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Everything posted by Jung

  1. Jung

    Custom 1/48 Low Viz

  2. Jung

    Custom 1/48 Low Viz

  3. Jung

    Custom 1/48 Low Viz

    Haven't done a custom in a while, but here's one that I recently finished for someone. Custom 1/48 in a simple low viz scheme. Now that the weather has warmed up, I'm open to commissions on 1/48 customs, Gundam, and any other interesting kits, so PM or email me if you have something in mind! Onto the pics, Click thumbnails: Fighter:
  4. Only game I continued playing for years, are the civilization series.
  5. They are 1/100 MG gundam hands.
  6. all the joints showed are stock in the model kit. just the hands are differnt the 1:48 valk hands make it realy nice. i agree its proly like 1/50 or 1/46. the pilot doesnt realy fit in the 1/48 valk. i just notice the seam mark at the crouch thruster thingie i have the same prob when i did mine Additional "joints" were added to the hip and head, they both swivel with polycaps, not present in the original kit. It can't be 1/46 because the pilot is smaller than 1/48, but bigger than 1/55. The seam in the crouch thruster would've been too frustrating to sand, so I wimped out and left it..
  7. yep, flat black for the basecoat for the preshading
  8. it's almost exactly the same size as the MPC 1/55 alphas, so it's not really 1/48. Going by the size of the pilot the scale is actually somewhere around 1/50
  9. You'll have to ask Pat S, he owns all 3!
  10. added some simple detail for the heel
  11. kit only comes with the generic male pilot so had to modify it
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  24. Here's the Imai 1/48 red alpha, this completes my trio.
  25. Very nice, the blue is perfect. Where's Roy?
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