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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. seems like Kotaku is liveblogging Sony's Press Conference... http://kotaku.com/5275931/sonys-e3-expo-live-blig PSP Go for $250? Yowch... oh hey, Gran Turismo on PSP...
  2. I seen it, liked it, but I'm not buying it until I know that's the only release they're making. The movie's not perfect, but I admit they did a good job improving it over the original. However, they still didn't fix that floating, running monster in the first motorcyle fight scene. I'm still peeved about waiting for the release of the original Special Edition Advent Children without any goodies (and no Last Order) only to find out they released a new Limited Edition DVD with some goodies (and still no Last Order). Fast Forward today and the US Blu-Ray gets a release date with no mention of goodies (and possibly still no Last Order or Denzel's OAV...) I'm just gonna wait and see if they'll release anything afterwards.
  3. Better. Sorry if I come across as a dick, but I wish for the same thing as you I guess.
  4. I predict other than the usual plus "surprise" lineup (FFXIII and Versus, GoW3, MAG, Trico, MGS, Drake 2, etc). PSN lineup, demos and services. Some talks about a new PS3 SKU and the PSP Go. Most importantly, they will be announcing the return of backwards compatibility. (Announcement of FFVII remake will be saved for next year ) ...High hopes are of naught really....
  5. You blew my mind away... Look what you did, I needed that thing to study D:
  6. Count me with you. It doesn't really add to the aesthetics of some cars...
  7. Guess they're pretty lazy with updating since Essential Collection and Portable Ops + are, according to them, TBA.
  8. From the makers of Left 4 Dead comes... Left 4 Dead 2? http://kotaku.com/5274465/meet-left-4-dead...e-first-screens
  9. I'm gonna rage if it's exclusive. It better (and hopefully) be multiplatform.
  10. I was expecting something.... different.
  11. I wouldn't say it's creative but the first-person / third-person shooter is the most popular genre in the US... I wouldn't mind seeing another turn-based game...
  12. I thought they did for the Arcades... I'd like to see an arcade/sim of a Macross game. (Yes, using a bit of third person shooting mechanics...)
  13. This could just be a spin-off...
  14. That psp go sure looks familiar
  15. http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=57274 The above torrent has the entire thing. Episode 00 to 14.
  16. Honestly, I woudn't call Azumanga Daioh crap really. Lucky Star though... is hit or miss.
  17. Still have the original discs. No need for the download for me. Should be great for anyone who hasn't played FFVII before. (Also Metal Gear Solid was released on PSN not too long ago.)
  18. Why didn't they take Sega's approach with Valkyria Chronicles then if they wanted to go that route... So is this counted as an actual sequel or spin-off?
  19. Actually, I think the Figmas have that advantage over the Revoltech Frauleins... particular those of the same characters. But I have to admit though, Fraulein Ayanami and Yoko looks great.
  20. I skimmed through both Hostel movies and they're pretty gory. Really digusting, power drill through the leg, operated while alive, blowtorch to the eye, etc. The Saw movies aren't that gory really...
  21. Wait, so there is no UMD drive on the PSP Go? [edit]I guess it doesn't.
  22. If you want to get good poseable figures of the Haruhi cast, get the Figmas. They look better although they use ball-joints instead of rachet-joints like that Revoltechs use. Heck you can re-enact the Hare Hare Yukai Dance if you get all of the figmas! http://hlj.com/hljlist2/?Word=figma&Di...acroType=ActFig Now if only Good Smile / Max Factory can re-release some of the first figures Konataaaaaaaa! Evil Witch Nagatooooooooo! D:
  23. Hostel 1 & 2? Starship Troopers? AVP2? Big title horror films that I can't really remember?
  24. Aren't they re-releasing Second Story on the PSP as well? The only Star Ocean game I ever played was Till the End of Time, that game was so much fun it's a shame I haven't finished it yet. Damn you item creation... Are are all the Star Ocean games inte-related or are they their own stories like how the Final Fantasy games are?
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