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Everything posted by mondamoto

  1. Avoid that thing like the plague. It's dreadful and a complete waste of money. 424903[/snapback] I would not say it is that bad. While it might not be as posable as some of the High end figures out there. But as a Married with 2 kids Gunbuster fan on a budget like me it is a pretty cool figure for the price
  2. It was one of the first games I got for my xbox I like it alot. I just wishe there were more games like this for the xbox
  3. could anyone help this blind guy with these clues
  4. Sorry to Revive this dead thread but I just read on Anime News net work ADV picked up the original Area 88 OVA. This is good news ADV New York Comic-Con licenses (2006-02-25 12:32:27) At their New York ComicCon panel, ADV announced two new licenses: This Ugly and Beautiful World and the Area 88 OVA series. Area 88 was previously released in the US on video and DVD by Central Park Media.
  5. Just a little FYI DVD 2 is going to be out tomorrow the 13th
  6. The xman 3 web site also has the trailer up along with more cast photos including Callistro (who is she), Kitty Pride, and Beast plus more www.x3movie.com
  7. Looks like the wait will be a little longer on some orders. ADV is closing because of the hurricane. This was on anime news Closed Today and Tomorrow -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.D. Vision's offices in Houston were closed today and will remain closed tomorrow due to Hurricane Rita. They hope to be back at work on Monday. ADV's "preparation team" managed to secure the offices and warehouse on Wednesday so that there was no need for staff to work today, giving them more opportunity to get to safer locations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. I think that is more of a possibility more than a reality it probably depend of how many items you order, how many orders they got and if what you ordered is in stock at the moment. When they had there last sale I ordered 3 Mothra cd's and received them within 2 weeks. This time I ordered a lot more (3 Bubblegum crises DVD sets, 1 Dai-guard box set, 1 Casshan dvd, and 1 Evangelion dvd) tomorrow will be the 1 week mark for this order so we will see
  9. A shotgun firing shot might not penitrate but one firing sabot rounds would. I fired a shotgun loaded with them and it went completely through a tree that was 20 inched thick.
  10. I saw this on Anime News service site and thought I would share with you all since there are some Megazone fans on the list. Hmmm this could be good since it is off to a good start. 6-5-05 (5:41AM EST)---- New Megazone 23 Animation Announced Nikkei Characters Magazine issue no. 8 released May 25th in Japan has a mention that production has started up on a new Megazone 23 work. Aparantly returning will be the main characters including Eve and the transforming motorcycle Garland. Well known character designer Haruhiko Mikimoto (Macross) of the first series will return to design characters. Full details such as the nature (remake / sequel) or format (movie, TV / OAV series) were not disclosed.
  11. What info are you looking for I own a copy of the original battledroids and 2nd through 4th edition of the battletech boxes?
  12. I found that site too but I have to wait a week before I can order the Troopers DVD. By the way what exactly is this super rare Nutrocker video about? I know a littel about the model series but not this video?
  13. Hello, I hope I am posting this to the right section.... I have some questions about a kit for the Powered Suit for the anime version of starship troopers I recently won on ebay Does anyone have an details on this kit loke images of it built, what weapons it comes with and maybe some images of it built. If anyone is wondering what I am talking about I will attach and image of the box Thanks in advance mondamoto
  14. Has anyone played/Own this game? Is so could you tell me if it is anygood and worth $120 gamestop has it for?
  15. while looking fir some info on the new Shin Getter Robo how i came across this magazine scan and in the lower right corner there is an ad for an interesting looking anime but I can not read it. Can anyone help? http://www.csupomona.edu/~apllaguno/getter.jpg
  16. That was a great show I have some of the episodes on tape, I remeber showing it to a buddy who hated cartoons and he was instantly hooked. Robby benson did the voice of JT too
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