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Everything posted by runab0ut

  1. Greatest news I heard all day! I hope they took out the OP'ed and annoying 'Guld-ed' ability. Fall seems about right, but man... my wallet's going to hurt around that time.
  2. People might have been bored with this game... am not. MP still sucks thanks to "Guld's super kill em all" in 10 secs!
  3. Anyone have a large/clean image of Sheryl's "bullet" graphic, (shown on a MacF car) last year?
  4. There's a score table displayed after the game and I cant remember if its also saved in replay saves.
  5. Had another free for all mecha brawl the other day. The YF21 gets really annoying... oh wait, a MAJOR ANNOYANCE. 3 players (including me), knows it's too darn cheesy and overpowered, and uses other valks. But the dude... just keeps waiting for the SP bar to fill up and "gulded" us in one fell swoop with a 38 kills to 5 deaths for the whole 10min round. Not fun. Hope in the sequel (if they actually make one)... devs, FIX the ability!
  6. WTH, how would you defeat em, they're so resilient to missiles and SPs!?!? The best thing that i got with them are D's!!! D:
  7. LOL not song names, I mean, same HP sucking shtick? What each actually do? I don't see/feel a difference with any of the songs active in combat.
  8. Question about Basara's valk... What's the difference between the 1st and 2nd songs?
  9. http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2008/11/03/m...-just-a-remake/ http://ralf-halfmoon.jugem.jp/?eid=273
  10. LOL, 8-bit Famicom Macross BGM, lots of cannon fodder, and breeeeetaiiiii!
  11. Anything more where that came from? Linky?
  12. True, but not practical in an intense firefight with more than two players flinging out missiles left and right + hunting down your target.
  13. Sigh... YF-21 in PVP is a bore... in a four player melee, and that bloke just waited to fill up his super and slams it. Insta-death! And you can't do anything about it w/o going to Battroid to block it. It should've halved the players health when using that special.
  14. Yes, a legit game to spend some time on away from Monster Hunter!
  15. Pretty hard to pick one... with Northern Cross, Iteza Gogo, and Diamond Crevasse. May'n songs/voice is just soo good. Voting for Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't be Late - felt more of a mecha battle song and (IIRC) Sagittarius is Alto's call-sign in NUNS, heh. Sheryl sings to Alto FTW.
  16. He always dies on mine in that mission, either by Brera or my sniper rifle. Goddamn Alto.
  17. Yep, its compatible on all versions of PSPs, you won't have problems there. Unless, you wanted homebrew as well, you'd be better off with the PSP-2000. PSP also has some screen issues raised by its buyers. YMMV.
  18. Any tips against the Ex mission "song of the devil"? I keep getting gulded by Macross City! Virtually no scratch with the drones and the Ghost X-9; when the final Macross section needs to be destroyed, I keep getting hit by a lone missile or the barrage. How does the dodge mechanic really work (might help in PVP adhoc sessions too)? When you see the alert... Do you press double d-pad to any direction or towards the alert signal or something else?
  19. Got a B on Sad Sniper a week ago, unlocked VF-27 - apparently, you just have to finish the mission.
  20. @Graham Grapple is part of the melee attacks. @Keith, thanks for the info.
  21. I've heard about something about "limiters" in the game, anyone know about these?
  22. Do their special attack/blast radius being affected by the stats?
  23. Will wait till someone reviews/bought it and if it is ok, quality-wise.
  24. It is rumored that the screen colour space/clarity can be tweaked by software. * * * Just unlocked SV-51 Nora, damn she has those nukes!
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