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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. It's basically what you can do with the vocaloids (if you know how), I guess the reason why Miku Hatsune is so particularly popular is because is... well--she's the first of a series of vocaloids. That and she's pretty prominent in a bunch videos... Here's the latest vocaloid released, I find her so much better than Miku: Meet Luka Megurine, doing a cover of Sleepy Inoopi's cover of Haruhi Suzumiya's Lost my Music. Demo song 1 Demo song 2
  2. You could go to boxtorrents, they have a torrent for the entire thing.
  3. Hey, he might pop up in the Frontier movie. Wait a minunte, Planet Dance Duet? Where's this one?
  4. Just wondering, if they do make improvements to the parts, will they pass that little improvement to their other models? (Like a later-made VF-1A V2 gets the benefit down the line...)
  5. Alto as a DFC? Actually, I'm more intrigued that I haven't seen any gender bending done on Alto yet... Anyway, I say let's just live with the series, we all wish it could be better in some way but it's one of the better animes out there this time around. Also, I guess the trend for this generation of anime is about being over-the-top?
  6. Rewatching Pumpkin Scissors, if only the ending episodes weren't so drawn out....
  7. Well, there are actually some anime where they actually fixed up the animation for the DVD release. I can't think of any titles right now except all three seasons of Nanoha... I didn't really mean give the series a visual revamp but fix some errors here and there (like the coffee spill cutting through Max's arm). But then again, SDF-1 is was on traditional medium whereas the anime's that got the visual upgrade were all digitally produced I guess... I guess they could put out on OVA I suppose. *goes to download Gundam Evolve 15*
  8. That's a neat way of seeing things, I shall use it and not abuse it! I see what you mean and for sure I won't be buying everything that catches my eye. It's just even though I have the money to buy a set or valkyrie, I just don't feel ready to lay down the money for the luxury. Like for example the 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru v2 for $75 over at HLJ. But to stay sorta on topic, do you think we'll ever see a reanimated (not reimagined) SDF-1?
  9. I envy you guys being able to plop down money on the spot for sets, toys, and model kits with little to no (or some) hesitation--Even if you guys have the money or somewhat not. It's funky to me that I now have the means to buy those lovely items but goddamn those numerical figures hurt.
  10. That scene actually broke my heart... After watching Macross 7 and reading articles about Macross (especially about Max and Millia) I was expecting something so epic and romantic and awesome in the original series. I sat through Robotech (Yeah, I haven't even downloaded the original yet) just to watch them get together. That knife fight was so bad, I couldn't even see straight after that.
  11. These were awesome reads. I'm bookmarking your blog and Crusader's blog now
  12. You probably don't have the codec for it, it works for me and it looks good (though I only viewed it 3 times...) [edit] Actually I see the arms clipping through wings, how about swinging the arms out at an angle? Also for the fuselage, when goes into the chest, how about making it "pop" in instead of sliding in? Nevertheless AKT M, it's pretty darn awesome. Also, instead of rapidshare, why not use mediafire or megaupload?
  13. Hmm, with an art style like that, I can imagine how hardcore it can be. O_o
  14. Yup, the group shot. you can definitely see that they are of the same color.
  15. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FE8O9GOM Macross 7 scans are up [edit] Also, looking in the 4chan's RS section, I found a bunch of rapidshare links and found this site: http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/search/label/Macross (My new favorite place! ) LOTS of Macross scans. Indulge yourselves. The files are all on rapidshare so downloading will take awhile if you don't have an account with them. Also, they are passworded. The PW is "Archive". Smaller Samples (because I can't upload the bigger ones ) from the scanned Macross F fan book from the Archive-Scans site, I think most of you have seen these already though--or bought the book. (2916x4000 pixels reduced to 1458x2000 pixels)
  16. Indeed, my jaw dropped even further when the line "1 week" appeared. By the way, is wood glue considered white glue?
  17. It's the Legendary Cross-Counter Attack!
  18. lol... yeah, I think lately I am somehow becoming more good at that lately. But hey, anything that is missing in the rapidshare file, you can grab directly from Animepaper. Also I believe APrip's torrent also has the older Macross scans in RAR files. But anyway, here's Macross Zero from the torrent for your trouble Will upload Macross 7 in a moment. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CUBBR06X
  19. What? DVDshrink will shrink ISOs. Just click "Open Disc Image", shrink it and back it up. If you can't do it from there, mount the ISO first with something like Daemon-Tools then shrink it.
  20. I don't know which ADC is but there is another program that I know that shrinks DVD-9 to DVD-5: http://www.dvdshrink.org/what_en.php That, or you can burn on DVD-9...
  21. They are a decent community, alot of their wallpapers look absolutely great (while some others suffer for clutter and text), the wallpapers are free though you have to register. Also (I don't know if they still do this) if you participate in their forums you get some of their "currency", this I don't like. But hey, don't worry, either 4chan will grab them and/or APrip will probably already have it [edit]Oh, looks like it's already been grabbed: http://rapidshare.com/files/163401627/Macr...Paper_Scans.rar Enjoy guys!
  22. Armor pack has it's own landing gears maybe? Maybe there are actual openings on the armor? =\
  23. Wait, are the OVAs and movie bundled together with the series? (particularly the DVDs you downloaded...)
  24. I just realized... those are huge buns! But wow, those are really great scans you uploaded there.
  25. Kid on the right is too young to fight I hope the animation stays consistent.
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