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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Oh wow, didn't expect anyone else here reads Franken Fran.
  2. Seed was decent, Destiny went down the drain. First episodes of Destiny had alot of promise though, then all of a sudden, the original cast had to save the show.
  3. And here I was, looking forward to this game when I first heard about it... with the game's release date so close, no way the devs will do anything about it...
  4. Most likely yes.
  5. It's a decent game but it left me unimpressed... Replay really isn't really better or as robust as Ace Combat's replay function. They should give us an option to customize however we want to fly in either Assistance On or Off mode... It's visually just as good as Ace Combat 6.
  6. Barely got my collector's edition a couple days ago, but I've been playing some SF4 during my snowboarding trip before that. And my god I feel like a child again with this game. This game is chock full of good times to be had. Also, this game demands a Hori arcade stick, the PS2/PS3 controller barely falls short in terms of usefulness/completeness. Damn my cousins and friends for spoiling me, I can't bring myself to buy $100+ stick. Also, I expected more fight from the anime...
  7. Wow, you're pretty hardcore even you aren't a big gamer... and also stupid me for not linking this: Macross Share also has download links for the game (and others) too.
  8. Decent lineup but.... Yeeeees! Wolf and Spice 2!
  9. Huh, that's interesting. But that shouldn't stop anyone from buying the game.
  10. I believe it's more akin to the PS1 version from the Final Fantasy Chronicles bundle. Also, the DS version includes one or two new dungeons or something like that. I... need to buy that game when I get the chance, it's such a timeless game. Also, multiplayer Tetris DS ftw.
  11. Watching Maria-Holic, I don't even know why I'm watching this but the opening and ending are pretty catchy as hell. Been watching Gundam 00, Toradora, and Kara no Kyoukai as well. Simply love Kara no Kyoukai and anything Type-Moon related, I swear their fandom puts out some of the most awesome little fan-sequels or side stories I ever read.
  12. Very nice, how do you like the game so far? And to answer your question: No, you can't play PS1 games on the PS2 with ESR.... for now.
  13. Nope, already some gaming companies have already laid off a good number of employees, I think a few even went under I think. I don't think the gaming industry is recession proof, but they keeping chugging along so it's a-okay I believe.
  14. Ah, I see. I'll look into that someday... This is probably an interesting way to do it... Take these two characters and let your imagination run. Now.
  15. First thing that came to mind was Escaflowne... oh man did I love that series... Wait, I don't remember that!
  16. No VF-22's?
  17. The Alto Superpack combo box looks so much better...
  18. I have more questions... Is the Tamiya sandpaper supposed to wear down quickly? What's the best alternative to Tamiya putty, which seems to be discontinued? Making sure, when sanding/shaving the sprue and it's flat enough, but leaves behind a "white" area, will priming it/puttying make it "invisible"?
  19. I meant the internal pegs, but hey you answered my question! Water does work, it's just not the best thing to use I think, I was just curious that's all. Alcohol works well overall except for glossy colors. The actual thinner just works for everything.
  20. I guess mixing flat white should do the trick... Just curious, why did you use water instead of 91%+ alchohol? Also, did you cut the pegs before assembly or did you just put them together and pry them apart? I'm debating whether or not should I cut the pegs or not... I just noticed how the panel lines turned out, I'm actually aiming for something like that.
  21. It actually looks great. I'm kinda surprised how the gunmetal looks, it actually looks lighter than I thought it would. Why does it look wet though? As for tinting, you could mix clear paints or colors with Future Floor Wax and dip the clear parts in the solution.
  22. Oh man, I laughed pretty damn hard when I saw this one! Not to mention, that's a pretty damn awesome Tamaki figure.
  23. Best. Glaug. Evar! I just wish some of those builders would share their knowledge on this...
  24. If you thin the paint and airbrush it, it shouldn't really cover those details. As for handbrushing, I've really no clue. Try cutting the canopy out? Slowly and patiently?
  25. Actually, I just went to the Dollar Tree earlier... I saw the wire cutters there and they look horrible. But then again it's only the Dollar Tree, I don't how other stores's cutters are like.
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