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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Weird, Suika is slated for a July release yet Miku Append is due in August. Yet Miku is up for preorder already... Also, production images for the Nendoroid Cirno (looks like she'll be up on Otacute soon): http://www.goodsmile.info/product/en/3109/Nendoroid+Cirno.html This is good news for me, http://www.goodsmile.info/product/en/2568/Nendoroid+Reimu+Hakurei.html http://www.goodsmile.info/product/en/2701/Nendoroid+Marisa+Kirisame.html If they're getting a reissue, that means there's a high chance that Figma Reimu will get reissued too!
  2. Hollywood to Make Another Doom Movie ಠ_ಠ
  3. I thought you guys might be interested in this, it's an indie title by the way. http://ca.kotaku.com/5780445/the-megacities-of-the-future-are-where-giant-mechs-shoot-each-other
  4. Do you blame it on a certain voice? I wonder how are they going to end the films, since the manga (according to Wikipedia) is still ongoing... Think they might try to aim for a simultaneous ending for both manga and the movies?
  5. So Miku Append and the BRS game with the limited edition white rock shooter are up for preorder. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-MOE-2538&template=default/product/e_display.html http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=TVG-PSP-1804&template=default/product/e_display.html Also, can anyone explain to me the significance of "**For sale in Japan only." that's on various items on Ami Ami? ie, http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-MOE-2356&template=default/product/e_display.html Does it really mean that? [edit]Nevermind, looks like that little disclaimer is just there for show it seems.
  6. Kicking myself. I thought they would produce enough to fill all preorders .
  7. Speaking of which...
  8. Well... I personally say get a PS3. Lately, I've seen them go for $250 on Amazon and various other places. As for the HDMI cables? Go to monoprice.com, you won't regret it. Got one for my dad for about $250.
  9. As for the blue screen going by too quick, perhaps try this when you boot into safe mode: Go to System in Control Panel, click the Advanced tab and select Settings under "Startup and Recovery", deselect automatic restart.
  10. I don't know if you guys know this but, http://www.hasbro.com/nerf/en_US/Nerf-Great-Dart-Giveaway.cfm Apparently a mail-in-rebate. You get 50 free darts in the mail if you buy one of the above listed in the link.
  11. I liked her better as Bayonetta.
  12. I just noticed that this forum has integrated twitter into the post reply. How long was that there? Also, "Chrome May Lose Its URL Bar" An exaggeration really, it's still there, but it looks like you'll be able to enter the URLs (and apps) into the tabs themselves, which is kinda neat. Not to mention, you can switch between the old layout and the new one. Ps. I still have that crashing problem, maybe it is the AMD video drivers... probably will install tomorrow.
  13. ...that works out perfectly for me. Didn't mean it that way. I actually prefer it that way too. I just want them to separate the camera control from attack and move. [edit]ALSO! Is there a reason why I cannot bind commands to CTRL and ALT for goodness sake? Why would you do that, Bioware?
  14. Yep. Right-click once and leave alone until you right-click another target or the ground. You can't change it. It's my first foray into Dragon Age, and honestly I'm not exactly liking the controls and combat, it feels pretty cumbersome. I don't like the idea of putting the camera controls, move, and attack all on the same right mouse button. They should've separated camera controls to left-click or another key (like alt). Not to mention, I'm misclicking alot in this game. So instead of my character attacking my intended target, it either attacks something else or does nothing after moving into harm's way since I clicked ground instead of the enemy. I can see myself getting easily used to the controls and combat and liking the game, but first time it's off-putting... (Would be nice to be able to reset the camera back to behind the character and have a camera lock-on a well...)
  15. All I see are these: http://www.hlj.com/product/SET88001 http://www.hlj.com/product/SET88003 Delphine 2nd Type: "¥5,524... This magnificent work stands about 15 centimeters tall." Geh, I thought it be bigger than the revoltech, but it's not really that much bigger...
  16. April release, no need to hurry or worry yet . Also, anyone find any news of a tentative date for the Riobot Jehuty?
  17. So aside from, Dorothy from Big O (she's a June release by the way) Robocop Kuroneko from Ore no Imouto White Rock Shooter Strength from BRS another 10 different Kamen Rider figmas and that one figma that I can't identify from that magazine scan... I don't know how many of you follow Wonder Festival, but it looks like Max Factory/Good Smile is in full force, pumping out figmas and nendoroids for this year and next. http://www.dannychoo.com/post/en/26010/WF2011+Winter+Good+Smile+Company.html http://www.dannychoo.com/post/en/26017/Miku+Append+Figure.html http://absurdnormality.wordpress.com/2011/02/07/winter-wonderfest-2011-figma-coverage/ So far, what they've got for their figma line-up including the above (and not including what's up for preorder last I've checked) are: A redesigned Drossel from Fireball Suika of Touhou Miku Append Three Love Plus figmas Kanbaru and Hachikuji from Bakemonogatari Kaiji Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika two figmas from Kotono no Tsurugi There's probably more that got announced, who knows. I'm not even gonna bother listing the nendoroids cause the figmas are making my head spin already. But notably, Panty and Stocking are getting nendo releases. Cirno is the next Touhou nendoroid after Youmu and Yuyuko. Most interestingly of all is that Mickey and Minnie Mouse are getting a nendo release. Pics of the figmas, nendos, and other stuff by Good Smile in the links by the way. Random pics of release dates here from various sources. [edit]Also forgot to mention, Touma is getting a figma. Comes with nine individual cans!
  18. UK Engineer Saves Own Life with DIY Implant
  19. Already done so quite a while ago . Already reinstalled the network driver, now I just need to see if I run into that little crash again.
  20. No no, I'm running Windows 7. It's just that this little piece of service running in the background used to interfere with my computer's ability to connect to the internet. It's called Bonjour and it's created by Apple. If you install Itunes and such, it gets installed along with it too. I also believe it's bundled with some of Adobe products too...
  21. Probably have updated to MS's provided drivers, I don't remember (I think I probably did it because the PC would not connect to the internet at random times at the time--curse you Apple). Will see if Asus or Realtek has a new driver out later today, will check back sometime in future if anything changes.
  22. [pout]We never get good things like that here in our PS Home.[/pout] There's another bug that involves a "corrupted" MP3 file on your PS3 that can freeze your game =\.
  23. Maybe the file's missing or corrupted? I don't know any particular solution other than reinstalling the drivers or reinstalling Hydra manager. Speaking of which, I've been running into a particular problem ever since I put in the HD6950. I've been getting crashes (blank screen, no response--restart summary describes error as blue screen). Happens nearly all the time when the computer puts the monitor into standby mode for a prolonged period of time. Some further delving points out the Realtek LAN driver being the culprit... Which is weird since this never happened before. The HD6950 still runs like a champ by the way, no crashes in-game whatsoever or in anything else--It's just that little "standby" crash that's bugging me.
  24. Well, the revoltech looks alot better than before--and it has bits! Has any pictures of the Riobot Jehuty surfaced yet?
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