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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. You've no idea how funny it was to hear someone sing over a mic, singing along with an obnoxiously loud song that was muted while playing Age of Chivalry. It was so bad, but he kept on belting it out lol... As for the guitar scheme, an attachment to the body of the guitar like how motion plus is added onto the wiimote, is pretty much the way to go.
  2. So I found out what WM Cheng used, it was fine polishing compound. But anyway, I went ahead and bought the 1/8 hose with the inline moisture trap and two 1/8 quick disconnects... They don't fit! D: My airbrush doesn't have those connectors, found out the original connectors on my airbrush is actually meant for the clear vinyl tubing--I'll be sticking with this for now. Ugh, now I kinda wished my dad brought home the entire set... Sigh... So anyway, I'm just gonna forgo the water trap for now, I'll just monitor the tubing for any water coming up from the tank. Probably make my own at some point...
  3. Wow, I'm kinda glad I didn't start on my Alto yet... Still gathering everything I need. But dissassembly doesn't look too bad...
  4. imgburn works wonders too. Plus, it's free. http://www.imgburn.com/
  5. Everything aside, that VF-22 is LEGO LOVE!!! Also, is the original model transformable?
  6. I'm not entirely sure which is overall better on the PS2, but I used Sony's DVD+R and it works pretty darn well. Either disc should be fine, I don't even know why they want to keep both formats... And don't forget to burn at lowest speed.
  7. Well, there are other alternatives... http://bootleg.sksapps.com/tutorials/fmcb/
  8. You're welcome
  9. Actually, WinRAR makes it quite painless. It's just waiting for the upload to finish that's gonna try my patience I'll post the links in this thread for everyone to grab whenever I get around to uploading it.
  10. I could split up the game in several files and try megaupload... As for which PS2 to get, it does somewhat matter what model you get. All fat PS2s should work, and all slim PS2s under SCPH-9000x model revision will work. Certain SCPH-9000x models will not work since it has a new bios that disables free mcboot.
  11. By "backup" I mean quite literally a copied game. You would need ESR to play the game, which is provided in the links in the youtube link (or this link should have everything you need, you can grab any updated versions from the PSX-Scene forums). Also I made a mistake, SDF Macross is a DVD game. I do not know the actual size of the actual original game since my *ahem* copy is dummycut, so it's smaller than 1.2GB. ESR requires games to be at least 1.4GB big in order to run correctly. Also what I meant by "imported games may not run on ESR" is that ESR requires the games be patched with Memento in order to play... and memento only patches ISO files, so you can't use the original game disc to play, but you can use a copy of it to play... Also if you are intending to buy the game, chances are it will probably be bigger than 1.4GB, so all you need to do is make an ISO of the game, patch it with memento, and burn it. With that said, after skimming the forum rules, I saw nothing against this....... but I do have a copy of SDF Macross that I need to convert for myself again... if you want, I could try and upload the patched copy for you? Also, are you looking to get a fat PS2 or a slim PS2?
  12. If I give a guess, I'd say hand articulation as well. I wanna try and do that as well, have my valkyie saluting.
  13. That is pretty awesome what you did, especially the chest's intakes and clear parts. But by the way, you did mention paint chipping but is that what it is on the left shoulder area? Still, I really like this one. (takes some notes.)
  14. Sorry, I was in a hurry when I posted it so I kinda left out the of the post. =\ I meant that I had to launch the free mcboot installer in some way. I burned a cd containing a memory card exploit to help install an ELF called "uLaunchELF", I guess you could say it's a basic navigation and ELF-launching program. Once uLaunchELF started up, I have access to what other ELFs I had placed on the CD as well as access to the flash drive. So I loaded up the installer for Free McBoot from there. It allows you to run an ELF that's able to play Japanese games... or backups of. That ELF is called ESR. ESR is what lets you play the games. I think it's partly my fault for being a poor explainer. It is actually easy to do, it's just hard to find out what to do. But now that I think of it, the Wii is actually the easiest to hack of all the consoles this generation and for the DS, it's practically done for you...
