Angron pre- order and redid it now that the anniversary sale on AliE is up. Base price on Flyima is $339 during the sale. With the $45 off $300 store coupon that you can grab along with the $40 off $239 sitewide coupon you can collect from the AliE home page, and another $20 off in coins, my total came out to be $250.71 after tax, In case anyone is interested and finds that price is easier to swallow than $400. The coins part will depend on how much you've collected so that's variable, but at the very least, you can get $85 off the $340 price even without coins. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256808397200969.html
  2. He's roughly 16 inches or so high and about 25-26 inches wide at full wingspan. He might not fit in the shelves of detolf users.
  3. I pre-ordered for $286 on AliExpress after coupons and such. I have two complaints about the figure though. Firstly, why is his armor fresh dogcrap brown color? I can repaint that at least. Second, wtf did they do to his face? Went from angry daemon to mildly irritated hungry bat. Hoping someone makes available an alternate 3d printed head that looks more like the mini which is superior.
  4. I made my submission back in early August last year. Got a response from them, on Oct 16 saying "We anticipate that this replacement part will arrive and ship out within the next month. Once again, thank you very much for your patience and understanding." Forward time to December and still having received nothing, I emailed them again to see what was going on. They said they haven't received all the parts yet and told me that they will ship once they get them. Forward to February and there's still no word.
  5. Yeah, happened around a year and a half ago I think, and they just simply stopped making a bunch of stuff/got rid of older units.
  6. Yup. Probably focused on the Deathwatch given the terminator with the Deathwatch symbol on it. The quality of the animation of the teaser is still top notch though. Just wish it wasn't a year or so away.
  7. I still haven't gotten my replacement parts. People got theirs months ago already. I emailed them to see what the status was on mine back in Dec and got this as a reponse It's now February and I still haven't heard anything. Bandai's customer service is absolutely awful.
  8. Thought I'd throw up some stuff I had fun with recently. An Adepta Sororitas Anchorite, modified using one of the Joytoy penitent engines: Sanguinius with improved paintwork: Titus and co from SM2 vs nids: The Khorne berserkers look too bright and clean out of the box so I started doing something about that. Started with the zerker with the icon. Others are there for comparison. It's my first time attempting blood effects. Had a lot of fun with this. Updated with 3 painted.
  9. Cool, thanks for the comparisons! Yeah, I recall that sizes were depicted rather inconsistently within the show. Not to mention the old Yamato 1/60 Regult was absolutely huge and was on the extreme tall end of depictions.
  10. Wow, I only just learned about the existence of these battlepods by KC. Looks like I missed out on the crowdfunding. How big are these actually? Do they look like they would scale okay with the Arcadia VF-1's if you don't look at it too hard?
  11. Anyone else still waiting on their replacemet parts? I still haven't gotten mine even though I was probably one of the first to submit a request to Bandai Namco for replacement parts.
  12. Holy crap... now I'm dreading what will arrive in my mailbox. After taking months to get the replacement parts, this is what they send?!
  13. It really is an awesome looking figure. Unfortunately, JoyToy will never make an official Emperor since they can only base it off of existing stuff like miniatures or more recently from games like Titus and co from Space Marine 2, which they had to get a separate license for. Their licenses don't give them leeway to do much else. So the way I see it, this is going to be the closest I'm going to get to having Big E unless GW makes a mini of him for their Horus Heresy line. This is supposed to be 1/18 scale, but trying to argue the size of a person that can change his size at will with biomancy is kind of a fruitless endeavor. An older pic where I did some work on the figure but before I refined it more like the previous pics, but good for size comparison: The listing I used on Taobao to purchase it through a purchasing agent is no longer there, but if you're interested in getting one, I did find some listings on goofish from other people, using the same sculpt but having some differences in how it's painted and how the cape is implemented. After the cost of the figure itself and shipping and purchasing agent fees, it came out to around $330 USD.
  14. Got the Big E recently and he's currently the centerpiece of my Warhammer collection. It's a custom figure with 3d printed parts and using a McFarlane body as the base. Did some extra work to make it look a lot better to me.
  15. The Mk VI blueberry looks pretty good. I may have to consider getting one or two. I'm lacking Mk VI armor in my collection aside from the IF and SoH praetors. I'm running out of display space so I have to kinda choosy with what I get.
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