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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Wait, what? Wow. I need to watch Animax Musix now just because of this. By the way, I found this one through your link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chako0PGH7M&feature=related
  2. Wishing you free time!
  3. I have a 22" at 1920 x 1080, still got XP as well. 2mm font size in the post. I'm actually trying to compare windows XP on both 1280 x 1024 and 1920 x 1080. Why am I comparing those two resolutions...
  4. I finally bit--soon to be a happy owner of a Sony NX810 HDTV + PS3 + 3D kit = #2299.
  5. Totally didn't see it last time I played Rock Band 2 at my cousin's house. Will remember it for next time! Thanks!
  6. This was (and still is) really entertaining to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loSzpvq73FY Game in question is Amnesia: Dark Descent. Probably the most terrifying game I have ever laid eyes upon--and I have never played it!
  7. Will do! I somehow already convinced the rest of my family to gravitate towards this stand; now all I have to do before I purchase the stand, is purchase the TV bundle sometime next week. In time for Lunar New Years, I guess. Wow... your setup blows me away. Not to mention the price tag on your home theater setup... Wow.
  8. That's great news and all but it doesn't look quite as stellar as I hoped it to be. Looks like a good time get Vash when this releases... if he's still around.
  9. Since there's a MJ video here, here's another: Funny, I swore I saw someone link this video here a while back, but I can't seem to find it...
  10. Pretty neat, who provided the voice? Also, is that design actually "official" now?
  11. You know, since I'm in the market for a new TV, I have to get a TV stand to go along with it! I've seen awesome stands from BDI and Salamander but, hah, they are way out of my price range. I've been eying this particularly stand from Ikea, Linnarp TV Stand Made of solid pine the description says. From what I've read and been told, pine is pretty soft. I can understand not being the ideal wood for a bed frame but is there any reason for me to stay away from AV furniture using pine? How is pine really, how easily is it to the nick the wood? ...it would also be nice to see everyone's setup.
  12. Gorilla glass is pretty neat, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0dUXaHo8xc This is what Sony will be putting on their 2011 TVs. http://ces.cnet.com/8301-32254_1-20026989-283.html
  13. "The force is with Blu Ray." http://www.tomsguide.com/us/darth-vader-star-wars-blu-ray,news-9625.html
  14. Wow... 4 kilometers of ice...
  15. Someday, we'll be able to shoot down missiles with our eyes. http://ces.cnet.com/8301-32254_1-20027718-283.html?tag=mncol;cnetRiver
  16. Wasn't really a bad movie, but it is by far the funkiest gundam movie I ever seen. I really did like their take on the alien invasion as well. Pretty flashy lightshows, I have to admit.
  17. Aya Endo, who you all know as Sheryl Nome, also voices Yukari Yakumo in Touhouvania II (a doujin game). Skip to 25 second mark if you only want to hear only her.
  18. Amazon has King of Eden up as a March release. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004GZZGW2/ref=cm_cd_asin_lnk I vaguely remember hearing the Rep from Anime Expo saying that they were going to release the two movies together... I guess they changed that.
  19. ...you don't want to build the rocket ring?
  20. I didn't mean to say it's a bad deal, really. I don't think it's going to be discontinued. It's most likely they weren't selling as much before the sale or there's a newer batch incoming.
  21. I don't get it, we're in 2011 and batteries have generally remained the same... While electronics have become more energy-efficient, batteries remained boring... =\ Don't like it? Go to another planet. Better yet, build a rocket ring around the Earth and slow down its rotation.
  22. Oh yeah, that is definitely nice.
  23. Not exactly a great deal but it's a comfortable price. Amazon had it for $100 a week ago, and a $90 in November. It's currently $110 now though.
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