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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Indeed, those pictures are breath-taking.
  2. Wow, the MMD movements are actually getting alot more fluid. I wonder if Kinect has something to do with it... http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/12/20/kinect-mikumiku-dance-ultimate-combo/ I've been running into Yatta! this entire week and that song still makes me chuckle. Totally dig the Matroshka MMD as well.
  3. She's from Ookami-san and the Seven Companions. Fun short anime with a bunch of fairy-tale references, awesome narrator, and a typical hanging ending. May'n did the opening you know.
  4. So. Who's playing WoT? http://www.worldoftanks.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJd9iCbpwuI&hd=1
  5. For those daring enough to do this, http://www.techpowerup.com/articles/overclocking/vidcard/159 "Unlock" your HD 6950 into a HD 6970. Looks like this is going to drive up demand for the card.
  6. If anyone wants the MUF Extra UMD, looks like someone on 4chan uploaded the ISO in five parts. Legitimate it seems, unfortunately still region locked. If you wish to give thanks, thank 'im here: http://boards.4chan.org/m/res/5957493
  7. The ones that I can think of at the top of my head for speed are, Samsung F3 Spinpoint 500 GB Samsung F3 Spinpoint 1 TB Samsung F4 Spinpoint 320 GB & WD Black 500 GB WD Black 640 GB
  8. Apparently, there's Hot Toys Expo in progress at Tokyo, right now. There's alot pictures of the expo floating around the web right now. http://www.moeyo.com/2010/12/hottoys-10th_newrelease.html Holy Smokes.
  9. Wow, they sound great. I'm looking forward to what the producers can do with these new additions. Makes me wonder if they'll go back and append Kaito and Meiko too.
  10. Savvy? Courtesy of 4chan's /toy/
  11. Yep, it'll be unbearably slower during map load times and such. Gameplay'll probably stutter too. USB (2.0) can only go so fast... Can your external do eSATA? If not, you're better off buying a new internal hard drive. 500 GB used to be around $40 but it looks like they're hovering above $50 since manufacturers are "silently" bringing in higher density platters...
  12. Adding on to this, And the next day,
  13. If we can marathon through Macross 7, we can power through Endless Eight.... I think.
  14. Nice attention to detail with Araragi's ahoge. I thought she got delayed.
  15. Ditto there. Watched the movie with my brother, and while he's not the bigger Haruhi fan, he really, really enjoyed it--Enjoyed it enough to actually want to go back and rewatch the series this time. The movie had alot of "Just wow..." moments puncturedpunctuated by "Yes!" moments. Felt really fuzzy hearing Kyon's snarky narration again.
  16. Apparently there's a PSN holiday sale going at the moment. http://slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2503913 A list of games and DLC on sale in the above particular thread.
  17. Have you tried any of the compatibility updates from Microsoft? A bit farfetched, but who knows... I just remembered something. I heard that there was a Hell's March remix that had Tanya's voice clips mixed in throughout the song. Does it really exist?
  18. Wow, just wow. Best gift they could ever give you.
  19. Ohohoho, mine can :3. Though it doesn't do Linux...
  20. @Shaorin: You have no mercy, don't you? @GU-11: A shame too, it be nice to see a figma-jointed crab. No surprises there, though I wonder if Insane BRS will get a release... Anyway, two pieces of info concerning Black Rock Shooter: BRS is definitely getting two games, one for web browser and one for the PSP--The PSP game looks like poo. Also, there may be sequel OVA coming soon. It's a very dangerous theory that will bring all of mankind to the brink of extinction if not kept in check.
  21. Weren't they actual boards that you could plug into an arcade machine?
  22. Nope. This is my first ever Nerf toy in my entire life (actually it's for my brother, but I get to play with it too ). Also, reading from the latest Amazon reviews, it looks like it still does it.
  23. I... just bought this. What have I done?
  24. I just bought a Samsung laptop as an early Christmas gift for myself. Decent specs, can do some "light'ish" gaming. $650 plus $100 Amazon gift certificate to boot. Could use that towards a new graphics card. I'm still looking for a sale on a Sony 55" NX810 HDTV . I'm also hoping for Love and World Peace.
  25. Maybe it's because I haven't been following Revoltech news closely, but have Kaiyodo ever done that before for Revoltechs?
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