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Everything posted by Baldrick

  1. http://julien-gautier.club.fr/rob_copie.jpg
  2. Thanks for digging the number up! My are right about to be shipped.
  3. I picked one up last week, and yes it does upscale via HDMI. Pick up the bluetooth remote, it's worth it.
  4. Just call this the low vis version and people will scramble for it.
  5. Right Stuf Click on "Bountiful Bargains" in the upper right corner for items covered by the sale.
  6. As a kid, I met Mike Singletary at a (movie) theater. He sat in front of me, one seat over. Said hi to Paul Newman at a theater (plays type) in Canada. Both were friendly guys.
  7. The two parter is called In a Mirror, Darkly. It continues a storyline from TOS - The Tholian Web. The effects are updated and almost all of the combat sequences are on screen. Spoilers ... The constitution class Defiant tore through around 5 Tholian webcasters. It also destroyed a rebel fleet consisting of Vulcan, Andorian, and Tellarite ships.
  8. Regarding mothball ships ... Enterprise had a couple of (excellent IMO) episodes based in the mirror universe, where the constitution class Defiant from Kirk's era literally could destroy fleets of ships from Archer's era. I'm guessing that using mothball ships any older than 20 years to fight the Dominion would practically have been a death sentence for those crews. Major refits to shielding and weapons would have been necessary for even behind the line duties.
  9. Huge fan of TNG. Big fan of DS9. IMO - too many of the DS9 characters became "superhero class" towards the end.
  10. I saw the chess piece he was gesturing at and strongly concentrating on start to wobble.
  11. My guess is that the cure is permanent. I took away from the end that Magneto's power level was so high (4.5ish? under the goofy rating system) that even four doses weren't enough to wipe him out completely. I guess it comes down to if Anna Paquin signs up for sequels/spinoffs.
  12. Just as fast as the last one I posted.
  13. Another 25% off sale at BBTS 1/48 VF-1A Sale
  14. I would chose the Farscape universe. Yep - love all of those comedy series!
  15. Serenity (Firefly) 100% Moya (Farscape) 100% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 94% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 88% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 88% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 75% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 63% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 63% SG-1 (Stargate) 56% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 56% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 44% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 19%
  16. Translation of glyphs = something "causes death"?
  17. I think the assassination order had a lot to do with it. He had the typical father/son/commander/officer dispute which was a disappointment to him, but he suffered massive disillusionment when he learned that it was the President's plan. I wonder if this going to be a new arc for him and is going to lessen his political idealism (which I think he really needs as a character and probably wants as an actor). Regarding Apollo’s blackbird crash – I got the impression that it happened right after he took out the FTL drive. If my take on the timing is right, why was there Raptor debris so close to the to the resurrection ship? Was it a destroyed raptor from the early decoy phase of the mission?
  18. Anyone been here yet? The hidden Dharma Initiative link isn't working for me right now. Hanso Foundation How about this one? Dharma2
  19. Has this been posted? Lost dance
  20. I really liked the episode, it was good to see how a more militaristic ship would react to the ragtag civilian fleet’s situation and the arrangements they have made. I really don't see the Pegasus crew and officers as evil, or as the bad guys. Many of their actions shown to date are highly probable in war, and understandable in an all out on for the survival of your species. The “toy†status of 6 served many beneficial functions: to break her will for intel, object of power/revenge/morale-boost for the crew, and the continued dehumanization of human form cylons. I don’t agree with the argument that Kain (as a woman) would not be able to order/condone 6’s treatment. Her character seemed quite able to make that decision. One thing that bothered me was Kain’s verdict to execute Helo and the Chief for their manslaughter in such a short timeframe. She should have faked some predetermined court martial for Adama’s sake. That situation seemed very rushed and forced in order to provide a viper vs. viper cliffhanger - it is pretty clear that Kain will back off first, but seeing the Pegasus launch so many Mark VII vipers was awesome! There were a couple of problems with the interrogation scene ... I find it hard to believe that a single interrogator would be able to rape a human form cylon. With her enhanced strength, she should have easily been able to protect herself from one man. Having her appear weak and vulnerable was simply to foster more sympathy. I also assume that the writers/producers understandably wanted to keep “the rape scene†as short as possible … they had to avoid showing the amount of violence subduing her would require (having the guards beat and hold her down). Also, why weren’t there any Galatica personnel in the room to observe the interrogation? Are we supposed to believe that three Pegasus guys can just walk into a secure holding cell and conduct an interrogation without anyone knowing or protesting? That plot hole would have stopped the whole string of events from happening in the first place.
  21. Holy overgeneralizations Batman! I really like the new BSG, but agree with the “constant complainers†on many of their points. It has only been a couple of months since the eradication of the human race. Realistically everything would be about the survival of the species and martial law would be a given fact. I am willing to suspend my disbelief and enjoy the very good show, but that doesn't mean it is not without some "reality" flaws.
  22. Apparently the September issue of Newtype USA has the dubbed version of episode 1 from Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig in the sampler DVD.
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