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Everything posted by mondamoto

  1. I just watched it as well all I can say is OMG!! and WTF!! I have to wait until 2009 to see how this will all end. If anyone else who wants to check it out early. SCi-Fi will be playing the episode all day on the hour until 4pm today.
  2. My vote is with Apollo some one no one would think of
  3. Tom Clancy games are usually good I wonder how this one will fair since it is the first air combat game from the collection http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/04/02/ub...m-clancys-hawx/ The game will be set in 2012 and come with 50 planes with 4 player coop and jump in modes and will handle up to 16 players will be coming out for the 360, PS3 and the PC I will probably get it since I am a sucker for a good flight sim What do you all think? Mond
  4. Damn looks like I am a day late and a dollar short. I sure wish I could have seen those images If someone could be so kind and share with someone not privileged enough to see them that would be great.
  5. God I have no laughed so hard in a long time....Thanks
  6. Well my 360 3 ringed today I guess it was bound to happen since it is exactly 1 yr and 3 days old. So what should I do I have a Best Buy extended warranty which I purchased before Microsoft extended there warranties so does anyone know what Best Buy does for you do they just give me an off the shelf one or do they send it in or should I just use the Microsoft warranty? Any suggestion as to what I should do?
  7. I have been reading it is not photographing well the color is more along the lines of the Master cheirfs armor with the accents being the color of the visor on the armor also the case has been weather to look a little battle damaged Aside fron the 20 gb HD it is more along the lines of the elite version with its HDMI Portit also comes with a play and charge kit but no copy of Halo 3 http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/x/xbox360halo3console/ In anticipation of this year's largest blockbuster game launch, Microsoft will offer the Xbox 360™ Halo® 3 Special Edition Console in September 2007. The console features an exclusive "Spartan green and gold" finish and comes bundled with a matching Xbox 360 Wireless Controller, 20GB Hard Drive, Headset, Play & Charge Kit, and exclusive Halo 3 Gamer Pics and Theme (available via Xbox LIVE® download). Look for this new console in September. This new Special Edition contains these components: Halo 3 Special Edition Console Halo 3 Special Edition Wireless Controller Halo 3 Special Edition 20GB Hard Drive Halo 3 Special Edition Wired Headset Halo 3 Special Edition Gamer Pics and Theme (Exclusive download via Xbox LIVE) Component HD AV Cable Ethernet Cable HDMI Port Play & Charge Kit Xbox LIVE Silver Membership One-month Xbox LIVE Gold Membership Halo 3 game not included—sold separately
  8. According to a letter sent to AICN by JJ Abrams the only legitamate site found is the 1-18-08.com site. he did say there other sites out the but we have not found them yet http://www.aintitcool.com/node/33261 JJ Abrams drops Harry a Line on all this 1-18-08 stuff! Hey folks, Harry here... There's conspiracy theories abounding regarding JJ's little flick to juice us up for his badass STAR TREK recreation. So JJ Abrams wrote me to give us all a clue, cuz we're at square one of this mystery! But note... the game sites apparently have nothing to do with JJ. And also... he seems to be stating that you guys have yet to find all the sites he's put up... and yes, you'll have to find them. The man is laughing at you, me and all of those hiding in the shadows. SO... find em if you can... let us know here at AICN... seems we have a scavanger hunt, ain't it cool? Dear Sir, Thanks for your support of our little movie. I can't wait to talk to you more about it -- of course, knowing you, by the time we talk you'll know more than I will. Regarding the online stuff you posted: yeah, we're doing some fun stuff on the web. But, obviously, if the movie doesn't kick some massive ASS, who gives a rat's about what's online? So as you can imagine, we're focusing mostly on THAT. For what it's worth, the only site of ours that people have even FOUND is the 1-18-08.com site. The others (like the Ethan Haas sites) have nothing to do with us. Stay cool the rest of the summer -- and thanks per usual for AICN! JJ
  9. I payed the original Harpon years ago on my old 486 also depending on the version it might be a DOS based game. it was fun game could be a rather difficult at times. It was a based on a board game from the 80s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harpoon_(computer_game) Looks like it is coming back http://advancedgaming.biz/index.php
  10. I saw it Friday afternoon and loved them both. Did anyone else notice that a lot of the same actors in each movie were also plaing the same Characters in each movie.
