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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Not when it's on a higher difficulty, Rancors are not so easy take down when you have three or four of them...
  2. He has to be a Belmont since he's wielding what I assume to be the Vampire Killer. I lol'd, +1 to you good sir.
  3. Trophy says Pasadena (so I assume you live "semi-close" to Pasadena), I live two cities away I'm not a stalker, I swear!
  4. I'm not an avid player of Metroid but even I feel the same way as this: though I do think I can make some use of that vitality sensor...
  5. My god, I knew the whip was awesome but my god, I want that thing now! Also, besides the Star Trek games, has Patrick Stewart ever lent his voice to any game at all?
  6. Include me too! That game really had no faults other than easy difficulty... and that last boss at the end. fart Grand Cross.
  7. Okay, not "take off". "Launch" I know it uses the launch arm, I'm just wondering if they load the gun (and last parts) while on the launch arm... or they already finished that in the hangar...
  8. I didn't know something this awesome and so awesome live so close to me!
  9. That's no mini-battleship... It's a spa--Death Machine. How does it take off though...
  10. The Force Unleashed was a decent game... It just didn't live up to what everyone thought it would be and what the devolopers touted. Saw the video documentary... yup, lightsaber battle still looks clumsy But the cinematic trailer made me see rainbows. It's awesome. Enough said.
  11. That's quite hard to grasp... Honestly, as awesome as Conner = Marcus sounds, I actually prefer the theatrical ending. Even though it may be for an earnest, human reason, but taking over Conner's identity seems more Terminator-like really... (I kinda see the irony there)
  12. You know how what they say about porn, fanboyism can make you go blind just like it.
  13. For multiplayer purposes I mean.
  14. You know what I just realized? "Download playing" ffrom the UMD. Hopefully it'll still work on the PSP Go....
  15. Probably wasn't encoded properly, right now Gametrailers is doing site maintenance.
  16. nope! But think of it this way, it's gonna be multiplat anyway, it's just a matter of "when".
  17. It's amazing that your printer can print that high of a dpi... I wonder if my Epson can do it. I should go read the manual and fiddle with the settings...
  18. I didn't think it was that bad really. Though I am kinda dissapointed somewhat...
  19. Doubles as a whip! Lol for Castlevania. Gotta admit, this is practically on par or surpasses Wii's motionplus..
  20. IGN streaming it right? I'm heading on over there~ FFXIV.... online only? Really? You mean that the Limited Collector's Edition of Advent Children has Last Order? I didn't know that... funny Amazon didn't say anything about it... [edit]Found the review stating it did as well... Oh well.
  21. You only play the downloadable games, or there might be downloadable versions of UMD games as well... or at least that's how I read it...
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