  15. If I remember correctly, basically the reason why copied/backup games are different from the original PS2 games is that the original discs were specially pressed at the factory, without that physical "code" imprinted onto each disc, the PS2 refuses to play it. This is where swapmagic CDs/DVDs come in, since they are (surprisingly) specially pressed. You use swapmagic in conjunction with a slidecard or fliptop (for the old fat PS2 or for the new slim PS2), let it load and then swap discs using either of those two methods when prompted. Play. You can't swap discs conventionally with the eject button because the system will detect the new disc, you use the slide card or fliptop to manually "eject" the disc in order to play. Swapmagic method tricks the system into thinking that the replaced copy is an actual game. Either swapmagic combo will cost about $40 or less. But the thing is, you really don't need Free McBoot or all those softmods if you plan to buy the swapmagic combos. The reason why I installed the free mcboot was because my PS2 laser has been slowly going down the crapper and that I can't leave it disassembled all the time (no fliptop and slide card can actually damage the system). My friend just gave me his extra copy of Swapmagic too so the only thing I spent money on was a spare memory card. Action Replay Max usually cost as much as or more than an actual PS2 game. Also, cheapest way to softmod is find a friend who has a soft/modded PS2 to help you
  16. how about uploading to a file sharing site like mediafire, megaupload, or rapidshare?
  17. @Master_Dex: Sorry about that, I guess I wasn't really specific... Free McBoot is pretty much a PS2 bootup program that launches whatever homebrew and other PS2 programs from the Memory card the moment the system is turned on--Hence, why I threw in Memor32 as in it is one of many means to get those said programs onto a memory card, not exactly the cheapest solution though but one of the simpler solutions in my mind. Here's a tutorial that does a better job than me trying to explain it: ^this is only but one of several methods to install ELFs onto a PS2 memory card. I took a different approach to installing it since ARMAX is a bit pricey for me... I pretty burned uLaunchElf and other programs like ESR and HD Loader onto a cd and used a swapmagic cd my friend gave to me. Of course I had to open my old fat PS2 for the time during the installation. Also, the program ESR will play most backups (not sure about imports) and will certainly play SDF Macross. It works pretty smoothly on my PS2. There's a hitch though, ESR only detects and plays DVD discs and SDF Macross is a CD-ROM game. You have to go through a tedious process of converting the CD into a DVD in order for the PS2 to detect the game, a pain in the butt sometimes. Here's a tutorial on how to convert CD games to DVD games.
  18. Ozma's a bit chubby isn't he? ;P But seriously, you made that tiny figure and manage to get that much detail on there... that's totally an amazing feat to me.
  19. Sorry about hijacking the thread but noyhauser can benefit from this question too I guess, Hey Mechtech, how much did your moisture trap cost? Could you recommend one? I was looking at this one from Amazon. What you think?
  20. If they include a decent artbook, soundtrack, and other neat extras, then the price is justifiable... I really hate how publishers are pricing limited editions this time around...
  21. Wow, this thread makes hacking the PSP seem alot harder than it really is, but then again the risk of bricking is still there and it is somewhat difficult to find/follow what you need for the PSP... Anyway, PS1 and PS2 games are region locked on the PS3 sadly. Just wait for those amazing hackers to get it to work. There is a PS2 emulator, not perfect, but works extremely well. Of course you need helluva of a powerhouse computer to run PS2 game smoothly. I think the emulator is called PCSX2 or something like that. Also, it is now much easier than ever to mod a ps2, look up free mcboot and/or memor32.
  22. Amazon.com has the Senco PC1010 for $95 right now, but the currency conversion and shipping would probably make it more expensive than it should... I wish Amazon would still pricematch because I bought it for $107 =\ But if you have a Lowe's in Canada: http://forums.slickdeals.net/showthread.php?t=1134237 http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=prod...&lpage=none I really don't know anything about the above particular brand of compressor though...
  23. Now I'm tempted to take out my lego set and build. So much win.
  24. Bumping, I've heard alot of "you get what you pay for" when buying a compressor, does that apply for the moisture trap as well? Will any "decently priced" moisture trap work just as good as the more expensive traps? Is an inline trap works just as well as one attached directly to a compressor? Also, does anyone know what Tamiya Polishing Compound did WM Cheng use on his VF-0S's canopy? If I guess, it be "coarse", but I want to make sure. I also sent him a PM, but I guess he's kinda of busy lately. Sidenote: Nice to know that my local Lucky's stocks Future...
  25. I think usually wire cutters/pliers will do just fine, of course leave a bit of the sprue for sanding. I got another question as well, I've read that a moisture trap is just about essential for a compressor. I just received my Senco compressor last night (yay) and I noticed a drain valve under the tank. Is that valve a good substitute for a moisture trap? [EDIT] Scratch that, a moisture trap is not a drain valve. Bah. but wondering if an inline moisture trap works just as well as the one attached directly to the compressor...
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