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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Hmm, this might be far-fetched but... could it be that Raiden could be a clone of Gray Fox?
  2. Actually, I meant for you to list some of the stuff you didn't like. I figured it be a long list but nevermind really...
  3. I can see where you're coming from and I do agree a bit but I think you're generalizing a bit too much. Yes, there are alot of pretty bland anime out there. Yes, not all anime are intelligent or has a specific theme to them. Alot of anime do have plot, just not always up there with the better stuff. Practically most of the anime out there do have decent character designs at least... Anime (or anything else) don't exactly have to be intelligent or have a theme to be enjoyable really... Honestly, I want to know what anime have you seen from within this decade that made you come to this conclusion?
  4. But Azumanga Daioh! was great! It can't be just for adults ....and so's Lucky Star.
  5. MGS2 didn't have face camo. Next best thing besides a strong, capable Meryl connecting to a female audience? Use a hot guy/actor/singer/model/etc, Nonsensical MGS2 Comercial featuring Gackt Even if the comercial doesn't make sense... Anyway, I giggled on the inside:
  6. Let's not ever, EVER, bring up that movie again... There's nothing wrong with "borrowing" from other stories. Essentially as someone else pointed out, all stories are practically the same. I like to add to that: Even if it's the same story over and over again, it's how you get to the end of the story is what pretty much matters. Also, here's an anime that I (and many others) like to recommend: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and oh why not, let's toss in Kara no Kyoukai as well.
  7. Pretty much, it be either a brand new story or we play him during the time between MGS2 and MGS4.
  8. I think MGS1 is actually the best in the series. And I don't really hate Raiden but he's kinda like the running joke for Kojima. He actually admitted that he and his staff went out and surveyed random girls in a mall why they wouldn't want to play a game like MGS. They replied "Because it has an old man for the character and not a hot guy~". Kojima was sad and thus Raiden was born. Everyone who played the original MGS wanted to play as the badass again, everyone else who heard about how awesome MGS was wanted to play as the badass. Instead, everyone got Raiden for the remainder of MGS2. We never really got to play as Snake extensively until MGS4. But seriously, I do think Raiden is interesting (ignoring emo-ness). Raiden is kinda like a newer generation "clone" of Snake, raised on modern technology and virtual reality. The Snake of "Now". I actually prefer Snake keep his well-earned rest. Sure I like to see him make an important cameo every now and then.
  9. Not unless we pepper it with bits of Macross What really? I didn't know that. Which PG gundam came with springs? As for the PG VF in Gerwalk model, if they place most of the weight a little bit behind the center of the craft right between the legs, it should be able to balance. Unless they include a stand as a "fix" for Gerwalk... :\ The kit for sure has to come with a stand though. What I'm wondering though, is how they're gonna make it not sag with all that weight.
  10. Oh, I did not know that. Did they ever go back and update the kit and fix any of the problems or are they using the same mold to this very day? It's not really a bad idea to wait and see for the perfect Perfect Grade. But I don't know if they'll actually do a line...
  11. I'm pretty sure a PG kit would have just as much detail as a Hasegawa kit with an added bonus. But then, I'm not really one to say... What? Pink Gundam not to your taste?
  12. Looks like AFK's subs are out. I guess they really are a group this time. I wonder if they'll release an HD version.
  13. Imagine that... if an Enterprise can transform... that'll blow everyone away.
  14. Would thickening the ball-joint with nail polish or the like on the hip gun do any good? As for wings being too heavy... lean it forward, Wing Zero style?
  15. How a Macross game should be. EPIC (with less point-n-click). I kinda realized that Frontier's music reminds alot of Star Wars when someone commented about it...
  16. At least another year, that's my guess.
  17. Ahh yes, I was actually annoyed by their translations too. It really felt kinda jarring to see one thing and hear another. I guess to me, it depends on the anime, its setting and characters. You are right though, it is mostly about preference. But I do prefer literal translations to contextual, but I don't mind the latter if it's done right and tastefully. I thought AFK did a pretty good job with first season of Haruhi, I couldn't really get used to his first episode of Kanon though. Also I like to point out that AFK is actually comprised of one guy who did all the translating, editing, and typesetting for all of AFK releases.
  18. Does anyone have any problem with Life with Playstation running? Like PS3 recognizes Six Axis but the controls don't respond while the Life with Playstation is running? Home button is the only button working for some odd reason... Honestly, I still say it could be dust. The PS3 is an unbelievable dust magnet. Do you have pets by any chance?
  19. Is it really bad all the time? I've seen A.F.K's subs of the first season of Haruhi. I thought his translations were interesting.
  20. I thought those little touches were nice and somewhat befitting for each character as long as they weren't overdone. Though I don't know what to think when they translate actual english words into pop culture equivalents... (also Kyon's line was translated to Delorean, not Mikuru's. )
  21. Pretty much. Though if anyone wants it in fighter mode only, isn't it possible without revealing all the compromises?
  22. I don't think the 1/72 is perfect but it's pretty damn good too me.
  23. CoalGG has some interesting choice of words (especially the ending) that falls in line with a.f.k's style. Dunno about DB-LE.
  24. Seems like I'm the only one having trouble adjusting the legs with the superparts on in fighter mode. I know the lower leg is supposed to be bent downward at an angle but can anyone show me a photo of the legs in correct positioning in fighter mode? [edit] Nevermind, I kinda-sorta figured out how to adjust the legs from going back to the 2nd super thread and looking at Alfye's photo gallery. I guess the diagram really was misleading...
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