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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. I read that too, I'm surprised they actually pulled it off. Now that you remind me, I now have two things to look forward to~
  2. Looks like K-On! is only twelve episodes long but but BUDOUKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! Anyway, I enjoyed Toaru Majutsu no Index. It's like Godhand almost, except you're in a fictional city of Japan and that Magic and Science are butting heads. I look forward to season 2. Totally recommend it.
  3. I might actually consider getting another VF-25F just for the armored packs... Oh well, I'll worry about that some other time...
  4. @Halfan: Needs a Zentraedi over the ridge.
  5. @MaveRick: Thanks alot, although it's not as big as I hoped, but I'll make do with it.
  6. The body itself really does remind me of Robocop or one those "VR Trooper/Power Ranger" toys from way back when. It be nice if it was actually 1/6 but for 7500 yen for 1/10 scale even with all the awesome gimmicks and stand? I think I'll pass... for now. I gotta admit though, the head sculpt is wonderful.
  7. If it's not too much to ask, can you provide a higher res image? I would actually love to use this as my wallpaper.
  8. Yes! Can it detects a Porkins? Anyway, I always wondered why is the cockpit so tight... Is it for the pilot's safety?
  9. darlin' pweeeez~
  10. True. It took me awhile to find the original post talking about the 30th anniversary gundam before I could post a progress pic of it. This thing does warrant it's own post. [a few seconds later...] ...it's actually considered a model kit?
  11. Unfortunately yes, they are locked. I do not know why they still do it... However there are lists of Blu-Rays known to be region-free: http://bluray.liesinc.net/ http://regionfreemovies.com/
  12. Oh yeah. Nah, you feel just about right.
  13. Incredible, the kit comes with everything. The VF-25S itself, the armored packs, and the SMS stand. Not bad at all. http://www.hwjapan.com/sh/BAN158765.aspx Since I won't be getting right away, I'm letting you guys get the dibs. HWJapan has the Armored VF-25S for 6500 yen.
  14. You can pick up Shadow of the Colossus very cheaply nowadays... Ico on the other hand, is a bit harder to find. Oh wait... you have a Non-B/C PS3? Well, someday they'll be in the PSN store...
  15. We spoke of it in the PS3 thread, but this is no potential gem, it's a giant shining diamond made of love and tears. From what I read somewhere, this game will conclude the trilogy.
  16. Real Human Attempts Street Fighter Car Smash tehe... and, Really Awesome F-16 Flight Simulator, I mean Really
  17. About L4D2, Valve responds to L4D2 boycott, vows support for original keyword is "interoperability", so L4D1 players can play with L4D2 players? Also, FFXIV art YUM! Not viable for PC games really. Just fixing typos. All PS3s should be region-free for PS3 games.
  18. Mio's moe is on par with Captain Falcon's awesome.
  19. K-on Bebop is EPIC WIN. JAV is EPIC FAIL.
  20. No, we're just wishing for it.
  21. You're such a bastard... :cry:
  22. I wish I could say the same for Halo 3... I get only kicks from the multiplayer aspect... I never really liked FPS games on a console... though there are some exceptions, Bioshock being one of them...
  23. Insert obligatory "Can it run Crysis?" here. j/k. Ah, I was confusing SMPlayer with Steam Media Player....
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