  11. I am also getting the runtime error...
  12. Did anyone notice the trailer for a new Thunderbirds show? It said coming 2005 I wonder what happened?
  13. Maybe this is how they introduce Count Iblis and the Ship of light ?
  14. Starship combat news http://www.star-ranger.com/Home.htm has a discussion going on in there message board about the ships now. It has a good picture showing the scale of some of the ships http://www.star-ranger.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2068 Also if you are looking for a system I would recommend Full Thrust by Ground Zero Games. It is a simple system but its sort of a Gurps of Starship Combat. The game is no longer in print but they have it downloadable for free from their site. http://www.groundzerogames.net/index.php
  15. Eddie Van Halen states, "I am very excited to get back to the core of what made VAN HALEN." Hmm I gues Michael Anthony is not considered a core member. It also looks like he is not playing base because eddie wants more money according to wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Anthony 2006 Anthony's future in Van Halen is uncertain as he recently revealed he only played on 3 tracks on the Van Halen III album and didn't play on any of the new songs for the The Best of Both Worlds compilation. Anthony also revealed he was only allowed to participate in the 2004 reunion tour if he signed a reduced royalties contract. Mike spent the summer of 2006 touring as a member of "The Other Half" along with Sammy Hagar. They performed songs from both the Hagar and Roth eras of Van Halen. At the June 4, 2006 show in Phoenix, Arizona, for example, Mike sang Roth's vocal parts on Running with the Devil and Hagar sang Mike's backup harmonies. On September 8, 2006, Eddie Van Halen announced that his son Wolfgang is now Van Halen's official bass player shortly afterwards stating he had no more hard feelings towards David Lee Roth and would be happy to 'play a few gigs' with him. On January 24, 2007 it was announced that Van Halen was reuniting for a tour with original frontman Roth and Wolfgang taking Anthony's place. Van Halen's publicist confirmed that Wolfgang will be the band's bass player for the 2007 tour, but only time will tell whether the fans will come to see the show without Mike. In addition, on December 12, 2006 Guitarist magazine has 'officially confirmed that long-time VH bassist Michael Anthony has been ousted from the fold and [been] replaced by Wolfgang Van Halen, the 15 year old son of guitar wizard Edward
  16. OPs sorry I missed that post
  17. I think the movie you are talking about is Solar Crisis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_Crisis Not the worst movie I have ever seen but not the best
  18. I have a question I am hoping some of you can answer for me. I am contemplating getting a 360 but I do not know if I should bother since I only have a 19 inch regular tube tv and have no plans for the forseeable future of getting a newer one. So how do 360 games look on older TV sets? I have heard about problems with text on dead rising game but nothing else. Thanks Mond
  19. Being someone who spent $250 on the Animego set when it came out all those years ago I am a little concerned on the DVD cracking issue I keep reading about, how true is this?? If true what is the cause and does the set currently available on robothech.com have the same issues?
  20. Sorry if this has been asked before but what is the differance between the EMSIA line and the HCM-PRO line of toys? or Maybe I should ask what are they? Thanks Ray
  21. I would stay away from the Rosewill Memory. I have 2 gigs(4 x 512MB) and when I first got them I had a problem with 2 of them so after sending them back 3 times I finally got some that worked for about a year. Now I need to replace one or all of them since it seems that they have gone bad again. After christmas I am replaceing them with kensington I always used them before but I lapsed when I tried to save a buck
  22. Thanks that was what I was looking for
  23. Yeah it would be but, with my wife working and the kids asleep...oh and with the police usually frowning at leaving children under 5 home alone this was a lot easier
  24. I need some help identifying a PS2 game I saw the other day at Gamestop. I think the name was SRLI or something like that and it was a robot game that I think was only line only or at least online capable. I know that this is a pretty vague description but that is the best I can remember Thanks Ray
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