I like this one comment that followed: "It's like snorting cocaine off a hooker's ass." Perfectly describes the movie.
Maybe give me a year or two before I change my attitude towards the movie...
Don't forget the weapons and powered armors.
Since the movie is probably going to play out like a documentary, I hope they don't liberally employ the "shaky cam" during chaotic scenes. I'm starting to get tired of not being able to see what's going on.
Well that's not true, the Ace Combat team is still alive and kicking (and still with Bamco) as they're developing a Sky Crawlers game for the Wii:
Thanks. In that case, I really do think they ought to step into Armored Core's direction with customization, it'll probably please alot of mech junkies.
Unless Bandai Namco has some kind of blood-contract tethering the Ace Combat series to Microsoft, you can be sure as hell that they will make Ace Combat 7 sometime in the future. Thing is though, how far is that and will it be multiplatform? =\
I don't know if it's just me or if they're just purposely running through it, but the first series feels alot more polished compared to the new Fullmetal Alchemist.
I think it's more than just a homage, but rather a particular line in the lyrics: "The courage that you gave me is over 110 million". Pretty much, giving Kyon the courage to speak up. Or at least that's how I see it.