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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. What is the website?
  2. YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS! I finally got that damn swing bar out! I actually pushed the entire backside towards the nosecone while I pushed the legs towards the backpack. It took more force than it should to get that mean thing out > Believe it or not, the hinge connecting the two metal bars wasn't just stiff, it is actually STUCK! I can't rotate it beyond a certain point either way! I don't know how it became like this, though it could be the drastic change in temperature here but that shouldn't really affect it... I think it's safe to say that this VF will be staying in fighter mode until I can loosen that impossible hinge. =\ Poastings kitty-kats to halps takes my mindz offa dings.
  3. My god, Love Hina was the anime that got me back into anime Literally bought the entire set all at once. My dad wasn't very happy at the time... And yes, the manga has closure... after 14 loong volumes. I stopped reading NHK since nobody at the time was releasing consistently. I hear it gets pretty depressing later on... Anyway, watching Shikabane Hime on youtube. Neat series by Gainax.
  4. Kinda strange to be an exclusive only but what the hey! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I hope they won't nickle and dime us with unnecessary DLC...
  5. ...The Robocop theme fits those pictures so well. :3 Awesome perspective.
  6. It's okay, I fail at typing when I'm in a hurry. I meant to say" rotating the legs 90 degrees forward" as shown in the CollectionDX Transformation vid and Yamato's site. The CDX vid showed Atom (I think it was him) unclipping/unhooking the backpack from the battroid, then pulling the entire backplate out to put the vertical bar at an angle. Finally, rotating the legs forward to push the hip bar out of the nosecone. Also, I think I know what you mean by catching. Sorta
  7. I think it's one of these sets: http://www.ehobbies.com/tam87085.html yada. The first thing I did before transforming to and fro was to look up CollectionDX's transformation video. General steps were: 1) Unclip backpack 2) Pull backplate 3) Straighten legs and hold both in one hand while holding nosecone in other hand (thumb + index/middle). 4) Gently apply forward and upward pressure on legs toward VF's head while rotating 90 degrees forward. Am I really missing anything?
  8. My VF-1S stuck in battroid mode. For the first time I've been struggling for hours to get my VF-1S to transform back. Goddamn swing bar won't come out even I popped the backplate and propped the legs at 90 degrees... I've done it before how come I can't do it now? :cry: My newly bought Revoltech VF-1J, kinda underwhelmed. I thought it be... tighter.. and sharper. Poseablility's great though. Seems like Haruhi is now resorting to force to convert people to Haruhism.
  9. Question of curiousity: If I partition a hard drive into two parts. The first part holding basically the OS, the latter partition holding programs such as, let's say the games of today. Regardless of how miniscule it is, is there any decrease in performance at all?
  10. After the announcement of PSP Go? Most likely both UMD and download. My giddiness is now overflowing and infectious~ Same here. A minimalistic HUD is the way to go, but a sim game gets some leeway . But instead of just toggling the HUD on and off, it would be nice if we could switch between the old and new layout, change color schemes, or toggle certains parts of the HUD much like Armored Core. No, no, no. That's the next release.
  11. I know it refers to shut-ins but what the heck does neet actually mean and how it came about?
  12. This most accurately depicts the overwhelming level of powerful giddiness that is radiating from my entire body Florine. Uranium. Carbon. Potassium. Yeah! Singing Angel Voice with the Space Whales! Whoaa whoa whoooaa! Whoaah whoa whoooa whoa uwhooahh! Even though it's not really necessary, small touches like that really helps make the game. Though, I don't like the HUD too much. I'll live with it though. Anyway, I wanna hear that release date. :3
  13. That's kinda awesome! It looks like a really sleek microwave! @David: If you're still looking for a PSU, there's this OCZ 700W for $49.99 after rebate.
  14. An mATX case? Mileage may vary I guess, but I know for sure the Antec mini P180s can hold those huge cards (I think you might need to remove one of the hard drive cages to do that)...
  15. Samsung HDs don't seem to be that bad either. also, I don't know if it's already used up but Newegg does have a 10% off of hard drives. "EMCHDD10A"
  16. You can also save 2.5% to 3.5% when signing up for http://www.bing.com/cashback/ (previously Live Cashback). Though you won't get your check right away... It's nice know sites like www.slickdeals.net to help out saving on purchases (or spending more...)
  17. I just watched Macross Zero (again~) and believe it or not, it's present in Zero too. When Shin decides to do an aerial dance with Nora in the final episode.
  18. Kotaku loads up for me, but at a fricking crawl... it takes like almost a minute to have one page fully loaded... Works sorta fine in Firefox for me though.
  19. GRAHAM! I love you. Bottom right corner of scan, looks like we CAN play it like Ace Combat! Hooray!
  20. a few seconds in and I kinda died a little inside...
  21. I see Warbee has stolen Earthworm Jim's gun That's pretty awesome you did everything yourself. Just one thing, how about putting him in a better pose when hovering?
  22. I'll chime in as well, the newer 1/60s looks and feels more accurate overall. I still haven't got used to transforming it though...
  23. I fail.... hard. I actually forgot that. But anyway, what is controlling those nozzles? The flightstick? Also, I watched ep 2 of Macross Zero and interestingly, the flighstick doesn't control the RIGHT arm, doesn't seem it be head-tracking either. Throttle stick itself doesn't control the arm and it doesn't look like it's in 45 degrees either but I think that's just perspective... =\ I think it's safe to say it's the hat sticks that are controlling the arms. [edit]apparently I don't know right from left.
  24. I guess their shipping quote on the product page is kinda misleading...
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