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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Thanks Azrael, I've been wondering for a while whether I should install SP3 or not. I guess I'll give it a go sometime next week. Thanks.
  2. I always wondered why couldn't Kojima handle the Terminator games.
  3. Oh just look at the Silent Hill movie, Pyramid Head rips off someone's skin and there were barbed wire tentacles that shredded the cultist leader bitch inside and out.
  4. Odd of me to ask so late in the game but, What differences are there between XP's Service Pack 2 vs Service Pack 3? What updates or optimizations does SP3 tout over SP2? Is SP3 a resource hog or is it neglible compared to SP2? Will it automatically install/update IE7, Media Player, etc or can I disable those installs?
  5. Dammit, I wasted a chance to get the next winning lotto numbers But anyway, neato.
  6. I thought he'd look more like Sean Connery during those games...
  7. There's nothing really special about the animated movie other than it takes place before Isaac arrives. But it's worth a rental or if you can get it for cheap... or you can download it. *It originally aired on the Starz Channel if anyone wanted to know something trivial by the way...
  8. Actually, to save you the trouble: I guess use that clip to gauge whether or not it warrants a purchase, but for $15 (or less), it's not bad.
  9. No, towels are just technologically advanced in the far future. Actually, I went back and watched it again. And whoops, the dude didn't have a towel in the first place.
  10. How do you dunk the outside surface only without flooding the inner side?
  11. Guy runs away from a necromorph and loses his towel in the process--He dies, horribly. Girl runs away from a necromorph and manages to keep her towel on with ease even after being impaled (horribly as well). I was like "Zuh?"
  12. Grey Fox was dead. He was brought back to life. So why not Olga? Hell, even Solidus was revived to be really icky...
  13. If you seen Ghost in the Shell 2, you know what to expect more or less. Slow pacing with a thoughtful/cryptic story. Even if you don't like it too much, the really great--but short and sparse--dogfights inbetween makes up for it I guess. If you can find a Blu-Ray for it, it looks great in hi-def.
  14. I'm hoping for that. If we can build transformations into the game, it be all set and everyone will be happy!
  15. Blowing into them doesn't help anymore? A dry lint-free cloth should do fine. How dirty are they?
  16. I've seen it, and surprisingly I actually enjoyed it. What boggles my mind are the two towel scenes...
  17. I thought there were rumors for an actual Dead Space movie adaptation...
  18. Care to shed some light on this? I'm actually curious about it.
  19. So moe~ I mean "awesome." Actually, the romaji is throwing me off... I'm not used to the way the game spells the words... Did you try "Last Regrets" yet? I actually have great design idea for a Macross game, but alas I don't even know how program nor model properly (yet).
  20. Har har har, Event Horizon 2. That's what they should rename it to.
  21. Oh hey, I found both seasons of the Tower of Druaga on Crunchyroll. Problem (for Australians and New Zealanders) is that you gotta watch all the first season before they take it down in three days. http://www.crunchyroll.com/library/The_Tow..._Aegis_of_URUK- http://www.crunchyroll.com/library/The_Tow..._Sword_of_URUK- Frontpages aren't episode 1 by the way...
  22. Something SANS FRONTIERES and after a bit of googling. "Milatares Sans Frontieres" French for "Military without borders" I guess...
  23. He only knew an older Gray Fox, Raiden is still pretty young. But then again, it is cutting really close...
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