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Everything posted by DrStrangelove

  1. Working my way through UC Gundam, I am up to Zeta now
  2. Shhhh. You'll give them ideas
  3. I'm still trying to figure out why all chicks in 2044AD are at least 36DD
  4. So Pretty. Might have to hunt one down just for the pictures, since I cant read a lick of Japanese
  5. In the 80's It was still Japanimation
  6. Given how Khamjin's gun destroyer was nearly covered in growth in a span of less than 18 months the jungle seen was likely part of the earth reclamation cloning project mentioned in the macross chronology which included plants.
  7. As I understand trademarks, yes they would, at least anywhere HG has the various Macross terms trademarked
  8. Yeah I would consider that the most likely explanation, I was just providing a possible rationalization.
  9. J58s crank out more power than an F100 at any altitude. Most its superiority at high altitude is derived from its quasi-ramjet like properties This generally only applies to high-bypass ratio turbofans like on airliners/cargo planes, in which the fan stage grossly outsizes the actual combustion stages. This doesnt really apply so much to low bypass engines used by most high perfomance combat aircraft The same sort of thing applies to turbojets, all combustion engines power output falls off at high altitude as atmospheric pressure drops As it would for a turbojet, they also possess all the fans and whatnot slowing down the rarefied air
  10. Meh, I bet HG, Yun and Co., will eventually blame their lack of progress on Macek's untimely death.
  11. As for the velocity differential the S can be faster if it has a lower drag coefficient, an SR-71 has a lower thrust ratio than an F-15 or F-22, but it is a much cleaner aircraft. This wouldn't explain the higher climb rate however, unless it's supposed to be for initial climb rate as opposed to sustained climb, in which case the lower powered S would initially climb faster due to higher initial kinetic energy. If this is so the S might make it to say 10km quicker but the F would pass it up and make orbit first. Or it could just be another goof(retcon?, like the size of the factory satellite).
  12. 40000CE or right around the time Shadow Rising is released
  13. I always thought the Wing Commander movie was underrated.
  14. Because he occasionally makes decent movies
  15. Yeah I think he spends too much time with pictures of Supreme commander Leon
  16. I posted why, Beltran generally only posts specifically dated events,and there are no more for awhile
  17. While you can't make precise scalings due to the angle, the VF-9 is clearly very close to the VF-171, and not nearly as large as homeskillets earlier pic. Canon states all the other ghost models are only 9.85m long, there is nothing in the canon visuals to suggest otherwise for the V-9, as shown in the dogfight with Luca's QF-4000
  18. I dont care enough about RT anymore to spoil their fantasy with a dose of Reality. Its the only reason I havent been banned. I've come to the realization that arguing on the internet with idiots is pointless.
  19. BUT MEMO ESTIMATES IT WILL BE GREENLIT SHORTLY, and they used some one with dramatic expiernce so it dont suck like transformers
  20. I'm watching Southern Cross again
  21. All anthropomorphic mecha significantly larger than man-sized(ie larger than powered armor) will always be at a massive disadvantage in most aspects when compared to a conventionally designed vehicle built with the same tech base intended for the same role.
  22. Meh HG could start condoning the murder of opponents, and IP violators and I don't think MEMO would find anything wrong with that. Now if Studio Nue hired some Ninja.......
  23. Meh....... since they banned Seto and his friends RT.com become pretty much devoid of anyone capable of having an intelligent conversation or rational debate. Thus I only rarely post there anymore
  24. I prefer the series in most areas
  25. Definitely not bigger than a VF-171
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